
jīnɡ yínɡ shōu rù
  • operating income
  1. 我国上市商业银行经营收入结构分析

    A Study of the Operating Income Structure of the Listed Commercial Banks of China

  2. 如何敏感,是该部门的价值和经营收入,以相同的变数呢?

    How sensitive is the sector 's value and operating income to the same variables ?

  3. 银行还推出了特许经营收入担保的证券,比如餐厅连锁索尼克(Sonic)和德州炸鸡(Church'sChicken)等等。

    Bankers have also come up with securities backed by franchise revenue for the restaurant chains Sonic and Church 's Chicken , among others .

  4. 增值业务收入已经成为运营商经营收入增长的主要来源之一,但目前增值业务市场也出现了很多问题,SP违规现象严重,用户投诉增加等。

    Value-added business income has become one of the major sources for carriers in income growth , but now value-added service market still has a lot of problems : SP serious irregularities , an increase in user complaints and so on .

  5. 经营收入:不要只依赖一项收入来源。

    Earnings : Never depend on a single source of income .

  6. 家庭经营收入比重长期下降;

    The income of household menagement dropped for a long time ;

  7. 吉林联通公司经营收入内部控制评价体系的构建

    Establishment Evaluation System of Operation Revenue Internal Control of Jilin Telecommunications Corporation

  8. 草地利用方式选择的合理与否,直接影响草地资源的可持续利用和草地生态环境质量以及牧户经营收入。

    Grassland using methods influence on sustainable land use , environment and households ' income .

  9. 所以报业集团要通过自身的经营收入才能得以维持其生存和发展。

    So the newspaper group to the business income by itself to maintain its survival and development .

  10. 西方文献研究认为管理层收购可以提高企业经营收入和现金流量。

    The western literatures believe that the operating income and net cash flow will be improved after management buy-out .

  11. 但随着普通邮件的锐减,美国邮政的经营收入也大为减少。

    But as the amount of physical mail decreases , so too have the earnings from Postal Service operations .

  12. 根据我初步的都是事实,我决定将生产经营收入足以让我的需要?

    Are the facts I based my initial business decision on going to produce income enough for my needs ?

  13. 管理权则交给迪斯尼,迪斯尼还将收取品牌特许费和经营收入提成。

    Management rights will be given to Disney , which will also get royalties and a percentage of operational income .

  14. 品牌延伸可以扩大电视媒体的影响力,提高电视台的经营收入,占领更多的市场份额。

    The brand extension can expand TV media influence , improve television station operating revenue , and occupied more market segments .

  15. 利用中国1994~2004年的时间序列和2004年的截面数据的实证分析也表明小额信贷增加了农民家庭经营收入,降低了贫困。

    Empirical data with time series 1994-2004 and 2004 panel dada also show that microfinance promotes farmers ' family income and reduces poverty .

  16. 利用动态计量模型协整方法,得出影响农民家庭经营收入与工资性收入的主要影响因素和影响程度。

    With the dynamic econometric models and cointegration approach , the extent and the influencing factors of farmers'household income and wage income are reached .

  17. 2011年,来自美洲、英国和欧洲的税前利润增长一半以上,经营收入增长16%。

    Pre-tax profit in the Americas , UK and Europe jumped by more than half in 2011 , while operating income increased 16 per cent .

  18. 作为企业,电信运营商必须追求利润的最大化,在不断提高经营收入的同时还要控制好成本。

    As the enterprise , the telecommunication operator must pursue the profit the maximization , while enhances the operating income also to unceasingly control the good cost .

  19. 从农村居民家庭经营收入内部结构来看,家庭经营第三产业对农户人均纯收入贡献很小。

    Operating income of rural residents from within the family structure , the contribution of the family-run tertiary industries to per capita net income is very small .

  20. 而农民家庭经营收入下降的主要原因在于农业、牧业等传统农业收入的下降;

    The main cause of the decline of peasants ' household sideline production income lies in the income decline of conventional industries such as agriculture and animal husbandry .

  21. 与之相反的是,地震发生后,纯收入中家庭经营收入所占的比重对农户的贫困脆弱性起到负向作用。

    Conversely , the proportion of household operating income in the family net income has a negative relation with the vulnerability of poverty of rural households after the earthquake .

  22. 工资性收入负向显著影响农户的正规信贷需求,而非农经营收入占总收入的比例正向显著影响农户正规信贷的可得性,但对农户的正规信贷需求影响不显著。

    Increased wage income reduces the probability of rural households ' demand for formal credit , and non-farm income does not impact formal credit demand but formal credit access .

  23. 我国农村居民家庭收入变动的阶段性和结构性特征表明,农业生产效率下降是农业生产经营收入下降的直接原因。

    The periodical and structural changes of household income in rural China indicates that the decline of agricultural productivity is the main and direct cause for the slowdown of agricultural net income .

  24. 这些问题直接导致了网通集团的新产品不能很好地匹配消费者的通信需求,而且会造成新产品在正式商用后由于来自各方面的问题而导致失败,进而直接影响网通集团的经营收入。

    Those problems directly result in incompatible new products which do not match the need of the customers to telecommunication , and also lead to various problems after plunge into formal business .

  25. 其中,工资性收入增长18.7%,家庭经营收入增长8.7%,财产性收入增长19.4%,转移性收入增长17.2%。

    Of this total , the growth of wage income was 18.7 percent ; household business operating income 8.7 percent ; property income 19.4 percent ; and 17.2 percent from transferred income .

  26. 青海油田是中国石油股份有限公司的从事油气生产的分公司之一,现有职工家属6万余人,年度经营收入在200亿元以上。

    Qinghai Oilfield is one of CNPC Branch that engaged in oil and gas production , where there are existing 60,000 staff and their family and the annual business income is over 200 billion Yuan .

  27. 对县级电视媒体而言,经营收入90%来自广告创收,广告限播令的出台对其生存发展的影响尤其明显,新形势下如何摆脱危机,就成为县级电视媒体经营的一大课题。

    To the county-level TV stations , 90 % of operating income is usually from their advertising revenue , therefore , an introduction of Decree 61 affects the survival and development of county-level TV stations dramatically .

  28. 通过分析农户小额信贷对农民增收的带动效果,我们发现农户小额信贷很大程度上影响着农户总收入,尤其是非农经营收入,并与二者存在正相关关系。

    Through the analysis of the effect of increasing farmers ' income , we find that peasant household micro-finance largely affects the whole household income , especially in non-farm business income , and positively correlated with both .

  29. 分析表明,城乡工资收入比、城乡经营收入比、城乡转移和财产收入比四项指标是城乡居民收入差距的主要影响因素。

    The analysis indicates that four targets are the major effect factors of the income disparity , such as wage income proportion , management income proportion , transformation income proportion and poverty income proportion between city and country .

  30. 本文建议以产业养事业的方式,即从各级电视台的广告经营收入中征收部分资金设立国家广播电视公共服务基金。

    The dissertation suggests the way of Industry supporting the cause , that is , some of the funds from all levels of television advertising revenue are collected to set up national radio and television public service fund .