
  • 网络archetype;systems archetype
  1. 提出了项目利益相关方动态治理关系的系统基模分析方法。

    Comes up with system archetypes for analyzing dynamic variation process of stakeholder governance relationships .

  2. 论文提出了多种项目利益相关方治理关系动态变化过程分析的系统基模,研究特定的动态性如何影响项目治理系统的整体绩效,可为考察相关方治理行为与寻找风险规避方案提供重要依据。

    This essay provides with system archetypes for dynamic variation analysis of multiple projects , learning how specific dynamics would influence overall performance of the project governance system , which could provide important basis for investigation of stakeholder governance behaviors and hunting for risk aversion schemes . 5 .

  3. 广东创意产业发展现状及系统基模研究

    Status of Creative Industry in Guangdong and the System Archetype Researches

  4. 以系统基模理论分析联想的发展战略

    Analysis of Development Strategy of Legend with Systematic G-model Theory

  5. 我国第三方物流发展的系统基模分析

    The System Archetype Analysis of the Third Party Logistics Development in Our Country

  6. 营销危机的系统基模分析

    Analysis on the System Archetype of Marketing Crisis

  7. 高校饭店管理专业人才潜流失问题的系统基模研究

    Systematic Archetype Study on the " Potential Flow " of the University Talents Majoring Restaurant Management

  8. 运用系统基模可以对“落后生”落后的原因及对策做静态和动态的探讨。

    We can study the cause of backward-students and seek solutions to it by using systems-archetype .

  9. 中小企业应对市场需求和价格的经营战略系统基模分析

    The Modelling of Strategic Management System for Small and Medium Enterprises to Deal With Market Demand and Price

  10. 通风、降温、防蚊、防疫、防污的养猪模式的系统基模分析

    The analysis of systemic Archetypes in the well-ventilation 、 reducing-heat , anti-mosquito 、 anti-epidemic disease and anti-pollution pig-raising mode

  11. 本文首先简单介绍了营销危机管理的相关理论和系统基模的相关理论,涉及到了危机、危机管理、营销危机管理、系统基模等理论;

    First of all , the essay briefly introduces the relevant theories of MCM and SA , involving crisis , CM , MCM , SA and so forth .

  12. 根据现代安全管理的特点,以基本基模中的成长上限为例开展企业安全管理的系统基模分析。

    It takes basic archetype as an example to carry out system archetype analysis of company safety management system , according to the characteristics of modern safety management .

  13. 本文希望通过对系统基模的研究,提出一套系统的、可操作性强的营销危机管理模型,也为营销危机管理的研究提供一种新的研究角度和方法。

    The essay is aiming at putting forward a set of prototype of systematic and serviceable MCM through the research on SA and providing a new point of view and method in the research of MCM .

  14. E-SCM中合作机制的系统反馈基模分析

    System Feedback Archetypes Analysis on the Cooperation Mechanism of E-SCM

  15. 公司与农户双重违约行为的系统反馈基模分析

    Feedback archetypes analysis on contract violation behavior in company and farmers

  16. 通过构建安全意识、安全管理人力资源、企业决策层支持、企业安全管理资金与企业安全管理创新能力五个系统子基模生产安全管理系统成长上限基模。

    By establishing the 5 sub-archetypes-safety awareness , human resources of safety management , support of company decision layer , funds of company safety management , and creative ability of company safety management , it produces growth limit of safety management system .

  17. 循环经济生态系统的系统基模分析

    The System Archetype Analysis of Circular Economy Eco-system

  18. 公司+农户规模经营系统的反馈基模生成集分析

    The Analysis of the " Company & Farmer " Management System by the Feedback Archetype Generating Set

  19. 系统入树反馈基模生成系向量生成法

    The Vector Multiplication Method of System in-tree Feedback Archetypes ' Spanning Set

  20. 实验结果表明:该激光系统能获得基横模、窄频带和高效率的激光输出。

    The experimental results show that the single transverse mode narrow bandwidth laser output can be obtained while maintaining a high lasing efficiency .

  21. 接着,介绍了系统动力学原理和系统基模等内容,为第三、四、五和第六章做理论铺垫。

    Then , introduced the system dynamics and systems archetypes , etc. , for the third , fourth , fifth and sixth chapters do theoretical groundwork .

  22. 通过项目人力资源管理系统模型,可以构建项目人力资源管理系统基模,并运用系统思考的理论,得出项目人力资源管理系统基模的杠杆解。

    Based on the system model of project human resource management , this paper brought forward an archetype of project human resource management . With the help of system theory , the leverage of the archetype of project human resource management was measured .

  23. 其次,本文运用系统动力学方法,深入分析了江西省中小企业知识产权融资现状,运用系统动力学因果反馈基模分析,绘制了知识产权融资的因果反馈图,进而得到了因果反馈图杠杆解。

    Then , the author deploys system dynamics to analyze the financial situation of small corporations in Jiangxi in depth and draws the diagram of intellectual property right financing .

  24. 在笔者原提出的系统动力学流率基本入树规范性建模法的基础上,讨论了一个确定的复杂系统的系统基模生成的问题。

    Based on the normative modeling method-the method of rate variable based in-tree in the SD , we discussed a problem of how to generate system archetypes in a certain complex system .