
  • 网络Full;full version;complete edition
  1. 这种天线的几个变形以缩写的形式发表在US的杂志上,但是都没有完全版。

    Several variations of this antenna have appeared in abbreviated form in US magazines , none has been complete .

  2. 仅从Keynote上来看很难判别是精简版还是完全版,但它承诺与我当下正使用的MacBookPro同样的智能、稳定及典雅。

    It 's hard to tell from the Keynote if it is a cut-down version or full-strength , but it promises the same intelligence , stability and elegance that I currently enjoy on my MacBook Pro .

  3. 健康体检完全版随访6个月患者均完全恢复健康。

    The health conditions of the patients recovered completely during the follow-up of 6 months .

  4. 鄙视那些认为没有姚明与完全版麦,球队会变更好的人。

    And LOL at the people who think the team is better off without Yao and a healthy McGrady .

  5. 尽管Impala计划在其首个完全发布版中增加对OSGi的支持,但是它现在与OSGi并不兼容。

    Impala is not currently OSGi compliant although this is also planned for the first full release .

  6. ETLinux―设计用于在小型工业计算机,尤其是PC/104模块上运行的Linux的完全分发版。

    ETLinux & a complete Linux distribution designed to run on small industrial computers , especially PC / 104 modules .

  7. 谢尔顿:你就好像电影“天外魔花”(好莱坞恐怖片)里面那个植物的完全复制版,只是它没涂那么多发胶。

    Sheldon : As if one of the plants from " Invasion of the Body Snatchers " duplicated you in every way , only with an absurd amount of hair gel .

  8. 他们,完全是现实版的神雕侠侣。

    They totally realistic version of the Condor Heroes .

  9. 它也可完全像印刷版那样,仅是用以查寻一个词。

    It can be used exactly like the print version , simply to look up a word .

  10. 一个完全的Linux发行版

    A full featured Linux distribution

  11. 上胶系统确保保护胶能完全浸透入PS版表面毛细孔内,避免有任何版面氧化的现象发生;

    Gumming system ensure that protective gum immersing the all the pores of PS plate , avoiding PS plate oxidation happening ;