- Absolute poverty;absolutely poverty-stricken population

Since he took office in 2003 , absolute poverty has dropped markedly .
And although India has succeeded in reducing the numbers of people in absolute poverty , most remain trapped in abject conditions .
Xinjiang took the national minority and the border area , the country has given the key support , absolutely impoverished population remarkable drop .
China have also made great progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals , especially in rural areas , the number of the absolute poor is declining constantly .
The absolute poverty population and poverty rate have been reduced from 250,000,000 and 30.7 % in 1978 to 21,480,000 and 2.3 % respectively , making a great achievement in poverty combat .
Since 1978 , the number of Chinese living in absolute poverty has been lowered by over 200 million , accounting for 75 % of the total population lifted out of poverty in developing countries .
After nearly 30-year reform and opening up , the population of absolute poverty in rural China has decreased from 250 million in 1978 to 15 million in 2007 , and poverty incidence from 30.7 % to around 2 % .
At the same time , the number of poor farmers in countryside decreased from 250 million in 1978 to 29 million in 2003 . This forms the sharp contrast with the phenomenon which increases progressively by 10 million speeds every year in the world .
According to the poverty standard of Chinese authority , Chinese rural poverty rate ( the proportion of population ) has decreased from 30.7 % in 1978 to 1.6 % in 2007 and the number of rural poor has dropped from 250 million to 14.79 million .