
  • 网络false report
  1. 聚光灯在周一转向谷歌(Google),因为它在搜索排名中突出了一则虚假报道,称特朗普已经赢得民众选票。

    The spotlight shifted to Google on Monday after it gave prominence in its search rankings to a false report claiming that Mr Trump had won the popular vote .

  2. 关于媒体方面的虚假报道,49%的医生把他们视为故意,37%的医生认为媒体对医疗的报道需要的合格的新闻学术把关。

    In terms of false media reports , 49 % of doctors took them as deliberate , and37 % thought that the media needed qualified scientific gatekeepers for their medical news .

  3. 文章认为,新闻界存在的四大公害&虚假报道、有偿新闻、低俗之风、不良广告,正使传媒公信力遭受着侵蚀与损害。

    Credibility of the media depends for its survival and development on the basis that the media valuable intangible asset is the media foundation , because of the four hazard , which means False reports , paid news , vulgarity , bad advertisement .

  4. 世界最大社交网络将在未来几周内将其假新闻过滤工具引进德国。此前德国曾经流传一些耸人听闻的虚假报道,比如声称该国最古老的教堂被1000名暴徒焚烧。

    The world 's largest social network is bringing its test of fake-news filtering tools to Germany in the coming weeks after the spread of false stories such as one claiming Germany 's oldest church was set on fire by a mob of 1000 people .

  5. 但与此同时,也出现了一系列的问题,如虚假报道、不良广告、炒作成风以及庸俗、低俗、恶俗的三俗之风盛行等对媒体造成恶劣影响。

    But at the same time a series of issues occur , such as false reports , bad advertisements , and the common practice of speculation as well as the prevailing of philistine , vulgar and nasty . They have exerted a baneful influence on the media .

  6. 对于那些不熟悉虚假新闻报道概念的人而言,经常错把《洋葱》的讽刺和幽默当真。

    For those unfamiliar with the concept of fake news stories , their satire and humor can easily be missed .

  7. 即便是在德国、西班牙和意大利等历史悠久的民主国家,社交媒体上的虚假新闻报道和仇恨言论也在煽动草根阶层的民粹主义运动。它们常将目标对准最近大量涌入的中东难民,以在选举中获得更广泛的支持。

    Even in long-established democracies like Germany , Spain and Italy , false news reports and hate speech on social media have whipped up grass-roots populist movements , which have often targeted the recent influx of Middle Eastern refugees , to garner wider electoral support .

  8. 近年来,关于虚假诉讼的新闻报道频频出现在报刊之上。

    In recent years , the reports about false action appeared in newspapers frequently .