
  • 网络The Duke of York;Duke York
  1. 约克公爵安德鲁王子(princeandrew,dukeofyork)再有15分钟就该到了,而我此刻正为一件严重违反礼仪的事情烦恼。

    Fifteen minutes before the Duke of York is due to arrive , and I am fretting about a serious breach of protocol .

  2. 布里奇顿的下水道是一个展现了维多利亚时期工程和建筑风格的鲜活的纪念馆,其得票数超过了包括约克公爵影院(DukeofYork'sPicturehouse)在内的其他名胜古迹,后者是英国最古老的电影院之一。

    The living monument to Victorian engineering and architecture topped other attractions including the Duke of York 's Picturehouse , one of Britain 's oldest cinemas .

  3. 2008年约克公爵Andrew透露说,皇室成员是不能玩大富翁游戏的,因为“太邪恶了”。

    In2008 , Prince Andrew , Duke of York , said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home " because it gets too vicious " .

  4. 这位在HBO奇幻电视剧中饰演雪诺的明星目前正在伦敦约克公爵剧院参演舞台剧《浮士德博士》,在这台剧中,哈灵顿大部分时间都只穿着内裤,到最后还会露得更多。

    The star - who plays Jon Snow in the HBO fantasy series - is currently appearing in Doctor Faustus at the Duke of York Theatre in London , in which he spends most of his time in his pants and eventually shows rather more .

  5. 婚礼草案显示,民选产生的国外领导人不在受邀之列。约克公爵夫人当然也未受邀。

    The Duchess of York is definitely not on the list .

  6. 她曾是约克公爵的厨子。

    She used to cook for the Duke of york .

  7. 约克公爵及公爵夫人殿下

    Their Royal Highnesses , the Duke and Duchess of York

  8. 为什么这家酒吧叫做“约克公爵”呢?

    Why is this pub called the Duke of York ?

  9. 首先,大多以皇室或是地主为名字,好比“约克公爵”。

    First of all , royalty and landowners , like Duke of York .

  10. 伊丽莎白王后:是的,约克公爵。

    Queen Elizabeth : Yes the Duke of York .

  11. 约克公爵将出席今晚的节日音乐会。

    The Duke of York will be in attendance at tonight 's Gala concert .

  12. 约克公爵在西坞马术俱乐部发表讲演。

    HRH the Duke of York presents a speech at the Sheerwood equestrian club .

  13. 伊丽莎白王后:要是我丈夫是约克公爵呢?洛格:约克公爵?

    Queen Elizabeth : And what if my husband were the Duke of York ?

  14. 我的意思是,这家的名字是“约克公爵”,我们在路上还路过一家叫“公牛”的呢。

    I mean , this is the Duke of York and we just past The Bull .

  15. 最近有关约克公爵夫人的八卦消息让英国媒体感到很是幸灾乐祸。

    The recent tabloid sting involving the Duchess of York has elicited plenty of schadenfreude in the British press .

  16. 我这样子就是自信的体现,我会在约克公爵那儿等你俩的。

    This is what quiet confidence looks like . I 'll wait for you two at the Duke of York .

  17. 照片展示的分别是:1930年左右女王还是伊丽莎白公主的时候跟时任约克公爵的父亲的合影;

    They show the Queen : as a young Princess Elizabeth with her father then the Duke of York in around 1930 ;

  18. 又到了大喊答题节目环节。你在哪里可以找到纳尔逊纪念碑,纪念碑还有约克公爵纪念碑。

    Time for the " Shoutout . " Where would you find Nelson 's Column , the Cenotaph and the Duke of York 's Column .

  19. 第六幅则将矛头指向约克公爵弗雷德里克,1791年,这位爵爷娶了弗雷德克卡,普鲁士国王的长女为妻。

    The sixth print targets Frederick , the Duke of York , who was married in1791 to Frederica , eldest daughter to the King of Prussia .

  20. 他说,环境的改变让人难以接受,约克公爵夫人或许可以接受自己穷困的事实,却无法再找准自己的位置。

    ' It 's the change in circumstances that 's difficult * She could have accepted she was poor but wouldn 't know who she was .

  21. “英国王室频道”还包括1923年女王父母约克公爵和伊丽莎白?鲍伊斯-莱恩夫人鲜为人见的婚礼录像。

    The Royal Channel also includes rarely seen footage of the1923 wedding of the queen 's parents , then known as the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon .

  22. 国王反对派在议会内外抨击英王查理二世的内外政策,在三届排斥议会中力求通过旨在废除天主教徒约克公爵詹姆士王位继承权的《排斥议案》。

    The Country Opposition criticized the internal and external policies of Charles II inside and outside parliament ; they strove the sanction of Exclusion Bill aiming at the abolition of the right of the Duke of York , James to succession to the throne in three Exclusion Parliaments .

  23. 例如,约克女公爵在法国日光浴的照片曾经被广泛刊登。

    Photographs of the Duchess of York sunbathing in france , for example , have been widely published .