
  • 网络Network Security Expert;network security specialist;CIW;CIW Security Professional
  1. 网络安全专家敦促Windows7用户升级操作系统。

    Cyber-security experts are urging Windows 7 users to upgrade their operating system .

  2. 正如IT服务提供商BT公司的首席安全技术官、网络安全专家布鲁斯·施奈德指出的那样,黑客的确无处不在。

    Indeed , hackers are everywhere , according to Bruce Schneier , security expert and chief security technology officer for IT service-provider BT.

  3. 微软(Microsoft)前网络安全专家戴维•波林顿(DavidPollington)已被任命为班伯里中心的下一任负责人,接替即将退休的首席安迪•霍普金斯(AndyHopkins)。

    David Pollington , former Microsoft cyber security expert , has been lined up to replace retiring chief Andy Hopkins at the Banbury centre .

  4. 此外,Windows操作系统不开放源代码,网络安全专家无法直接修改、增加操作系统中关于网络协议实现的代码来改善操作系统的安全性。

    Besides , Windows OS does not open source code , and therefore network security specialists are unable to directly modify or add network protocol code to ensure the security of the OS .

  5. 自去年以来,网络安全专家一直警告称,Isis将仿效叙利亚电子军(SyrianElectronicArmy)的做法,针对西方政府和企业发动网络攻击。

    Cyber security experts have warned since last year that Isis would follow in the footsteps of the Syrian Electronic Army to target cyber attacks at western governments and corporations .

  6. 自称网络安全专家的澳大利亚企业家克雷格•史蒂芬•赖特(CraigStevenWright)宣布自己就是化名“中本聪”(SatoshiNakamoto)的比特币创造者。

    Craig Steven Wright , an Australian entrepreneur and self-declared cyber security expert , has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto , the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin .

  7. 但是萨里大学网络安全专家艾伦•伍德沃德教授对BBC说,绑定的设备越多,安全风险越大。

    But Professor Alan Woodward , a cybersecurity expert from Surrey University , told the BBC the more connections which are made between devices , the greater the risk of a security weakness .

  8. 曾与联合国、北约(Nato)及美国政府合作的网络安全专家马克•古德曼(MarcGoodman)表示,从“地缘政治、战略和国家安全视角看”,这些信息对中国将是非常有用的。

    Marc Goodman , a cyber security expert who has worked with the UN , Nato and the US government , said the information would be incredibly useful to China from a " geopolitical , strategic , national security perspective . "

  9. 多年来,网络安全专家一直在告诉人们警惕物联网设备的风险,在他们的年度会议DefCon上公开展示引人注目的黑客攻击,展现出从联网汽车到胰岛素泵等一切事物都可能被入侵。

    Cyber security experts have been warning about the risk of Internet of Things devices for years , staging high profile hacks at their annual conference Def Con that show how everything from connected cars to insulin pumps could be hacked .

  10. 如果他们够聪明,他们就该维持现状,淡化媒体对他们审查行为的关注,前CNN记者、网络安全专家丽贝卡·麦金农(RebeccaMacKinnon)在一篇博客中说。

    If they are smart they will just leave the situation as is and stop drawing media attention to their censorship practices , said Rebecca MacKinnon , a former CNN journalist and internet security expert , in a blog post .

  11. 网络安全专家表示,将被窃取的信息结合起来,令网络犯罪者能够拼凑出完整的用户身份信息。

    Combining stolen information can allow cyber criminals to piece together comprehensive user identities , cyber security experts said .

  12. 该组织在自己的网站上声称,自己是一个与其它黑客组织有联系的网络安全专家联盟。

    That group identifies itself on its website as an alliance of Internet security professionals with links to other hacker groups .

  13. 网络安全专家常说,要你记住的密码越难,就越安全。

    Cyber-security experts often say that the harder the password is for you to remember , the more secure it is .

  14. 网络安全专家非常乐于看到总统公开谈论这些问题,十年来,这成为了一个越来越让人关切的问题。

    Security experts were delighted to see a president publicly address issues that have been a growing concern for a decade .

  15. 分析上述攻击的网络安全专家们表示,黑客对个人进行暗中监视,还采用了其它复杂手法,这意味着极难阻止他们。

    Cybersecurity experts analysing the attacks said the hackers spied on individuals and used other sophisticated techniques making them extremely difficult to stop .

  16. 然而,网络安全专家却警告网络用户,警惕别有用心的网络黑客利用电子贺卡传播病毒和间谍软件。

    However , internet security experts urge web users to be wary as malicious hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware .

