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  • Continued Offences;continuous crime
  1. 绑架罪是继续犯;

    The crime is continuous crime .

  2. 将继续犯、集合犯、吸收犯、结合犯纳入其中不符合罪数论的研究宗旨。

    Chinese theory of quantity of offence includes the continuous crime , collective crime , inclusive crime and combinative crime , which is not in conformity with the study goal of the theory of quantity of offence .

  3. 对继续犯在犯罪论中的位置思考

    A Consideration of the Position of Continued Offence in Crime Theory

  4. 她会继续犯错误。

    She will continue to get it wrong .

  5. 传统的刑法学都把继续犯放入罪数形态中加以研究。

    The traditional theory of criminal jurisprudence always studies the continued offence in the plural crimes theory .

  6. 在千百万年中无数的个人悲剧和社会灾难后,为什么我们还要继续犯同样的错误?

    Why , after thousands of years of personal tragedies and group catastrophes , do we continue to make the same mistake ?

  7. 非法拘禁罪是一种典型的继续犯,其行为应在一定时间内处于持续状态。

    The crime of false imprisonment is a typical continuous one and the act of unlawful detention should last for a certain period .

  8. 我虽这样说,但我当然知道我不是一个完美的父亲;我当然知道我犯了很多错误,也会继续犯更多错误;

    I say this knowing that I have been an imperfect father-knowing that I have made mistakes and will continue to make more ;

  9. 我18岁的时候要是看到这个观点会说“好主意!”然后他会继续犯同样的错误,尽管意图是好的。

    My 18-year-old self would probably have read this post and said , " Good advice ! " And then he would have proceeded to make the same mistakes , despite good intentions .

  10. 金融犯罪相较普通犯罪其罪数形态更呈多样,主要表现为竞合犯、结合犯、牵连犯、连续犯、吸收犯及继续犯等类型。

    Compared with other general crimes , financial crime has a more variety of forms , which mainly representing concurrent crime 、 combinative crime 、 implicated offense 、 continuing offense 、 inclusive offense 、 continuous crime and so on .