
  • 网络network enterprise;Networked enterprises;;Network of Enterprises
  1. 针对机会价值的评估,引入期权理论,特别是Black-Scholes的期权定价模型,较为成功地解决了机会价值评估的问题,为网络企业整体价值的评估做了很好的铺垫。

    The theory of option is introduced when value of opportunity is valuated , especially Black-Scholes model , which resolve the problem of valuation of opportunity and lay a good foundation for valuation of Internet enterprise .

  2. 网络企业&新经济形式下的价值评定

    The Value Analysis of the Dot - coms in New Economy

  3. 湖南电广网络企业化运作的实践与探索

    Practice and Research of Enterprise Operating for Hunan TV & Broadcast Network Companies

  4. 网络企业经营状况不佳是目前世界性的难题;

    The poor operation of network enterprises is a worldwide problem at present .

  5. 网络企业的竞争特征和要素分析

    Net Enterprises : Their Competitive Features and Key Elements

  6. 网络企业市场空间广阔,然而竞争也十分激烈。

    Though the market space of the internet is enormous , it is very competitive .

  7. 最后分析了在有线网络企业中加强产品管理的意义及其方法和措施。

    Finally , the purport and means of cable network enterprise enhancing product management are analyzed .

  8. 网络企业盈利模式研究

    Research on Internet Enterprise Profitable Modes

  9. 中国网络企业的发展规模及发展速度独步天下。

    The scale and pace of growth of the internet companies in China exceeds anywhere else .

  10. 网络企业质量评价模型

    Quality evaluation model of net corporation

  11. 然后根据网络企业的特点介绍了网络企业的不同发展阶段以及各个阶段的成本和效益;

    Then I analyze the benefit and the cost of the internet company in different develop stages ;

  12. 对于大型网络企业和中小网络企业的股权融资方式进行了分类和总结,为中国网络企业的股权融资提出了系统的融资模式。

    It also classifies and summarizes the stock-financing mode of the big and the small Internet Company .

  13. 网络企业的顾客关系管理面临更多的挑战和不确定因素,顾客流失也变的更加常态化。

    CRM of network enterprises face more challenges and uncertainties , the loss of customers become more prevalent .

  14. 网络企业是一种新兴的事物,它是现代企业和互联网结合的必然产物。

    Network enterprise is a kind of new developing things , it is the inevitable result that the modern enterprise combined with the internet .

  15. 以这一理论为基础,提出的市场网络企业三分法的分析框架,把网络组织作为企业间制度安排的一个层次。

    On basis of this theory , the three-divided framework of " market-network-hierarchy " considers network organization as one level of institutional arrangement among enterprises .

  16. 文章从网络企业的角度,对于金融市场、融资方式、融资组合等进行了分析和论述,提出了一些自己的观点。

    From the point of view of Internet Company , the article brings forward some viewpoint in money market , financing mode and financing combination .

  17. 因此,本文从理论上对网络企业的价值创造和源泉以及网络企业价值评估的原则、特点和方法等作了一个较为全面的阐述;

    This article has formulate in theory the origin of the enterprise value , and the principles , features , method of the valuation of Internet enterprise .

  18. 本文对网络企业、项目管理、协同理论三方面进行了有机结合,在前人研究的基础上,提出了自己的理论观点和实现思路。

    The paper integrated network enterprise , project management and Synergetic Theory , author 's own theory view and realized thinking is put forward on the basis of the thing that forefathers study .

  19. 网络游戏企业向未成年人提供游戏服务的时长,法定节假日每日累计不得超过3小时,其他时间每日累计不得超过1.5小时。对此不少家长反映该标准仍较宽松,建议从严压缩。

    Online game companies could provide no more than one and a half hours of service to minors on ordinary days , with the limit set at no more than three hours on official holidays .

  20. 网络联盟企业中基于Web的制造执行系统

    Web - based manufacturing execution system in the extended enterprise

  21. 基于BP神经网络的企业效绩综合评价方法

    Integrated evaluation method for enterprise achievement

  22. 基于模糊集和BP神经网络的企业投资决策绩效集成评价

    Performance Integration Evaluation of Investment Decision-making of Firm Based on Fuzzy Set and BP Neural Network

  23. 基于BP神经网络的企业发展内部动力测量模型研究

    The Research of Test Model of Innovative Enterprise Development 's Inner Power Based on BP Neural Network

  24. VPN是网络时代企业不同地区分支机构间通信的主要手段,Tunnel技术更是VPN实现的主要手段。

    VPN is a main mean to communicate between a company 's branches of different areas in network echo . , most of which is realized through Tunnel .

  25. IPVPN是一种新兴的IP业务,它能够使用现有的公共IP网络为企业或特定用户建立虚拟的专用网络,节省用户的组网与维护成本,正受到越来越多的关注。

    IP VPN is a new service , which can establish virtual networks for enterprise and client by utilizing the common network , it saves net recourse and makes it easy to maintain the net .

  26. CIM是一个DMTF标准,它是全面描述网络或企业环境中的管理信息的模型。

    CIM is a DMTF standard and a model for describing overall management information in a network or enterprise environment .

  27. 融合电信网络和企业应用的统一业务体系研究

    Research on universal service architecture converging enterprise application and telecom networks

  28. 网络时代企业人力资源管理的对策

    Countermeasures of Enterprise for Human Resource Management in the Cyber Age

  29. 基于网络的企业文化变革问题研究

    Research on the Question of Corporate Culture Transformation Based on Network

  30. 网络联盟企业中制造单元的作业计划与调度

    Production planning and scheduling in manufacturing cell for the extended enterprise