  17. 这位自称网络安全专家的公告引发了全球科技专家的怀疑,因为围绕这种加密货币的创造仍疑云密布。

    The announcement by the self-styled security expert sparked scepticism among tech experts globally , given the enduring mystery surrounding the creation of the crypto currency .

  18. 中国万网研发中心拥有一支由多名网络安全专家、软件工程专家和项目管理专家组成的专业队伍。

    HiChina R & D center has a team of more than network security experts , software engineering experts and project management experts , the professional team .

  19. 网络安全专家们被迫去保护自己的数据和程序不被网络黑客和商业间谍所窃取。

    Security administrators are scrambling to protect their infrastructure and data from network abuse , publicity seeking hackers , corporate espionage , and theft of confidential or proprietary information .

  20. 与此同时,网络安全专家们相信窃取网银的黑客们大多数来自于讲俄语的国家,另外他们的技术也愈发先进。

    At the same time , hackers who target online accounts security experts believe the vast majority of them are located in Russian-speaking countries have been seriously elevating their game .

  21. 美国安全部门和网络安全专家正在细读中国最新的五年规划,从中寻找哪些美国企业可能成为中国下一批黑客攻击目标的线索。

    US security services and cyber security specialists are scouring China 's latest five-year plan for clues to which US companies might become the next targets of Chinese hacking attacks .

  22. 网络安全专家表示,由于经济形势黯淡,发行商为了提高广告收入将更多的广告空间销售外包,专家们已经发现内嵌恶意软件的广告数量有所增加。

    Web security experts say they have seen an uptick in the number of ads harboring malware as the economy has soured and publishers , needing to boost their ad revenues , outsource more of their ad-space sales .

  23. 报告称,近几年增长迅速的云计算和在线教育今年还将进一步加速,而公司对网络安全专家的需求也将随之扩大,以更好应对黑客的侵扰。

    The fast growth of cloud computing and online education in the past couple of years will accelerate this year , the report says , as will demand for cybersecurity experts who can oversee stronger defenses against hackers .

  24. 网络安全专家警告称,组织中的高层管理人员可能面临更大风险,因为黑客会推测他们有很好的信用评级,或者在远程工作时可以访问机密的工作文件。

    Senior managers and executives in organisations may be even more at risk , cyber security experts warn , as hackers will presume they have good credit ratings or perhaps access to confidential work files while working remotely .

  25. 今年一季度,受雇保护企业不受黑客侵扰的“网络安全专家”,超过银行、金融等领域的职业,成为中国最受追捧的白领工作。

    Cyber security specialists , hired to protect companies from hackers , is becoming the most sought-after white collar job in China , pushing aside jobs in areas such as banking and finance in the first quarter of 2017 .

  26. 网络安全专家们表示,这个类型的攻击目前尚不普遍,但预计会有所增加,尤其公司的防范还增加了其他类型攻击(比如通过收银台设备窃取信用卡数据)的实施难度。

    Cyber security experts say this kind of attack is not yet common but they expect it to rise , particularly as companies make it more difficult to conduct other types of attacks , such as stealing credit card data from point of sale devices .

  27. 网络安全专家表示,中国的间谍机构已指示本国黑客不要参加全球黑客大赛,而要向安全部或涉事公司报告其发现的任何漏洞。北京方面目前正试图收紧对科技和信息的控制。

    China 's spy agency has ordered local hackers to abstain from global hacking contests and instead report any vulnerabilities to the security ministry or the affected company , according to cyber security experts , as Beijing seeks to tighten its control over technology and information .

  28. 美国萨里大学网络安全专家艾伦•伍德沃德教授表示:“奇怪的是等了这么久它才出现。这一技术已经存在有一段时间了,所以现在的问题是让银行卡专家相信这是一件值得做的事。”

    Professor Alan Woodward , a cyber-security expert from Surrey University , said : ' It 's surprising it has taken so long for this to appear . The technology has existed for some time so now it will be a case of persuading card processors that it is worth doing . "

  29. 软件开发人员在线论坛网站Github遭遇强劲网络攻击,安全专家相信这次网络攻击源自中国。目前,Github网站上托管着中国互联网用户可用来绕开中国国内审查机制的工具软件。

    Github , an online forum for software developers that also hosts tools used by Chinese internet users to bypass censorship , has been hit by a powerful cyber attack that security experts believe originated in China .

  30. 基于神经网络的数据库安全专家系统的实现

    Implementation of Database Security Expert System based on Neural Network