- 名psychopathology

Stephen Hinshaw , a specialist in developmental psychopathology at the University of California , Berkeley , said the time was ripe to explore the utility of nondrug interventions like mindfulness .
" It is also interesting to note that neither externalizing psychopathology nor impulsivity as measured by questionnaires was associated with impaired IGT performance ," observed Larkins .
Application of Error-Related Negativity ( ERN ) in Psychopathological Research
Psychopathology is one of the domains of attachment study .
The Studies of Developmental Psychopathology on Attachment
Jaspers'psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins'nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception .
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Jaspers ' psychopathology impacted a lot on the theory and practice of the Psychiatry in 20th century .
Since the publication of " Allegemeine Psychopathologie ", Jaspers ' psychopathology became a hot point in international psychiatry circles .
Serum levels of various immunological cytokines were not related to psychopathological scores in both the depressive and anxious group .
Study on the Relationship between the Criminological Characteristics 、 Psychopathological Factors and the Capacity of Criminal Responsibilities for Patients with Schizophrenia
Found reduced psychopathology and minor change in length of patient stay , and a clinically desirable atmosphere subsequent to the redesign of a unit .
Coursework may include ethical standards of professional psychology , theories of psychotherapy , career counseling , child and adolescent psychopathology , and other topics .
The signal propagation through nerve system is the basis of studying , memory , sense , movement , so its theory is also the basis of neuropsychosis .
We should evaluate Jaspers ' psychopathology from the perspective of the history of psychopathology , pay attention to both its great contribution to psychiatry and its passive influence on this field .
Methods : Investigating and analyzing the symptoms of dizzy , headache , vomiting , abdominal pain and diarrhoea presented simultaneously in 76 students by means of the epidemiology , clinical manifestation and hygienic tests and psychological pathology .
This paper outlined and reviewed some theoretical developments of time perspective , and summarized eight viewpoints about time perspective : namely , viewpoints of TP development , gender , performance , life , culture , health , personality , and psychopathology .