
  • 网络organizational elements;organizing elements
  1. 具体的组织要素可能作为候选角色,即组成OV-6c(见下)的交互图中的运作节点的实例。

    Specific organizational elements are likely candidates for the roles ; i.e. , instantiations of operational nodes in the interaction diagrams comprising the OV-6c ( see below ) .

  2. OV-4由自由形式的图表示,在该图中,组织要素可能作为OV-6c序列图中运作节点的实例的候选。

    The OV-4 is represented by a freeform diagram in which organizational elements may be candidates for the instantiation of operational nodes in the OV-6c sequence diagrams .

  3. 企业范式的DNA结构是组织要素之间的一致性关系集合,客户是企业范式关系集合中的战略性主导要素,构成企业范式的碱基之一;

    The paper poses and proves that : enterprise paradigm is the consistent relationship set of organizational factors , customer is the strategic and leading one among those factors ;

  4. 考虑组织要素的与不同文化接触下博弈均衡演化模型

    A Game Equilibrium Evolutionary Model Contacted with Different Culture Considering Organization

  5. 较注重技能类组织要素的顺序性;

    The proportions of sequence in organizational elements are low .

  6. 这就是所要探析的空间组织要素及形式。

    This is the space component and the form which must search analyzes .

  7. 在知识经济的大环境中,传统组织要素已经日益商业化和标准化。

    In the environments of knowledge economy , traditional organization elements have become more and more commercialized and standardized .

  8. 科技资源是科技人力、财力、物力、信息及科技组织要素及其相互作用的总和。

    Resources of science include manpower , financial capacity , material resources , the instructing factors and interactions of those elements .

  9. 本文中,作者试图通过以系统的观点对组织要素的分析,对组织优化的方法进行探讨。

    In this article , the author attempt to carry his point of organization optimizing by systemic analysis on factors of the organization .

  10. 另一方面,企业能力受多种组织要素的影响,要提升企业能力必须从多个方面入手。

    On the other hand , enterprise capability is affected by many organizational factors and to improve enterprise capability must start with a great number of aspects .

  11. 而列车停站方案作为运营组织要素之一,对其进行优化研究是解决突发大客流问题最适用、最有效的方案之一。

    The stop-schedule plan is one of the elements of operational organization . An optimal study is the most appropriate and effective solution for outburst mass passenger flow .

  12. 影响知识管理的三个企业要素之间是相关的,包括文化要素、组织要素、IT要素。

    IT factor , Culture factor and Structural factor are the three different aspects of enterprise factor that can affect Knowledge Management . All of them are related with each other .

  13. 组织要素包括集团的组织结构和管理能力,即战略管理能力、财务管理能力、人力资源管理能力、文化管理能力等。

    Organizational factors comprise organizational structure and management ability of enterprise groups , which is strategic management ability , financial management ability , human resource management ability , cultural management ability etc.

  14. 所谓能力导向的企业再造,就是以影响企业能力的组织要素为再造对象,以增强企业持续生存和发展的能力为再造目的的企业运营系统的重新设计。

    The so-called capability-oriented enterprise reengineering means the redesign of the operational system , the objectives of which are the factors affecting enterprise capability while the goal is to improve enterprise capability .

  15. 在智能节点的层次上,基于过程要素和组织要素,对大规模现场智能节点的组织决策过程进行了较为详细的描述。

    In the end , this paper describes the organization and the decision making course of largescale field intelligent node based on the process and organizing factor at the intelligent node hiberarchy .

  16. 但是现实中企业管理却面临着因管理的复杂性、管理的不确定性和管理的不可确知性给组织要素的适配与协同带来的挑战。

    However , the enterprise management in reality faces with the challenges results from the adapter and synergies of organizational elements because of the complexity , the uncertainty and unintellectuality of the management .

  17. 随着企业内部结构的复杂化、业务多元化和产品技术的不断升级,企业的创新不再仅仅是单一技术要素的创新,而是全面创新一多种组织要素、技术要素和市场要素之间的互动创新。

    Innovation is no longer a single technological innovation , but a Total Innovation - multi-factors interactive innovation within an organization , due to internal structure complication , business diversification and technology constantly upgrading .

