
jīnɡ jì rì bào
  • Economic Daily
  1. 从被引频次看《经济日报》的学术研究价值

    Academic Research Value of Economic Daily News from Its Citation Frequency

  2. 同时,《经济日报》称,今年iphone6的总产量将达到8000万部。

    Together , the Economic Daily News said 80 million iPhone 6 handsets would be produced this year .

  3. 根据经济日报的数据,圣诞节和情人节期间的花卉出口量占印度整年花卉出口的40%到45%。

    According to the economic times , the season between Christmas and valentine 's day accounts for40 % to45 % of Indian cut-flower exports .

  4. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  5. 水不能变成油&和《经济日报》吴红博、刘东华同志商榷

    Water can 't be turned into oil & discuss with < < Economic Daily > > Wu hongbo Liu Donghua

  6. 大公司的高级管理阶层忙于炮制他们新的经营观念的口号(日本经济日报)

    The top management of major corporations ... busy coining catchwords for their new management concepts ( Japan Economic Journal )

  7. 冯先生负责经济日报集团整体策略规划及发展工作,制定政策及企业目标。

    Mr Fung is responsible for the overall strategic planning and development , policy-making and corporate missions setting of the Group .

  8. 据当地媒体《成都经济日报》报道,被放生的蛇中至少一部分是有毒的。

    The Chengdu Economic Daily , a local newspaper , reports that at least some of the serpents have been identified as venomous .

  9. 在2005年,温州被《经济日报》评为重商与开拓意识最强的城市。

    In 2005 , Wenzhou is appraised as " A city gives the most emphasis to commerce as well as exploiting awareness " by Economic Daily .

  10. 问:我是经济日报的记者,想谈一谈内地和香港媒体之间的合作。

    Q : I am a reporter from the Economic Daily . I 'd like to ask about cooperation between Hong Kong and the inland areas .

  11. 雷真月(深圳经济日报):一个人的穿着打扮是个人的权利,应该不受他人的干扰。

    Lei Zhenyue ( Shenzhen Economic Daily ): The way one dresses is an individual 's own right , and should not be subject to interference from other people .

  12. 《经济日报》、《中国工业报》、《中国质量报》、《南方日报》、《羊城晚报》等报道也给予高度评价。

    It has also been highly assessed by Economic Daily , China Industry News , China Quality News , Nanfang Daily , Yeng Cheng Evening News and so on .

  13. 《经济日报》称,4.7英寸版iPhone6将于8月份在零售店上架销售,但并未披露该版本手机将首先登陆哪些市场。

    A 4.7-inch screen version of the iPhone 6 will reach stores in August , the Economic Daily News reported without specifying which markets would receive the phone first .

  14. 《经济日报.人物版》和《21世纪经济报道》两家报纸对成功人士形象的再现出现偏差,主要表现在:将新富人阶层年龄年轻化,学历拔高,形象美化;

    The deviation has occurred in the Representation of the images of ' successful persons ' on the character page of Economic Daily and Economic Report in the 21st Century .

  15. 曾经在经济日报看到一篇由郑丹瑞写的文章,值得分享,内容如下:&急事,慢慢的说;

    Once in the Economic Daily News that an article written by Zheng Danrui , it is worth sharing , which reads as follows : & emergencies , said slowly ;

  16. 根据《香港经济日报》报道,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》在最畅销二手书前十名中高居第一位,大一新生会在网上跳蚤市场进行交易。

    The Oxford Advanced Learner 's English-Chinese Dictionary is among the top 10 bestselling second-hand textbooks that fresh graduates are trading in an online flea market , Hong Kong Economic Times reported .

  17. 经济日报中提到的台湾苹果合作生产商代表鸿海精密有限公司和智能手机摄像头生产商大立光电股份有限公司均未做任何回应。

    Representatives for Taiwanese iPhone contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd and smartphone camera lens maker Largan Precision Co Ltd , both mentioned in the Economic Daily News report , had no comment .

  18. 据中国经济日报网站报道,中国陕西省西安市某高校在一门“青春无悔课”上要求女生填写“承诺卡”。

    The college , in the city of Xian in Shaanxi province , uses the " commitment card " during a course called No Regrets Youth class , according to the China Economic Daily website .

  19. 据《经济日报》报道,在上海理工大学举办的全国私企招聘周活动中,民营企业,尤其是中小型私企遇冷。

    During the national recruitment week for private enterprises held at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology , private-owned companies , especially small and medium-sized ones , were given the cold shoulder , reported Economic Daily .

  20. 香港《经济日报》记者:现在香港跟内地正在商谈类似自由贸易区的更紧密的经贸关系。

    Q : ( Economic Daily of Hong Kong ) Right now , discussions are underway between Hong Kong and the mainland on facilitating closer economic and trade ties between the two sides and having arrangements similar to a free trade area .