
jīnɡ shén kē xué
  • the humanities;psychiatry;psychology;anthroposophy
  1. rTMS的这种特性吸引了众多学者的兴趣,包括了公共医学,神经科学,精神科学等不同的学术领域。

    RTMS attract many scholars from different academic fields because of its speciality , including public medicine , neuroscience and psychiatry .

  2. Hans曾经在一个华德福学校任高中的科学老师,也曾经是实践生物动力农耕的农夫,还曾在一个精神科学学校中任班主任,新西兰的人智学团体的秘书长。

    Hans has been a Waldorf School High School Science teacher , biodynamic farmer , Class holder for The School of Spiritual Science , General Secretary for The Anthroposophical Society in New Zealand .

  3. 但至今在世界的眼里,中国仍然是一个精神科学落后的国家。

    But until this day the world considers China to be a backward country in spiritual science .

  4. 在早先的那些日子里,由于我是在蒙特利尔加入精神科学团体。

    In those early days , I was affiliated with the Spiritual Science Fellowship out of Montreal .

  5. 可以说,不了解他的精神科学历史观,就不能很好地正确理解现代西方哲学思想的来龙去脉。

    If you does not understand his moral science conception of history , you cannot correctly understand western contemporary philosophy thought .

  6. 他的解释学是一种揭示真理(存在或意义)的方法,因而也是精神科学的基本方法。

    His hermeneutics is the way to show the truth , being or meaning . So it is the basic method of the spirit science .

  7. 自维达斯以来,有数度改善精神科学艺术但被世存宗教所冷淬的努力。

    Since then there were several endeavors to improve the state of the art of the spiritual science but these endeavors were tampered by the existing religions .

  8. 伽达默尔认为,精神科学与自然科学有本质区别,关注的是精神的基本运动,关注它对人们精神世界的影响。

    Gadamer deems human science pays attention to the fundamental move of mind and its affection to the world of human spirit , and this is essentially different from natural science .

  9. 面临着宗教改革与苏格兰启蒙运动的思想和社会语境,休谟试图把实验推理的方法运用到精神科学领域,从而为道德找到新的源泉。

    Facing the context of Religion Evolution and Scottish Movement , in order to seek the new origin of the moral , David Hume did try to introduce the experimental reasoning method to human mind .

  10. 狄尔泰试图通过对精神科学认识论的研究来确定意义的客观性,但是,由于他的哲学立足点的局限性,这个任务是不可能完成的。

    Dilthey tries to decide the objectivity of the sense through the study of spiritual scientific epistemology . But owing to the limitation of his philosophic foothold , it is impossible for him to finish this task .

  11. 开放的精神正在科学界获得认可,倡议者说,这是解决科学“危机”的唯一途径,在这个危机中,很少有发现能够被成功复制。

    A spirit of openness is gaining acceptance in the science community , and is the only way , say advocates , to address a ' crisis ' in science whereby too few findings are successfully reproduced .

  12. 试论图书馆学中人文精神和科学精神的整合

    Integration of Science Spirit and Humanity Spirit in Science of Library

  13. 公共图书馆精神的科学解读

    A Scientific Explanation of the " Spirit of Public Library "

  14. 浅谈图书馆人文精神和科学精神的实践与融合

    Talking about Practice and Integration of Humanistic Spirit and Science Spirit

  15. 后现代精神的科学取向和价值取向

    The Scientific Orientation and the Orientation of Value of the Post-modern Spirit

  16. 人文精神与科学精神的和谐。

    The harmony between humanity 's spirits and science sprits .

  17. 这就忽视了科学方法在教育学研究中的应用限度:重视了归纳,忽视了演绎;忽视了中国的教育情景:忽视了科学精神和科学态度的内化。

    Scientific approach is the only study approach for education .

  18. 实践性:要求学生从实践中获取直接经验,养成科学精神和科学态度,掌握基本的科学方法,提高运用和解决实际问题的能力;

    Practice : It requires students acquire direct experiences out of practice .

  19. 图书馆人文精神与科学精神的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of the Humanistic Spirit and Scientific Spirit of Library

  20. 突出科学精神和科学态度的考查。

    Outstanding the test of scientific spirit and scientific attitude .

  21. 第二,坚持科学精神和科学方法为圭臬。

    Secondly , this journal insisted on the scientific spirit and method .

  22. 爱国主义精神的科学内涵及其现实意义

    The Scientific Connotation of the Spirit of Patriotism and its Practical Significance

  23. 中国政治学发展的走向:人文精神与科学精神的融通

    The Trend of Chinese Political Science : Blend of Humanistic and Scientific Spirit

  24. 新的美学精神以科学化、主化、族化和大众化为特征。

    The new esthetic spirit emphasized science , democracy , nationalism and popularization .

  25. 人文精神与科学精神是人类精神的两个维度。

    Scientific spirit and humanistic spirit are the human being 's two dimensions .

  26. 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来。

    We must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach .

  27. 师生科学精神与科学行为具有一致性。

    There was distinct consistency between spirit and behavior .

  28. 科学精神指科学研究者从事科学活动所需要的精神素质。

    Spirit of science means the spiritual quality what scientific needs in scientific activities .

  29. 论长征精神的科学内涵

    On Scientific Connotation of the Long March Spirit

  30. 科学文化精神与科学教育

    The Cultural Spirit of Science and Science Education