
sī lìnɡ bù
  • command;headquarters
司令部 [sī lìng bù]
  • [headquarters] 指挥员发布号令和履行其指挥职能的地方

  1. 陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。

    The army 's supreme command has said the army will withdraw , provided the other side does so also .

  2. 今年,美国成立了网络司令部(CyberCommand),以保护本国的网络系统以及制定攻击策略。

    This year , the US set up a Cyber Command to defend its networks and to plan attacks .

  3. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ Cairo .

  4. 到达之后,他被带到了司令部。

    On arrival , he was conducted to the headquarters .

  5. 所有的指挥官都集合在司令部。

    All the commanders gathered at the head-quarters .

  6. 我们的军官们没有司令部(Headquarters)的命令连个嚏分都不敢打!

    Our officers were afraid to sneeze without an order from Headquarters .

  7. 这种领导力模式与已退休的杰克•查恩将军的想法不谋而合。他曾在多家公司董事会任职,并曾担任美国空军战略司令部(StrategicAirCommand)领导人。

    This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain , who sat on a number of corporate boards and , at one time , headed the Strategic Air Command .

  8. 通常情况下,海岸司令部的飞机会看到U型潜艇,然后皇家空军会将此通知海军。

    Occasionally , Coastal Command aircraft would catch sight of U-boats , and the RAF had been persuaded to inform the Admiralty when this happened .

  9. 过去16年间,这家公司帮助客户节省的资金不计其数&比如美军第20支援司令部(Army20thSupportCommand)就在五年时间内共节省了6000万美元卫星通信带宽开支。

    Over the past 16 years , Binary has helped its clients save piles of money & like the Army 20th Support Command , which cut $ 60 million over five years for its satellite communication bandwidth requirements .

  10. 过去16年间,这家公司帮助客户节省的资金不计其数——比如美军第20支援司令部(Army20thSupportCommand)就在五年时间内共节省了6000万美元卫星通信带宽开支。

    Over the past 16 years , Binary has helped its clients save piles of money -- like the Army 20th Support Command , which cut $ 60 million over five years for its satellite communication bandwidth requirements .

  11. 南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(DavidHale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(ArmyCriminalInvestigationCommand)测谎员的职位。

    David Hale of Columbia , S.C. , quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command 。 '

  12. 科技开发公司Battelle也与美国特种作战司令部合作,开发了一款所谓的“战术突击轻甲”(TacticalAssaultLightOperatorSuit)。

    Similarly , Battelle , the science and technology development company , is working with the U.S. Special Operations Command to develop what it calls the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit .

  13. .“美军网络司令部最高指挥官亚历山大(KeithB.Alexander)表示,五角大楼的电脑系统每小时受到潜在的敌人25万次探测,需要加强保护,尤其是在战争时期。

    Pentagon Faces Massive Cyber Threats The commander of the new U.S. Cyber Command , Army General Keith Alexander , said the Pentagon 's vast computer system is

  14. 太平洋司令部发言人锡姆斯(ChrisSims)说,作战司令部的计划涵盖方方面面,从演习和人道救助到救灾行动,一直到全面的作战行动。

    ' Combatant Commands plan * for everything from exercises and humanitarian assistance , disaster relief operations all the way up to full-scale combat operations , ' said Capt. Chris Sims , the spokesman for Pacific Command .

  15. 昨日,负责美国核武器库的战略司令部司令凯文•希尔顿(KevinChilton)表示,中国核能力的提高不会改变美国在核问题上的姿态。

    Yesterday , General Kevin Chilton , head of Strategic Command , which is responsible for the US nuclear arsenal , said China 's increased capability would not alter the US nuclear posture .

  16. 北美防空司令部称派出两架F16战机尾随这架单引擎飞机飞往目的地。

    NORAD says it 's sent two F16s to tail the single engine plane when it flew past its destination .

