
  • 网络Mitra;Mitla;Sugata Mitra
  1. 马丁:米特拉·卡丽塔是在线杂志Quartz的记者。

    MARTIN : Mitra Kalita writes for the online journal Quartz .

  2. 与此同时,在预算案公布的前一天,纽卡斯尔大学(NewcastleUniversity)研究员苏加塔??米特拉(SugataMitra)获得了100万美元的TED(技术、娱乐和设计大会)奖金,用于运营印度的“云端学校”(SchoolsintheCloud)项目。

    Meanwhile , the day before the budget , Sugata Mitra , a researcher at Newcastle University , won the TED ( Technology , Entertainment and Design conference ) prize of $ 1m to run Schools in the Cloud from India .

  3. 1948年的战争结束后,上世纪50年代初,他曾与跨境突袭者作战。在1956年与埃及争夺西奈半岛的战争中,他指挥了夺取战略要地米特拉山口(MitlaPass)的战斗。

    After the 1948 war , he battled cross-border raiders in the early 1950s . He led the capture of the strategic Mitla Pass in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt .

  4. 米特拉博士,一位学者,也可谓是个哲学家。

    Dr mitra , a scholar and something of a philosopher .

  5. 马丁:米特拉,我知道昨晚你也在麦迪逊花园广场。

    MARTIN : Mitra , I understand you were at the Garden last night .

  6. 米特拉博士很高兴指导我了解印度的众多社会习俗。

    Dr Mitra enjoyed guiding me through the infinite variety of Indian social customs .

  7. 这是在墨西哥南部前西班牙城米特拉一个广场外墙的一部分。

    This is a section of wall framing a plaza in the pre-Hispanic city of Mitla , in southern Mexico .

  8. 至于米特拉和查克拉巴蒂,印度商学院在本校的企业孵化中心为他们提供了场地,支持该公司并给予基本津贴。

    For Mr Mitra and MS Chakrabarthi , ISB has provided space in its incubator unit to support the company and a basic stipend .

  9. 马其顿王国的菲利普打败了雅典人和底比斯人(公元前338年)并且苏拉打败了米特拉梯的战争。

    A battle in which Philip of Macedon defeated the Athenians and Thebans ( 338 BC ) and also Sulla defeated Mithridates ( 86 BC ) .