
  • 网络series of advertisements;burberry
  1. 在马德里动物园海洋馆从一系列广告,相比之下,一些发人深省的人行动物。

    A series of advertisements from Zoo Aquarium in Madrid that compares animals to people with some thought provoking lines .

  2. 政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。

    The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote .

  3. 去年八月,《广告时代》(AdAge)报道称,在“MacGenius”系列广告停播后,特拉特内便离开了TBWA/MAL。

    In August , ad age reported that trattner had left TBWA / mal after its " MAC genius " commercials were pulled off the air .

  4. 在税务问题上,苹果就像2000年代的《买台Mac》(GetaMac)系列广告中代表个人电脑(PC)的那个呆头呆脑的角色,而维斯特格则像代表Mac的那个酷酷的、自信满满的角色。

    On tax matters , it resembles the nerdy PC character in its " Get a Mac " campaign in the 2000s , with Ms Vestager as the cool , cocksure Mac .

  5. LV今日还为该表发布了系列广告,在众多全球明星中尤其突出了有“中国贾斯汀·比伯”之称的鹿晗。

    The luxury label released a campaign video for the watch today , featuring China 's Justin Beiber , Luhan , among other global stars .

  6. 他似乎更有资格得到一份JP摩根(JPMORGAN)的工作。几年前,该公司在一系列广告中描述了个别员工的非凡品质。

    He would seem even better qualified for a job at JP Morgan , which , a few years back , ran a series of ads on the extraordinary qualities of individual employees .

  7. 电视连续剧《胜利之光》(FridayNightLights)导演彼得·伯格(PeterBerg)曾负责为UnderArmour制作一系列广告,他在幕后观看UnderArmour的一部广告拍摄时,把圣皮埃尔称作为“如今还活着的最伟大运动员之一。”

    Friday Night Lights director Peter Berg , who headed up a series of commercials for Under Armour , called GSP " one of the greatest athletes alive today , " in a behind the scenes look at a UA commercial shoot .

  8. 一些上镜头的女孩子被找来拍一系列广告。

    Photogenic girls were sought for a series of adverts .

  9. 形式系列广告的传播优势分析

    An Analysis of the Diffusing Advantages of Formalistic Advertisements

  10. 内衣品牌M&S的一组系列广告因为被指内容“挑衅”而广受争议。

    A series of M & S lingerie adverts have come under fire for their'provocative'content .

  11. 广告公司因先前一系列广告活动获得成功而取得该项合同。

    The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of their previous successful campaigns .

  12. 系列广告杂谈

    Thoughts on Serial Commercial Advertisement

  13. 有时广告述说一个故事,或者这个故事在今后的一系列广告中连载。

    Sometimes advertisements tell a story , or the story may be continued over a number of advertisements .

  14. 她已经成为一系列广告和走秀新星,出场费达2000英镑。

    She has already starred in a string of adverts and catwalk shows and is earning up to £ 2000 a shoot .

  15. 开发商标或品牌的成本通常是由系列广告活动的支出组成的,这些广告支出应在发生时当费用处理。

    The costs of developing a trademark or brand name often consist of advertising campaigns which should be treated as expense when incurred .

  16. 但在1997年,乔布斯一回到当时濒临破产的苹果,就下令发布这一系列广告。

    But Jobs ordered this campaign in 1997 , when he had just returned to Apple and the company was all but bankrupt .

  17. 之后,我们介绍了学术界对于广告效果进行的各种类型的研究,包括一系列广告心理效果测评模型。

    Then we introduce kinds of research aiming at advertising effects in academic , among these are a series of mental effects evaluation models .

  18. 曾有100个志愿者看了奥维儿的“鲜美食”爆米花广告——研究人员制作的系列广告。

    A hundred volunteers looked at print ads for Orville Redenbacher 's " Gourmet Fresh " popcorn - a variety that researchers made up .

  19. 横滨特意更名为优科豪马来贴近中国市场,并且展开一系列广告推广活动。

    It even got a Chinese name to show its recognition of China 's market and carried out a series of advertising and promotional campaigns .

  20. 这种广告更像亚马逊面向购物者投放的广告,而非谷歌那种典型的基于文字的广告。用谷歌搜索iPhone,会显示一系列相关广告,用户可以滑动屏幕进行查看。

    The ads more closely resemble what Amazon shows shoppers than Google 's typical text-based ads. The same search on an iPhone shows a carousel of such ads that users can swipe through .

  21. 中国搜索与网络服务集团百度(Baidu)将关闭其医疗咨询服务。此前,百度曾在去年遭遇一系列医疗广告丑闻,伤及百度的声誉及营收。

    Chinese search and online services conglomerate Baidu will shutter its medical consultation service after a string of medicine advertisement scandals bit into the company 's reputation and revenues last year .

  22. 2007年曾发起了一系列电视广告活动,使用的口号是“携带避孕套光荣”(Yuedokpokthung)。

    A series of television advertising campaigns that used the slogan " Proud to carry condoms "( Yued ok pok thung ) was launched in2007 .

  23. 我们要在以后三周时间里插播出一系列电视广告节目。

    We are running a series of TV spot over the next three weeks .

  24. 汽车生产商制作了一系列电视广告来宣传他们汽车的安全特性。

    The car manufactures have produced a series of television advertisements touting their car 's safety features .

  25. 他曾经拍摄了一系列公益广告呼吁人们抵制贩卖象牙、号召人们停止食用鱼翅。

    He has made a number of public service ads for the fight against the ivory trade and opposing consumption of shark fins .

  26. 在拍摄了一系列电视广告后,公司拿出100万美元为他的头发买了保险。

    After a series of popular TV adverts , the company have decided to take out a $ 1 million Lloyd 's of London policy on the locks .

  27. 吉尔曼之前在一系列的广告公司工作,于上世纪90年代末最终进入家族企业与他父亲共事,随后,这家公司被出售了。

    Gilman worked for a series of advertising firms before eventually entering the family business in the late 1990s to work with his father before the company was sold off .

  28. 竞价排名实质上应该是一种广告,因此,在竞价排名过程中还可能存在着虚假广告、不正当竞争等一系列的广告违法问题。

    Competitive ranking in essence should be a kind of advertising , so , in the competitive rankings may exist false advertising , unfair competition , and a series of illegal advertisement .

  29. Sam:有,过去两年我一直在公司的公共关系部门工作,我曾策划了一系列的广告活动以及与艺术家、印刷工人的联系沟通事宜。

    Sam : Yes , I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years . I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer .

  30. 58同城拒绝置评。目前,58同城的市值是赶集网的两倍左右,但两家公司都提供一系列在线广告列表,包括招聘广告、住房和二手商品。

    Currently 58.com , which declined to comment , is about twice as big as Ganji.com , but both companies provide a range of online advertising listings including job adverts , housing and second-hand goods .