
  1. 请即行动以体验快捷轻松的网上理财服务。

    ACT NOW and experience our fast and hassle-free Internet banking services .

  2. 基于二代身份证和单点登录技术建立个人网上理财中心

    Building a Personal On-line Finances Center Based on New-generation ID Card and Single-Sign-On ( SSO ) Technology

  3. 商业银行网上个人理财业务问题研究

    The Research of Online Personal Financial Service Problems in Commercial Bank

  4. 第二个值得我们分外注意的电子银行特性,就是在网上提供理财或付款服务的。

    The second characteristic deserving our special attention is the nature of the person or company which is offering US banking or payment services over the internet .

  5. 这个数字之所以增长的这样快并非偶然,互联网确实给人们提供了便捷:网上购物、网上理财、网络学习等等,这在十几年前网络起步期是根本无法想象的。

    This number is growing so quickly was not accidental , the Internet really provides people with convenient .

  6. 境外运作:可以使用网上银行或电话理财,方便日常操作。

    Domestic handling and offshore operation : can use internet bank or phone banking service , convenient for daily operation .