
  • 网络at field;Absolute field;Absolute Terror Field
  1. 认知发展具有领域特殊性,但认知发展既不是绝对领域特殊的,也不是完全领域普遍的,对认知发展的合理解释应该是领域的特殊性与普遍性的统一。

    The development of cognition is of domain-specificity , but it is neither particular in the absolute field nor general in the complete field , and the sound explanation of the cognitive development should be the unification of the filed particularity and universality .

  2. 尽管这种行为会被视为公然将女性身体物化,“绝对领域”公关公司巧妙的宣传手段却让我们窥见了未来的广告趋势。

    Though it could be classified as a blatant objectification of the female body , Absolute Territory PR 's crafty campaign is a glimpse into the future of advertising .

  3. 截至2012年11月,已有约1300名女孩在“绝对领域”公关公司报名,愿意用她们的大腿做广告。这一公司就是发动这场奇异的媒体闪电战的宣传团队。

    As of November 2012 , about 1300 women have registered their legs to be part of ad campaigns with Absolute Territory PR , the publicity team behind the bizarre media blitz .

  4. 截至2012年11月,已有约1300名女孩在绝对领域公关公司报名,愿意用她们的大腿做广告。这一公司就是发动这场奇异的媒体闪电战的宣传团队。

    As of November 2012 , about 1,300 women have registered their legs to be part of ad campaigns with Absolute Territory PR , the publicity team behind the bizarre media blitz .

  5. 由于女性大腿的“绝对领域”应该是“最吸引男性眼球的磁铁”,可以推断这种营销策略对于面向男性消费群体的产品和服务最有成效。

    Presumably , because " zettai ryouiki , " is a " total magnet for the male gaze , " one can assume this marketing strategy would work particularly well for products or services geared to a male audience .

  6. 尽管如此大部分的宗教场所(括各种信仰的宗教)包含一种绝对神圣的领域的振动。

    Even now a majority of all religious places ( of all religions ) contain a field of positive holy vibrations .

  7. 如果你想要股票方面的意见,去问问利弗莫尔好了,它的历史记录一直很好,绝对精通这个领域。

    If you want advice on stocks , go ask Livermore , he has an excellent track record and he certainly knows his onions .