  18. 本文是从组织要素的设计与变革以及组织能力的培育与开发视角来研究顾客价值的创造与管理问题。

    This Passage has studied customer value ( CV ) creation and management based on design and change of organization element ( OE ) and on cultivation and development of organization capacity ( OC ) .

  19. 里曼认为基本要素、组织要素、联想要素是构成音乐的三类要素,但由于其主观化的程度不同,其在不同音乐中的比重也并不统一。

    Riemann believes that three elements of music are the basic element , organizational element and imagination element . But because of their different subjective degree , their proportions in different music are also not uniform .

  20. 治安防控体系包括人力要素、物质要素、意识要素、组织要素、信息要素、规范要素、技术要素、战术要素、管理要素等九个基本要素。

    Social security precaution and control structure includes nine factors : human factor , material factor , consciousness factor , organization factor , information factor , standard factor , technology factor , tactics factor and administration factor .

  21. 在前人关于复杂产品系统和知识管理相关研究基础上,以组织要素、文化要素、IT要素为影响变量,就知识管理对复杂产品系统创新的影响机理进行了探讨。

    Based on a brief review about previous literature on CoPS and knowledge management , it discusses the knowledge management mechanism which affects CoPS innovation , using organizational factors , cultural factors and IT factors as variables .

  22. 该范式既有对企业内部组织要素和外部不确定环境自组织自适应的机制,也有使这种机制得以发挥作用并兼顾规模经济与范围经济的双模块结构。

    This paradigm is composed of the mechanism of the self-organizing to the these factors and the self-adjustability to the uncertain environments and the dual module structure , which is a unification of scale economics and scope economics .

  23. 从组织要素的分析中衍生出了网络草根组织的运作要素理念、网络和参与者,以及网络草根组织赖以存续的理由创新、参与。

    Moreover , the operational factors of the cyber grass-roots organizations idea , network and participant can be derived from the analysis of organizational elements , along with the two core values of their existence and persistence innovation and participation .

  24. 第二章主要以栖霞寺的基址选择开始进行详细的分析,包括寺内的总体布局,建筑空间与功能组织要素来剖析栖霞寺的建筑空间形态。

    The second chapter to the base address of the Qixia Temple began to conduct a detailed analysis , including the overall layout of the temple building space and functional organizational elements to analyze the Qixia Temple of building space form .

  25. 同时,杭州的大中型建筑设计公司经历了10余年的高速发展,内部组织要素也已经发生了很大的变化,如组织目标、组织规模、组织资源、所有制性质等。

    At the same time , having developed fast for more than 10 years , great changes took place in the inner environment of the firms : such as the organization dimensions , the organization resources , the ownership and so on .

  26. 以此为理论依据,就两家企业的知识创新实践和呈现的组织要素特征展开研究。最后,在案例分析以及三种理论成果的相互印证下,构建本文的研究模型。

    Based on the framework , this paper analyse the knowledge innovation practices and the characteristics of organizational factors . Finally , based on the basic model of enterprise knowledge innovation , according to organizational characteristics , we built and explained the model .

  27. 外部环境和内部组织要素的改变,导致组织结构与组织要素、组织要素与要素之间发生矛盾,影响了组织功能效率和效果,阻碍了组织目标的实现。

    Because of the changes of both the environment and the inner organization factors , there are contradictions between organization structures and organization factors . Thus they impact the efficiency and effect of the organization functions and prevent the aims of organization from fulfilling .

  28. 论文从企业能力理论着手,根据企业能力的内涵、特性和功能,归纳出影响企业能力的四个关键组织要素:业务流程、组织结构、人力资源和组织文化;

    This article starts with the theory of enterprise capability . According to the connotations , characteristics and functions of enterprise capability , this article claims that business process , organization , human resource and organizational culture are the crucial organizational factors which affect enterprise capability .

  29. 基于COM、HTS/COM+技术组织地籍要素,使之与面向对象的数据模型相符合;

    Author shape cadastral features modal , analyse the relation between cadastral spatial and non-spatial object according to cadastral features organized in COM and MTS / COM + technology , so as to accord with object-oriented data modal .

  30. 合理分析与组织教学要素;

    Rationally analyze and organize teaching items ;