
  • Internet celebrity;web celebrity;Network Reds;cyber-diaist
  1. 女性作为网络红人中一个独特的群体,是吸引受众最多,也是受到议论最多的一个群体。

    Women as a distinct group in the network Reds attract the audience the most , but also by a group of the most talked about .

  2. 她们的相继成名,引发广大女性的纷纷效仿,女性网络红人现象已不再是单纯的网络文化现象,更是成为全社会普遍关注的社会现象。

    Their successive fame , caused the majority of women have followed suit , female network Reds phenomenon is no longer a simple network of cultural phenomenon , is to become a social phenomenon of common concern to society as a whole .

  3. BuzzFeed动画公司目前由扎o弗兰克负责管理。扎o弗兰克原本是一个网络红人,他于2012年加盟BuzzFeed。

    BuzzFeed Motion Pictures is run by Ze Frank , an early viral video star who joined BuzzFeed in 2012 .

  4. 不爽猫的官网显示:“2012年9月22日,不爽猫的照片出现在Reddit上,然后一夜之间成了网络红人。”

    The cat 's website says ' Grumpy Cat became an internet sensation after her photo was posted on Reddit on September 22 , 2012 .

  5. 加文的成功在很大程度上得益于他的叔叔——网络红人尼克·马斯托东。加文的叔叔最早在视频平台Vine上发布加文的有趣视频,当时加文只有两岁。

    Gavin 's success was helped in no small part by his uncle , the internet celebrity Nick Mastodon , who first started posting funny videos of the child at the age of two on the video platform Vine .

  6. 中国有两种网络红人。一是因自制原创内容出名的,比如曾因在视频中频繁使用粗俗语言而被勒令整改的Papi酱。第二种就是网络时尚达人。

    There are two types of internet celebrities in China - those who create original content like Papi Jiang , who was once censured for excessive use of foul language in her videos , and the " fashionistas . "

  7. 目前为止,中国共有100多万网络红人。

    There are more than 1 million Internet stars in China .

  8. 也是从那时起,她成为了网络红人。

    Since then , she 's cultivated a massive online presence .

  9. 我猜就是因为这样她才成为网络红人

    I guess that 's how she became an internet sensation .

  10. 嗯那是你成为网络红人之前了

    Yeah , that was before you were an internet phenomenon .

  11. 此外,那只名叫闪电的树懒也快速成为网络红人。

    Meanwhile , Flash the sloth is fast becoming an Internet celebrity .

  12. 难怪这位“新闻闯客”会在一夜间成为网络红人。

    No wonder the'news raider'has become an overnight internet sensation .

  13. 这样,你或许也能像徐山姆一样,变成网络红人。

    It may make you as famous as Sam Tsui .

  14. 这就是为什么我们都能成为下一个网络红人。

    That 's why we 're both going to be the next big thing .

  15. 由于这位作家是一位网络红人,消息一出便引起了极大的反响。

    As he is a popular network-writer , when the news came out it caused great repercussions .

  16. 一对在地铁吻别的情侣最近意外成为网络红人。

    Some video footage of a couple kissing goodbye on a subway platform has caused an internet stir .

  17. 在他看来,卖水果比做IT更有前途。因此,27岁的他毅然选择辞职,成为时下的网络红人&IT水果哥。

    So the 27-year-old quit his job , becoming an online sensation : the geek who sells fruit .

  18. 改善营养,以赞换赞,没过多久我就一跃成为网络红人。

    stepped up my nutrition , traded likes for likes , and before long , I was instafamous .

  19. 她爽朗的性格也使她一夜之间成了网络红人,“洪荒之力”一词便流行起来。

    Her bubbly personality made her an internet celebrity overnight , and with that started the prehistoric powers trend .

  20. 这名男孩就是网络红人加文·托马斯,中国人称他为“假笑男孩”。

    That child was viral internet star Gavin Thomas , known in China as " fake smile boy . "

  21. 他们的发现也在好几个我们最喜欢的网络红人身上得到验证。

    Here 's what they found , as illustrated by a few of our favorite social media loving celebs .

  22. 句子:犀利哥从来没有想过当“时尚偶像”或网络红人。

    Brother Sharp never wanted to be a " fashion icon " or a blue-eyed boy on the Internet .

  23. 最后,在结尾肯定了时尚网络红人现象出现所带了的积极意义。

    And finally , the article Affirms the positive significance in the phenomenon of fashion icon online at the end .

  24. 近年来网上不断涌现出的各式各样的网络红人,就是互联网时代的特有现象和产物。

    The Internet star emerging in recent years is a peculiar phenomenon and product of the age of the Internet .

  25. 随着互联网的迅速发展,众多网络红人陆续深入到青少年网民的生活当中。

    With the rapid development of Internet , many " web stars " deep into successively the youth netizens in life .

  26. 由网络红人引起的网络青年低俗文化现象,已经成为了社会关注的热点问题。

    Caused by " web stars ", the phenomenon of the youth vulgar internet culture has become a social hot issue .

  27. 究竟《还是甲方乙方》这种延续经典的片名和网络红人凤姐在合作中会擦出怎样的火花呢?

    What will happen when Still Dream Factory , an extend of the classic title cooperate with the network stir Sister Feng ?

  28. 但是,自打两个月前他们将这些录音传到博客之后,这对儿夫妻瞬间成为了网络红人,点击率超高。

    But since they started posting his comments on a blog two months ago , the couple have been overwhelmed by its popularity .

  29. 然而,作为当今网络红人之一的罗玉凤却否认自己成名与外援有关。

    However , Luo Yufeng , one of the biggest Web celebrities today , denies receiving any help on her road to stardom .

  30. 许多年轻的女孩子们变成网络红人不是因为她们唱功或者是舞蹈出众,而是因为她们长得就像真人版洋娃娃。

    Young girls are fast becoming internet sensations not because of their vocal skills or dance moves , but because they resemble living dolls .