
zōnɡ hé yǔ
  • synthetic language
  1. 英语是综合语型语言,可通过多种方式添加词缀隐喻化为名词。

    English is a synthetic language whose words may be metaphorically nominalized by adding suffixes .

  2. 作为综合语,英语核心句的组合在形态上接受数范畴对词语搭配的制约;

    As a synthetic language , word combination in English kernel sentences is subject to morpho-syntactic restrictions in its category of number .

  3. 英语属于综合语,汉语属于分析语,语言文字类型不同,组句方式和表达习惯即有所不同。

    English and Chinese , relegated to synthetic and analytic languages in typology , differ in their system-sentences and articulate the world differently .

  4. 俄语是综合语,除利用词汇手段来表达数量意义外,借助词组、句子、词序、上下文等多种不同的语法和句法手段也可表达数量意义,是一个比较复杂的系统。

    Russian is a kind of inflectional language , apart from lexical means , which is a relatively complex system when expressing the meaning of number and amount through phrases , sentences , the order of sentences and the context .

  5. 现代英语是从古英语发展而来的,仍然保持着综合语的特征,即运用形态变化来表达语法关系,而形态变化主要靠前缀和后缀来完成。

    Modern English derives from ancient English , so it remains the characters of synthetical language & this kind of language expresses the grammatical rules through shape changes and the shape changes are often completed by prefixes and the suffixes of words .

  6. 人际功能在综合英语语篇反向教学策略中的作用

    The Role of the Interpersonal Function in the Top-Down Strategy in Comprehensive English Discourse Teaching

  7. 非综合征性语前聋人群中肌球蛋白15a型基因突变检测

    Myosin 15a Mutation Screening in Prelingual Non-syndromic Hearing Impairment Patients

  8. 大学英语写作教学的综合模式初探语篇教学方法在大学英语教学中的实践与探索

    An Integrative Approach to the Teaching of Writing in College English Teaching Practice An Exploration of Discourse Teaching Pattern in College English Teaching Practice

  9. 文章深刻地从英语教学内容的综合化、语篇语境的一体化、课堂结构的一体化、班级教学的个体化四个方面阐述英语教学法应用的新趋势。

    This essay has completely stated the new tendency of English teaching at the four aspects of English teaching content comprehensive . Language chapter and Language-integration structure of class 、 integration 、 class teaching .

  10. 对于中国的英语学习者而言,就是广义的西方文化与中国文化结构上的差异:英语受制于曲折型语言的思维方式,汉语受制于综合型词根语的思维方式。

    To Chinese English learners they are broadly differences in Western and Chinese cultural structures , i. e. English is restrained by the thinking way of the tortuous-type language and Chinese , by the thinking way of the comprehensive-type language with word roots .

  11. 作为中介的译者必须综合考虑源语作者意图和译文读者的认知语境这两个因素,采取适当的翻译策略,把从原文作者明示的交际行为中得来的最佳关联性传递给译文读者。

    As an intermediary communicator , the translator should take into account both the original writer 's intention and the target reader 's cognitive environment , and adopt proper translation strategies to convey to the target readers the optimal relevance obtained from the original writer 's ostensive communication .

  12. 非综合征性学语前聋患者肌球蛋白7a基因部分外显子突变的检测

    Mutation screening in selected exons of myosin 7a gene in prelingual non-syndromic hearing impairment patients

  13. 综合英语教学中语篇分析模式的尝试性应用

    The Application of Discourse Analysis in the Teaching of Intensive Reading

  14. 本文对以前一些流行语研究情况做了简单的介绍,并阐述了2002-2008年综合类十大流行语的研究内容和研究的意义。

    This paper briefly introduces the researches of some popular words , especially the study and its significance of ten top popular words between 2002 and 2008 .

  15. 搭配的习得有助于学习者克服中介语影响,发展语言综合能力,提高语篇理解能力和语用能力,掌握地道英语。

    Theacquisition of collocation facilitates the learners to enhance their inter-language , to develop comprehensive linguistic competence , to improve comprehension and pragmatic abilities , to acquirenative-like english .

  16. 在综合国内外二语专家和教师所运用的会话技能训练方法的基础上,提出了问答、游戏、表演、语言实践、调查访问、讨论等一系列行之有效的会话技能训练的措施。

    By absorbing the experience of spoken language teaching methods adopted by teachers and experts of second language teaching worldwide , we are to put forward a series of effective training measures such as questioning and answering , game - playing , performing , language practicing , researching and discussing .