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First develop the software for dynamic geological model , which can simulate the varied absolute permeability .
Effect of the absolute permeability manifests mainly in the early period with a little effect on the ultimate recovery .
Then factors that effect cement relative permeability , oil and water permeability are studied .
The absolute permeability of reservoir rock is determined by the parameters from position and shape and apex of hyperbola .
The lower initial water saturation is , the less absolute core permeability and the worse water lock effect it meets .
Absolute permeability is used to describe the flowing capacity in rock , and also a critical parameter that determine the coalbed methane production .
The mathematical models of the relationship of reservoir absolute permeability coefficient and electronic double layer thickness under the impressed DC electric field are established .
The absolute permeability rate of coal and relative permeability rate of gas-water are the necessary parameters for forecasting the birth rate of coalbed methane and water in mining .
For different core samples , the smaller the absolute permeability is , the bigger the pressure difference of gas breakthrough is , and the lower the gas phase permeability .
The numerical results show that oil recovery and air consumption are sensitive to the relative permeability of oil . The absolute permeability has only a weak effect on them .
Under the impressed DC electric field , the electronic double layer thickness affects absolute permeability of the low permeable reservoir greatly and absolute permeability of high permeable reservoir diminutively .
The estimating model of rock absolute permeability is established successfully by position - shape and apex parameters respectively , and its reliability has been proved by plenty of measured data .
Experimental results indicate that the effective absolute permeability coefficient increases greatly with the electric field strength increase in the low permeable natural core , but increase slowly in the high permeable natural core .
During the research of stress sensitivity damage of low-permeability sandstone gas pool , natural cores are used for the experimental analysis , and empirical equation between absolute permeability and affective pressure is given .
The pore throat size and distribution of reservoir rock may be characterized by capillary pressure curve . In regard to porous reservoir , rock absolute permeability is mainly depended on the distribution of pore throats .
Usually , particle plugging , oil plug , scale plug and bacterial plug can cause decrease in formation absolute permeability . Emulsion plug , water blocking and wettability change can cause decrease of oil permeability .
The influence factors analysis reveals that the gas production rate and the cumulative gas increase with the increase of reservoir absolute permeability , with the decrease of bottom pressure , with the increase of reservoir temperature .
Through core test of polymer displacement , the irreducible water saturation , remaining oil saturation and the characteristics of changes of absolute permeability , and relative permeability of cores are contrasted and analyzed both before and after the polymer flooding .
The dynamic changes of absolute formation permeability parameters and the problems of oil and gas 2 phase and 3 dimensional percolation as percolating law not meeting with Darcy 's law are simulated , which could be simulated by other reservoir simulation software .
Fracturing fluids should be tested with the same method and under the same condition to provide comparable results , fn the calculation of the damage ratio of a core sample , its absolute permeability and effective permeability with bound water saturation can be used as reference .
Reflection Phase Properties in the Omni-directional Gap of One-dimensional Photonic Crystals with Mu-negative or Double-negative Materials
Application of Relative Permeability Curves to Establishment of Empirical Formulas for Fluid Productivity Index and Injectivity Index of Horizontal Well