
  1. 生态系统管理学的概念框架及其生态学基础

    A conceptual framework and the ecological basis for ecosystem management

  2. 生态系统管理学是研究生态系统管理的理论与实践技术、相关政策和管理策略的综合性应用生态学。

    Ecosystem management is a synthetic applied ecology concerning ecosystem management theories , practical technologies , relevant policies and management strategies .

  3. 分别阐述了与自然保护区建设和管理息息相关的一些基础理论,主要包括可持续发展理论、生态经济学理论、恢复生态学理论、生态伦理学理论、生态系统管理学理论和自然保护区学理论。

    Basic theories closely related to construction and management of natural reserves are elaborated in this section such as sustainable development , ecological economics , restoration ecology , ecological ethics , ecosystem management and the theory of nature reserves .

  4. 基于企业生态系统的管理学研究纲领

    On Management Research Programs Based on Enterprise Ecosystem

  5. 大学教学过程质量监控系统的管理学思考

    The reflection on the teaching quality assurance system of university from the perspective of management science

  6. 环境管理系统的现代管理学分析

    Modern Management Science Analysis of Environmental Management System

  7. 结合系统工程、管理学原理、质量管理和过程管理等思想,提出了一种新的软件质量管理模式&绩优软件质量管理模型。

    Based on the idea of system engineering , principle of management , quality management and process management , a model for optimizing software quality management is designed to optimize the traditional mode of quality management .

  8. 工业工程(IE)方法将管理技术与工程技术有机地结合在一起,运用系统工程和管理运筹学的理论和方法,以计算机为手段,形成了一套系统优化技术。

    Industrial Engineering ( IE ) methods integrate the management and technology , it forms series system optimization technology , using operations research , system engineering and computer science . IE and process supply with each other .

  9. 系统分析方法在管理学中的作用

    Application of System Analysis Method in Management Science

  10. 他们中的大多数人从未系统地学过管理学知识,凭借自己的专业技术知识获得了企业管理职位。

    Most of them have never systematically studied knowledge of management , by virtue of their access to professional and technical knowledge of enterprise management posts .

  11. 在现代社会,科学的社区管理是内源动力的决定性因素,在此管理系统中,随着管理学和社会的发展,激励机制成为当代管理中最重要的一种方法。

    In modern society , the scientific administration is the determined factor to make interior community power . In this system , excitation mechanism is the most important method .

  12. 再应用信息经济学、系统科学及现代管理学等理论对航运企业信息化现状调查分析,并与国外先进水平进行对照。

    Then compared with foreign situation , it studies the status quo of shipping business informatization by applying the theories of Technology Economics , System Science and Modern Management .

  13. 同时,也为传统媒体向新媒体的转型提供一个系统的、具有管理学参照意义的、基于流程再造基础上的范本。

    At the same time , also for traditional media to provide a new media transformation of management system , has the significance of reference , based on the basis of sample reengineering .

  14. 因此对我国证券市场风险系统管理这个横跨政治学、法学、经济学与行政管理学的热门课题进行研究具有时代的必要性。

    So it has necessity with times to research the risk systematic management of our country 's securities market which is being the hot subject amid politics , laws , economics and administrative science .

  15. 本文以技术创新学、统计学、系统学、公共管理学等理论为基础,综合运用了比较分析、系统分析及规范研究和实证分析相结合的方法。

    The thesis is based on the Technical Innovation Science , the Statistics , the Systems and the Public Management Science . It comprehensively applies standard research , empirical analysis , comparative analysis and system analysis .

  16. 本文运用系统工程学、行政管理学、法学、航海学等多学科的理论,探讨了社会对海事管理系统的需求,系统应具有的功能。

    This paper probes into the requirements of the maritime administration system of the society and its required functions by using the theories of several subjects , such as system engineering , administrative science , law and navigation etc.

  17. 近几年,随着管理协同理论的出现,协同管理信息系统的研究成为管理学界的前沿话题,日益改变着传统管理理念。

    In the last few years , as the Collaborative Management Theory come out , collaborative management information system research has been the leading topic in management and challenged traditional management ideas . S information institute in this essay is the scientific research institution for society .

  18. 生态系统健康是新兴的生态系统管理学概念,是环境管理和生态系统管理的目标。

    Ecosystem health is a new concept of ecosystem management science and is the common aim of environmental management and ecosystem management .

  19. 从管理学研究的现状和问题,进而论证系统(而不是组织)作为管理学逻辑起点所具有的重要意义和理论价值,并进一步探讨系统作为管理学逻辑起点的要素和特征等问题。

    From the present situation and the questions on the management research , we try to find the vital significance and the theory value of the system ( not the organization ) as the logical start , and then further discuss the system 's essential factor and characteristic .

  20. 介绍系统分析的主要特征及系统分析方法在管理学中的作用,供从事实际管理工作和理论研究人员参考。

    The paper introduced the main characteristics of system analysis and application of system analysis method in management science .