
tǒng shuài
  • command;officer
统率 [tǒng shuài]
  • [command] 率领;指挥

统率[tǒng shuài]
  1. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The admiral visited the ships under his command .

  2. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The Admiral visited the ships under his command .

  3. 这些部队由黑格将军统率。

    The troops were commanded by General Haig .

  4. 他统率着武装部队。

    He commands the armed forces .

  5. 此时,一切的证据收集活动也都是在这个义务的统率和引领下展开和进行的。

    Here all evidence collection activities are directed by this duty .

  6. 用创新精神统率信息素质教育课程

    Commanding the Information Literacy Education Course with the Innovative Spirit

  7. 军队由国王直接统率。

    The army is under the king 's direct command .

  8. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。

    The captain of a ship commands all the officers and men .

  9. 他奉命统率并指挥作战行动。

    He was asked to take command and direct operations .

  10. 史密斯将军统率陆军。

    General Smith is in command of the army .

  11. 他在阿尔及尔统率了一个骑兵团。

    He commanded a regiment of cavalry in algiers .

  12. 用科学发展观统率矿产资源工作

    The Work of Mineral Resources is in Command by the Scientific Development View

  13. 怀特将军统率那个军队。

    General White was in command of the army .

  14. 他带领一个连队,在训练中统率有方。

    In training he had commanded his company well .

  15. 他具有统率三军作战的才干。

    He possessed the qualities of a war leader .

  16. 那你打算让我告诉他们你是怎样统率我们的吗?

    So you want me to tell them how you boss over us * ?

  17. 他的雄才大略足以统率千军万马。

    His rare gifts and bold strategy can enable him to command an army .

  18. 一个青年问道,他是首领离开时代替统率的人。

    Inquired the young man who was in command in the chief 's absence .

  19. 我们委任你作军队统率。

    We offer you command of the army .

  20. 一个在陆海空三军中居于权威或统率地位的人。

    Any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command .

  21. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。

    In World War II , General Lee was in command of the air force .

  22. 史密斯将军统率这只部队。

    General Smith commands the army .

  23. 为侍从武官统率。

    and thy captains as aides-de-camp .

  24. 论文摘要:“整体设置”是人体在“复杂调控网络”统率下的一项本质功能。

    " The integral setup " is an essential function in complicated human body conditioning system .

  25. 按照到处通行的旧习惯,统率“裴廓德号”三只小艇,担任指挥的就是他们这三个人。

    They it was who by universal prescription commanded three of the Pequod 's boats as headsmen .

  26. 在地位上,它隶属经济法律部门中宏观调控法律支系,并在支系中居于中心和统率的地位;

    In terms of status , it is a main branch of the department of law and economy .

  27. 我国的军事审判权渊源于国家审判权,同时又受到军事统率权的支配;

    Chinese military jurisdiction originated from state 's jurisdiction and is also under the power of military command ;

  28. 文章分析了我国社会主义政治意识形态对大众政治心理引导与统率乏力的原因。

    The article analyses the causes that Chinese cultural ideology fails to lead the public political psychology effectively .

  29. 美如画的你,是一切事物的女王,只要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下。

    Picture , you 're queen of everything , far as the eye can see under your command .

  30. 目的:探寻张爱玲小说思想性统率下的艺术形式的丰富性。

    Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailing 's novels ' artistic form commanded by the ideological content .