
  • 网络Yorkshire Pudding
  1. 你根本不喜欢约克郡布丁。

    You don 't even like Yorkshire pudding .

  2. 烤牛肉是传统的星期日午餐食品,必须和约克郡布丁一起进食。

    Roast beef is the classic Sunday lunch and must be served with Yorkshire pudding .

  3. 我们每个星期天的中饭都吃烤牛肉和约克郡布丁。

    We have roast beef and Yorkshire PUD for lunch every sunday .

  4. 烤好后,约克郡布丁即轻又脆;

    Made well , Yorkshire puddings are light and crisp ;

  5. 约克郡布丁是周日烤肉的必备;

    Yorkshire puddings are an accompaniment to Sunday roasts ;

  6. 我们在吃烤肉和约克郡布丁。

    We 're having roast and Yorkshire pudding .

  7. 约克郡布丁不是真正的布丁。

    Yorkshire pudding is not a pudding .

  8. 不管怎样,约克郡布丁是真正考验烹饪技能的一道点心。

    Whether or not your Yorkshire puddings rise is the true test of your cooking ability .

  9. 微型约克郡布丁,是牛肉与白萝卜根据一定的比例调和而成。

    Miniature Yorkshire puddings with a morsel of beef and horse radish make a great canap é .

  10. 约克郡布丁是一道可口的英国食品,由面糊制成,有点类似于美国的淡烤酥饼。

    Yorkshire pudding is an English savory dish similar to the American Popover , and made from batter .

  11. 约克郡布丁??如果用烤炉加热过更好??是烤牛肉的最好配菜。

    Yorkshire pudding ? batter baked in hot fat in the oven-is a favourite accompaniment to roast beef .

  12. 烤牛肉配约克郡布丁:这是英国全国各地在星期天午餐都会吃的传统菜肴。

    Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding : This is a traditional meal eaten for Sunday lunch across Britain .

  13. 没错,我一开始对这个主意十分质疑。但我发现他们有卖约克郡布丁。

    Yeah , which I was initially skeptical of until I saw online that they serve Yorkshire pudding .

  14. 约克郡布丁是周日烤肉的必备;有些人会说这是膳食中最好的一部分。

    Yorkshire puddings are an accompaniment to Sunday roasts ; some would say the best part of the meal .

  15. 我以前从来没有做过约克郡布丁,因此我不知道这一次做出来的会结果如何。

    Ve never made Yorkshire pudding before so I am not quite sure how it isgoing to turn out .

  16. 用蓬松奶油面糊做成的中空松饼(单个的约克郡布丁),在深松柄杯里烘焙。

    Light hollow muffin made of a puff batter ( individual Yorkshire pudding ) baked in a deep muffin cup .

  17. 几乎人人知道红烧牛排与约克郡布丁,但这绝不是惟一烧得好的菜。

    Nearly everybody knows about roast beef and Yorkshire pudding but this is by no means the only dish that is cooked well .

  18. 在有些酒吧里,约克郡布丁一般会被做成碗状,里面填满多种不同的食物。

    In pub cuisine , Yorkshire puddings may be offered with a multitude of fillings , with the pudding acting as a bowl .

  19. 吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。

    Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in May 2006 in Clifton West Yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting .

  20. 约克郡布丁的制作方法是将面糊浇注在涂过油的烘培罐里,然后在高温下烘烤加热至其膨胀。

    Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin , and baking at a very high heat until it has risen .

  21. 约克郡布丁是由鸡蛋和面粉做成的一种美味蛋糕,源自约克郡,该地区位于英格兰北部。

    Yorkshire pudding is originally from Yorkshire , an area in the north of England , and is a savoury cake made with eggs and flour .

  22. 虽然名字叫约克郡布丁,而且感觉上像是是用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋做出来的煎饼,但它其实不是一道甜点。

    Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert inspite of its name , although it is similar in some ways to a pancake made with flour , milk and eggs .

  23. 约克郡布丁是英国人周日晚餐的重要组成部分。有时候它也会作为单独的一道菜先于主菜上桌。

    The Yorkshire pudding is a staple of the British Sunday dinner , and in some cases is eaten as a separate course prior to the main meat dish .

  24. 约克郡布丁也可以和肉在同一个平底锅里烤,等肉烤熟后装盘再继续烤锅中的布丁,这样就可以利用烤肉留在锅里的汁水,让布丁更入味了。

    Yorkshire pudding may also be made in the same pan as the meat , after the meat has been cooked and moved to a serving platter , which also takes advantage of the meat 's juices that are left behind .

  25. 约克郡布丁是一道可口的英国食品,由面糊制成,有点类似于美国的淡烤酥饼。通常配合烤牛肉,肉汤或其他一些带汤汁的食物一起食用。

    Yorkshire pudding is an English savory dish similar to the American popover , and made from batter.Is most often served with roast beef , or any meal in which there is gravy , or on its own.Gravy is considered an essential accompaniment by many .