
  1. 当时,新浪的游戏业务已经折戟沉沙,门户中只有网易游戏取得了成功。

    At that time , the game business of sina has folded halberd heavy sand , only Netease game gained a success in the portal .

  2. 搜狐的门户与新浪的相当,而只有网易的游戏能够比较盛大。

    Sohu 's portal is growing as strongly as Sina and only Netease can compare to Shanda in gaming .

  3. 另一个移动市场研究机构Newzoo表示,中国今年将向移动游戏市场投入10个亿。目前为止,腾讯和网易是中国游戏市场最主要的开发商。

    Another mobile market monitor -- Newzoo noted that China is set to reach a billion mobile games market this year , saying Tencent and NetEase are by far the most dominant publishers in the nation .