
jì xù gé mìng
  • continuous revolution;continued revolution;continue the revolution
继续革命[jì xù gé mìng]
  1. (三)无产阶级专政下继续革命。

    On continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  2. 继续革命时代中国农民政治心理探析

    Exploration of Political Psychology of Chinese Peasants at the Post-Revolutionary Age

  3. 大多数人是愿意继续革命的。

    Most people want to go on making revolution .

  4. 再一条,别人也要准许他继续革命。

    Two , other people must allow them to go on making revolution .

  5. 继续革命理论新探

    A New Study on Continuing Revolution

  6. 但无产阶级专政下继续革命并非与现代性无关,而是体现着有组织的现代性。

    Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is connected with modernity and reflects the organized modernity .

  7. 然而,在继续革命的语境中,社会主义革命的内涵不断窄化为阶级斗争。

    However , the connotation of socialist revolution is narrowly defined as class struggle in the language contexts of continuing the Revolution .

  8. 在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理念指引下,政治伦理统合了大众伦理,政党组织统合了社会组织。

    Under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat , the mass ethics was integrated into the political ethics and the social organizations were integrated into political party too .

  9. 正确的态度应当是,对于犯错误的同志,采取“惩前毖后,治病救人”的方针,帮助他们改正错误,允许他们继续革命。

    The correct attitude towards them should be to adopt a policy of " learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones and curing the sickness to save the patient ", help them correct their mistakes and allow them to go on taking part in the revolution .

  10. 即使在世界上有些人放弃希望的情况下,是利比亚活动人士依然在地下、在聊天室、在清真寺继续保持革命的活力。

    It was Libyan activists in the underground , in chat rooms , in mosques who kept a revolution alive , even after some of the world had given up hope .

  11. 建国初期,由于政府继续维持革命时代的劳资协商政策,私营工商界情绪逐渐稳定,并主动配合政府贯彻各项政策。

    In early days of the PRC , the government continued to carry out the policy of the labor negotiations , as a result , private businesses became calm gradually and cooperated actively with the government in carrying out various policies .

  12. 只有正确地解决了这一问题,我们才能拯救党免于变质,并且可以继续我们永久革命的计划。

    Only by solving them properly we can save the party from degeneration and will be able to continue our programme of perpetual revolution .

  13. 滑铁卢在断然制止武力毁灭王座的同时,却又从另一方面往继续它的革命工作,除此以外,它毫无作用。

    Waterloo , by cutting short the demolition of European thrones by the sword , had no other effect than to cause the revolutionary work to be continued in another direction .

  14. 今年以来,中国政府继续带头自我革命,大幅度简政放权,推进市场化改革,让更多的人、更多的企业展现创造创新的活力。

    Since the beginning of this year , the Chinese government has continued to spearhead a self-targeted revolution by substantially streamlining administration and delegating powers and promoting market-based reforms so as to boost the vigor of creation and innovation for more individuals and businesses .