
jīnɡ chánɡ xìnɡ shōu rù
  • Recurring income;regular income
  1. 各级人民政府教育财政拨款的增长应当高于财政经常性收入的增长,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长,保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。

    The people 's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues , that the average expenditure and that the teachers ' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily .

  2. 因此,经常性收入占GDP的比例预计将从2007-08年的38.6%下滑至2009-10年的35.1%,降幅达3.5个百分点。

    As a result the ratio of current receipts to GDP is expected to shrink from 38.6 per cent in 2007-08 to 35.1 per cent in 2009-10 a fall of 3.5 percentage points .

  3. Dade不仅丧失了一大块高利润的经常性收入,还多了MLA这样一个有力的竞争对手(贝恩最终在日本找到了替代供应商)。

    Not only did this cost Dade a large chunk of high-profit , recurring revenue , but it also set MLA up as a viable competitor ( Bain ultimately found a replacement supplier in Japan ) .

  4. 经常性收入是收入的最好形式。

    Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue .

  5. 22.经常性收入是收入的最好形式。

    Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue

  6. 该公司拥有基于自动支付计划的经常性收入,因此它的收入增长是可以预测的。

    The company has recurring revenues based on automatic payment plans so growth is predictable .

  7. 国家财政每年对农业总投入的增长幅度应当高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。

    The growing rate of the annual overall input to agriculture by the national finance shall be higher than that of regular national revenue .

  8. 这是因为商界正在从产品销售向订阅内容销售转变,而在订阅式经济中,公司要致力于创造经常性收入。

    This is because the world is shifting from selling products to selling subscriptions , and in the subscription economy , companies are focused on generating recurring revenue .

  9. 但真正的新闻在于,越来越多的行业正在涉足订阅式经常性收入模式,虽然很少有公司会不计后果地跳进来。

    But the real news is that more and more industries are dipping their toes a rare few even jumping in head-first to a subscription-based , recurring revenue model .

  10. 国家用于义务教育的财政拨款的增长比例,应当高于财政经常性收入的增长比例,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长。

    State appropriations for compulsory education shall increase at a faster rate than regular state revenues , and the average expenditure on education per student shall also increase steadily .

  11. 你必须估量年均和总合约价值、付款与下降、月度与年均经常性收入,并设法留住用户。

    You 're going to have to think about measuring annual and total contract values , payments and declines , monthly and annual recurring revenue , and relationship retention .

  12. 这是因为商界正在从产品销售向订阅内容销售转变,而在“订阅式经济”中,公司要致力于创造经常性收入。

    This is because the world is shifting from selling products to selling subscriptions , and in the " subscription economy , " companies are focused on generating recurring revenue .

  13. 该公司去年9月在香港上市,目前市值为14亿美元,每年经常性收入增幅在60%或以上,销售额有望在2011年的某个时候突破5亿美元。

    The company listed in Hong Kong in September 2009 and now has a market capitalisation of US $ 1.4 bn on the back of regular annual revenue increases of 60 per cent or more . Peak 's turnover is likely to exceed US $ 500m sometime in 2011 .

  14. 这也正是我们的战略规划的一部分,即获得更多经常性的收入。

    This is actually part of our strategic plan , to build more recurring revenue .

  15. 在境外有经常性零星收入,需在境外开立外汇帐户,将收入集整后汇回境内的;

    In need of a forex account outside for the remittance of current incomes gain there in small amounts after a period of accumulation ;