
  • 网络Cyber bullying;cyberbully;Cyberbullying;cyber violence
  1. 网络暴力也随着计算机技术的更新和网络普及率的提高而出现并愈演愈烈。

    As information technology is being updated rapidly and the popularizing rate of the internet is increasing , cyberbullying emerged and became increasingly fierce .

  2. 最后,本文以马克思主义哲学关于人的学说作为理论基础来反思和批判网络暴力问题。

    Finally , the dissertation is supported by the concepts of human attributes in the theory of Marxist Philosophy , thus to introspect and criticize cyberbullying .

  3. 网络暴力、信息自由与控制&传播速度的视角

    Cyber Bully , Information Freedom and Control-A Viewpoint of Communication Speed

  4. 广州市青少年网络暴力游戏状况分析

    An Analysis on Cyber Violence Games of Teenagers in Guangzhou

  5. 第四部分主要阐述了对于网络暴力的相关法律思考。

    The fourth part mainly elaborated the related legal thinking for network violence .

  6. 网络暴力游戏与青少年暴力行为的相关性

    Relativity between Juvenile Behavior and Online Violent PC Games

  7. 我们的国家正处于战争的一项影响深远的网络暴力和仇恨。

    Our nation is at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred .

  8. 网络暴力、隐私泄露等已经成为了重中之重的问题。

    Network violence , privacy leaks and other problems have become the most important issue .

  9. 两者都能比较好的应用于网络暴力视频的过滤中。

    Both of the models can be applied in the violent vide filtering on the internet .

  10. 网络暴力在中国是个突出的问题,中国是世界上网络普及率最高的国家之一。

    Cyber-bullying is a big concern in China , one of the world 's most wired countries .

  11. 主要要提出了关于网络暴力的法律应对,这部分也是本文的重点之所在。

    Mainly to response about the network violence law , this part is the focus of this article .

  12. 网络暴力则是基于互联网的兴起与发展而产生的一种象征性的暴力。

    The network violence is a symbol violence , which ensues from the upspring and development of the network world .

  13. 并且,在近几年,这种功能性作用的趋向性越来越突出,如网络暴力、网络监督等。

    Besides , effect of such function is more and more notable in recent years , such as network violence , network supervision and etc. .

  14. 最后提出,法律手段必须与其他手段相结合,才能更好更全面的规制网络暴力的产生和发展。

    Finally , legal action must be combined with other means , in order to better and more comprehensive regulation the emergence and development of the network violence .

  15. 最后是对网络暴力对策的研究,从网民自身、网络环境和法律等角度对网络暴力的解决提出了可行性的方案。

    The final part is a study about the countermeasures of the internet punk that gives feasible solutions in terms of Netizens , the network environments and the law .

  16. 男主持:一段由来自(华盛顿州)斯潘诺威的五名小学生制作的视频使网络暴力引起公众的注意。

    When Your Classmates Really Hate You Host : The world of cyber-bullying has been put in the spotlight by a video made by five elementary students in Spanoway .

  17. 对于网络暴力、网络谣言、网络欺诈等互联网上的毒瘤,必须强化底线意识,坚持依法治理。

    Cyber violence , online rumor and online fraud are the tumors of the Internet . We must stick to the bottom line and exercise governance in accordance with the law .

  18. 袁姗姗对此网络暴力的回应是,秀出马甲线,彻底扭转自身形象,并且迅速涨粉。

    In reaction to this cyber violence , yuanshanshan totally reversed her image and gained great number of fans almost overnight by just showing off what Chinese call " vest-line abs . "

  19. 本文在阐释网络暴力的概念、特征、分类的前提下,对网络暴力进行刑法规制的必要性进行论述,论证网络暴力中构成犯罪的情形,对如何以刑法规制网络暴力提出自己的构想。

    At the same time , the author makes a argument about the necessity of the criminal law regulation of the network violence and the situation if the network violence constitute a crime .

  20. 针对网络暴力、蝴蝶效应、数字鸿沟和身份困境几方面,全面客观地对待网络反腐,科学规避其固有矛盾,发挥反腐实效。

    Aiming at internet violence , butterfly effect , digital divide and identity dilemma , we should objectively treat network anti-corruption , scientifically avoid the inherent conflicts , perform the practical effects in anti-corruption .

  21. 这一部分主要从四个方面分别提出了有关网络暴力法律规制的建议,强调了法律手段是解决网络暴力及其产生问题的最有效的手段。

    This part mainly from four aspects respectively , puts forward some Suggestions on legal regulation of the network violence , emphasizes the legal means is to solve the problems of the network violence and the most effective means .

  22. 同时群体情感动员也产生了许多现实影响,比如影响公共事件进程,缓解社会压力起到安全阀作用,但也容易滋生网络暴力。

    At the same time , emotional mobilization has a lot of influences of reality , such as impact the process of public events , play the role of safety valve to ease social pressure , but also breed internet violence .

  23. 网络暴力的主体是人,涉入网络之中的主体之间充斥着关于自由与平等的矛盾冲突,这些不同群体之间的伦理关系共同构成网络暴力的整体。

    Human beings , the main body the network violence , which involve in the network world , are full of the conflicts about the freedom and equality . The ethic relationships among the diverse network groups constitute the whole network violence thing .

  24. 毕竟不文明驾驶或者网络暴力不会导致一个人失去升职加薪的机会,然而在职场中,你要时时保持自己的专业形象,这一点早就是职场人的共识了。

    Less-than-courteous driving or letting loose with an online screed is , after all , unlikely to cost anyone his or her next raise or promotion , while being on one 's best behavior in any professional setting is generally a common-sense career move .

  25. 微博公民新闻的蓬勃发展的同时,虚假新闻、网络暴力、名誉权和隐私权的侵犯、弱势群体话语权缺失、城乡之间的信息沟加深等问题也接踵而至。

    When enjoying its prosperity , micro blog citizen journalism also brings problems such as false news , internet violence , defamation and privacy violations and lack of voice of disadvantaged groups as well as the deepening of the " information gap " between urban and rural areas .

  26. 网络游戏暴力行为的形成机制趋向复杂化。

    The cause of net-game-violence activity become more complex .

  27. 网络文化暴力特征、类型及实现路径分析

    An Analysis of the Feature , Type and the Path of Internet Cultural Violence

  28. 这为网络上用暴力法攻击开了方便之门。

    This opens it to a brute-force attack over a network .

  29. 它对网络和现实生活都发挥了一定的积极作用,同时也产生了一些诸如网络暴力和隐私侵权的问题。

    It played a great role in both the internet and reality , but brought lots of problems such as internet violence and privacy infringement .

  30. 第三章:探究新媒体语境下大学生网络政治参与出现的诸如:政治冷漠、政治狂热、偏激盲目、网络政治谣言、暴力参与、现实脱节等困惑。

    Chapter three discusses the confusions of college students ' political participation through the new media , such as political apathy , political fanaticism , extreme blindness , political rumors among the network , violence involvement , and unrealistic .