
  • 网络stipple
  1. 通过线画与点描使印花被具有吸引人的表面

    Texture a printing plate By lining and stippling it .

  2. 点描“日本人独特的思维方式”

    A sketch of " the unique way of thinking of the japanese "

  3. 其中每一副奇特的地表图或云层形态图象都是一种用点描画法绘制成的难看的怪物。

    In each one the exotic landscape or cloud form has been imaged as a kind of pointillistic nightmare .

  4. 当采用失效评定图对结构进行可靠性评定时,可将评定点(FAP)描于FAD图上。

    While assessing , we can plot the failure assessment point ( FAP ) on the FAD .

  5. 中专制图教科书中,对圆柱与圆锥轴线垂直相交时,相贯线投影作图,大都采用先找特殊点,再用辅助平面法找一般点,最后判断点的可见性并描点连线的方法。

    In drafting textbook of secondary technical school , while cylinder intersect circular cone vertically , steps of solution of their intersection lines projection are : firstly , finding special point , secondly , finding common point by auxiliary plane , lastly , estimating visibility of point and drawing lines .