  17. 美国战略司令部的空军上校拉斯-科迪里克声称,相撞事故发生于本周二,地点位于俄罗斯北极北部地区上空,相撞卫星为美国LLC铱星公司发射的一颗卫星与俄罗斯的一颗通讯卫星。

    The crash , which took place on Tuesday above Russia 's Arctic north , involved a spacecraft of Iridium Satellite LLC and a Russian communications satellite , said Air Force Colonel Les Kodlick of the U.

  18. 就伊拉克问题纷纷炮轰时任中央司令部司令的JohnAbizaid的议员们都抓紧自己的六分钟时间提问,而不是发表演讲。

    The senators , grilling General John Abizaid , then head of Central Command , about Iraq , struggled to stick to their allotted six minutes , and to pose questions , not make speeches .

  19. 阿内SPAWAR系统中心太平洋圣迭戈迹象显示,游客到海军司令部中心的未来。

    A sign inside SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific in San Diego points visitors to the Navy Command Center of the Future .

  20. 美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特威拉德上将(admiralrobertwillard)表示,中国海军的态度近期在软化,他表示希望,经过麻烦不断的两年后,中美两军关系可以有所改善。

    The commander of US forces in the Pacific says there has been a softening in the attitude of the Chinese Navy , expressing the hope that military relations could be improving after a rocky past two years .

  21. 按照陆军最高司令部(OKH)的计划,在苏联的战役只需持续几个星期,并在冬季来临之前结束。

    The OKH plans counted on the Russian campaign to last only several weeks and to end before the winter .

  22. 我们需要更多联军和阿富汗安全部队,包括增加训练团队,帮助建立阿富汗国家军队和阿富汗国家警察,美国中央司令部司令戴维•彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)上将最近在华盛顿一次会议上说。

    We will need more coalition and Afghan security forces , including additional training teams to help develop the Afghan national army and the Afghan national police , General David Petraeus , the head of US central command , told a Washington conference last week .

  23. 美国空军太空司令部主管tacsat-3的中校ryanpendleton说,卫星变得更有本事了,可就在这会,也越来越易受攻击。

    Even as satellites become more capable , however , they are also increasingly vulnerable to attack , says lieut-colonel Ryan Pendleton , who is in charge of tacsat-3 at the US Air Force Space Command .

  24. 空中机动司令部的人员,特别是C-130J办公室里的那些人,直接与我们共同工作,并且与C-130J系统规划办公室和洛克希德·马丁公司一道准备飞机和机组。

    The Air Mobility Command staff , and particularly the folks in the C-130J office , worked directly with us and with the C-130J System Program Office and Lockheed Martin to prepare aircraft and crews .

  25. “联合国军司令部欢迎与朝鲜的这一会谈,它带来了双方建立互信、防止误解的前景,”联合国代表团团长、美国空军少将约翰尼达(johnnyweida)说。

    " The UN command welcomed this discussion with North Korea which holds the prospect for building trust and preventing misunderstanding between the two sides , " said major general Johnny Weida of the US air force , who lead the UN delegation .

  26. 美军太平洋司令部(uspacom)司令、海军上将塞缪尔洛克利尔(samuellocklear)强调了与中国打造“较长期”安全合作关系的重要性,他指出,自今年上任以来,他已两次访问中国。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , chief of the US Pacific Command ( cincpac ) , stressed the importance of building a " longer-term " security relationship with China , saying he had visited the country twice since he assumed his post this year .

  27. 同时,他还担任空间和海战系统司令部空间活动处(SSFA)处长及太空系统执行官职务。

    See is also commander , Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command 's ( SPAWAR ) Space Field Activity ( SSFA ) and program executive officer for Space Systems .

  28. 总统参加了由北美防务司令部(NORAD)设立的圣诞老人追踪项目,该项目让儿童可以通过打电话来确认圣诞老人和他的驯鹿位置。

    The president was taking part in a Santa-tracking programme set up by the North American Defense Command ( NORAD ) , which allows children to call up and find out where Santa and his reindeer are in the world .

  29. 在总司令部却没人能找到实弹!

    While no one can find real bullets at army headquarters !

  30. 新司令部会在圣塔芭芭拉之外。

    The new command center will be out of Santa barbara .