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  • Subsequent;later
继后 [jì hòu]
  • [subsequent to;later] 随后

  • 他先是满口说是要去,继后又说不去了

  1. 继后其构造环境转化为碰撞造山环境,早期成分受到后期构造&岩浆作用的强烈改造,因而岩段内含有较多的华力西期、印支期,可能还有加里东期的侵入体。

    Later , the structural environment changed into a colliding orogenetic one , the earlier composition was intensively reformed by the later structural-magmatic action , so that there are more Variscan , Indosinian , probably also Caledonian intrusive bodies in the rock member .

  2. 腊梅花随花蕾的生长发育,其鲜重,干重,可溶性糖和还原糖含量以及呼吸速率逐渐增加,花盛开时达最高,继后降低。

    The fresh weight and dry weight of the Chimonanthus praecox flower , the content of soluble surgar and reductive surgar and respirative rate of flower all increased gradually with tight bud development . The highest was observed in fully opened flower , and decreased later .

  3. 结论应用PEP法可对胎儿DNA进行全基因组扩增使DNA模板量增加,并使继后的PCR技术检测SRY基因的敏感性明显提高。

    Conclusion PEP can amplify the amount of whole genome of fetal DNA and increase the amount of DNA template .

  4. 由于早期大陆边缘已向南发生了增生,继后的弧后扩张和前锋弧的位置也就相应地向南迁移了。

    With early fore arc accreted southward , the back arc expanding and leading arc are move southward .

  5. 继后,祖国和人民的奥运会,是第二个是兴奋的事务。

    Following the Olympic Games after the motherland and the people is the second one is excited event .

  6. 继后基于上述设计方法,提出了动力与液压系统设计平台软件的设计方案。

    Based on the above thought , a design platform for power and hydraulic system with software is set up .

  7. 我认为我最喜欢的视觉效果就是《时光大盗》中在时间上与即将到来的神土匪头继后,土匪。

    I think my favorite visual effect was in Time Bandits , with the approaching Deity head following after the bandits .

  8. 结果指出:无连续电流阶段是激发直窜先导和继后回击的重要条件。

    The results show that Non-continuous current stage was a important condition for triggered the dart-leader and the subsequent return stroke .

  9. 如某项目之合资格运动员预先决定放弃参赛,大会将会邀请继后排名之运动员参;

    If qualified athletes turn down the invitation , the Organizing Committee will automatically invite the lower ranking athletes for replacement .

  10. 后殖民文化批判是20世纪70年代末继后现代哲学之后兴起的主要学术思潮之一。

    Criticism of post-colonial culture is one of the major academic trends of thoughts that rose in the 1970s following the modern philosophy .

  11. 后殖民理论是继后现代主义之后的又一理论景观。这种反人本主义的文化政治理论和批评方法,在西方批评界再掀波澜,并迅速由西方蔓延到全球。

    Postcolonial theory , an anti-humanistic cultural and political theory and critical approach , emerged after postmodernism in the west and quickly spread worldwide .

  12. 通过人工引发闪电和自然闪电的对比分析,发现传统人工引发闪电的回击电流峰值(10~17kA)与自然闪电的继后回击(12~18kA)基本一致;

    The current peak of classical triggered lightning strokes ( 10 ~ 17kA ) are similar to that of natural subsequent return strokes ( 12 ~ 18kA );

  13. 在评论了莱氏对德语的长处和短处的分析后,本文简略地追溯了现代德语于继后两世纪的发展。

    After discussing Leibniz ' thesis on the strengths and weaknesses of the German language , the subsequent development of this language in the following centuries is outlined .

  14. 在国内战争的暴风雨年代和继后的岁月里,我的健康受到了极大地摧残。

    It so happened , through the stormy years of the Civil War and the years that followed , that my health was drastically undermined ( 1 ) .

  15. 随着信息时代的来临,企业经营方式即将由产品经营转向资本经营,继后上升到智力经营。

    Abstract With the coming of the Information Age , Business Management will transfer from product management to capital management and then raise to the level of Intelligence management .

  16. 目的:肺间质纤维化是一组早期有肺泡细胞损伤和各种炎性细胞浸润,继后出现胶原纤维沉积,并逐渐演变了弥漫性肺间质纤维化的疾病群。

    Objective : Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is a series of diseases characterized by early alveolus lesion , inflammatory cells infiltration , followed with collagen aggradation and finally changed into interstitial fibrosis .

  17. 继后,广州市眼镜商会集体抵制案、世界拉面协会中国分会固定价格案等等行业协会限制竞争案件浮出水面。

    Then , some cases were surfaced about the Trade Associations Restrictive Competition , such as " Guangzhou Optical Association Boycott "," International Ramen Manufactures Association China Branch Fixing Prices " and so on .

  18. 继后讨论了鱼纹与蛙纹装饰的演变历程,指出两种纹饰均大体经历了由写实向几何化发展的过程,但在演变上既有共性也有个性。

    Following is discussion them of the evolution of history , pointing out that two kinds of decorations are generally experienced by the realism of the geometric course of the development , but also the evolution of the existing common personality .

  19. 人工闪电第一次回击虽然与自然闪电继后回击特性十分相似,但两者放电特征仍有差别,前者具有较长的连续电流过程。

    The first return stroke of the artificially triggered lightning flashes are much the same as the subsequent return stroke of the natural lightning , but the both the discharge characteristic have some difference and the former was longer time of the continuous current process .