- 网络approximate quantity;About Circa Approximate

Every language has its ways to express approximate quantity and Chinese is no exception .
The fifth analyses adverb associated with approximate quantity , by ways of " measure analysis " and " rank analysis ", we make an investigation to estimate words and terminal words .
The fourth chapter inspects approximate quantity expression without number , especially approximate words and approximate time word .
The second chapter investigates kinds of forms of two numbers ' combination meaning approximate quantity , and from two sides of " the selection of quantifier " and " the affirmation and the negation " make a semantic analysis .
Estimates of the studies focus on not only general laws about the amount of expression , to improve the accuracy of language use , and can deepen our understanding of the language content area to expand our thinking on the amount of cognitive areas .
The proportion of available content to total content is about between 10 % to 35 % .
Optimum condition for growth is pH 6.0 . With about 1 % inoculum of these bacteria , 34.37 % and 19.79 % of the sulfur from thiosulfate and sulfate can be removed for a period of 7 days .
Large quantity of tetra - through octa - PCDDs and PCDFs , amounting to about 40 percent of the sample wight were found in the waste . Among them , 2,3,7,8-TCDD , the most toxic congener , was also detected .
The optimal pH for growth was 6.0 . With about 1 % inoculum of this bacterium , 34.37 % and 19.79 % of the sulfur from thiosulfate and sulfate could be removed for a period of 7 days .
The maximum infiltration amount of water was about 1 % of precipitation .
Conclusion : The elutive rate of hesperidin was above 95 % by means of the macroporous resin .
Today , some 85 % of the electricity generated by nuclear plants comes from facilities of a similar design as Fukushima .
The trend of regional distribution of evapotranspiration conformed to that of natural precipitation , its value was over 84 % of the rainfall .
Land surface water resources regulation by plant is realized through changing rainfall distribution features , rain interception by forest canopy makes up 10 % to 40 % of total rainfall .
However , in the current power system , most of transformers are still in the state of natural operation with electrical consumption rate of approximately 10 % of the total power production and 50 % of the power loss respectively .
By now , the emission from coal-fired power plants accounts for about two-third of national SO2 emission .
China is the world 's biggest consumer of seaborne iron ore , accounting for about two-thirds of global demand However , Melinda Moore , analyst at Standard Bank , said seasonality was also playing its part .
Moreover , mean longevity of treaded female adults was significantly reduced about 20 days , and mean fecundity was decreased about 60 to 80 % .
This framework is using in middle-and-small-scale application of J2EE . Contrasted the coequal project , it can condense the period of development by about 20 % , reduce the code amount by about 25 % , increase the speed to access database by about 10 % .
Taking the average annual growth rate of 3 % , the application of phosphate fertilizer will reach 15 million ton P_2O_5 by the year 2015 , with about 8 kg P_2O_5 per 667 m ~ 2 field in China .
The simulating results indicate that during the period when HCHs was largely applied , the main source of HCHs is agricultural application ( 134t / a ) and air advection ( 623t / a ) from windward , which accounting for 92 % of the overall input ;
The results of methamidophos accounted for12.01 % of the total application in the field .
The evapotranspiration is about 36-57 % of annual precipitation with an average value of 43.6 % .
The simultaneous nitrification and denitrification rate of the up flow Biological Aerated Filter is about 25 % .
The results show that the absorption rate due to droplet formation and falling can be up to 30 % .
The volume electrical wear was about 1 ~ 6 times higher than the mechanical wear during the same wearing time .
The results show that the heat and mass transfer performance can be enhanced with the increase of spray density and inlet concentration respectively .
Under the same conditions , the flow rate of mechanical smoke exhaust at low level was about 5 times than that at high level .
Asynchronous motor , which is a primary load of power system , consumes the most national generated energy , about 60 to 70 percent .
Annual soil moisture variation is 11.2 mm , accounting for 1.1 % of the total annual precipitation . But the monthly change is relatively large ;