
  • 网络Willy;willi;virial;very
  1. 而维利那个混蛋,杀的是这个小男孩。

    And Willy , that asshole , shot the little boy .

  2. 纽约巨人是的维利

    The New York Giants . Yes , Willy .

  3. 在聚合物溶液中,反映分子间相互作用参数的第二维利系数(A2)也随着多酚的加入和共聚物中的VP含量的减少而相应下降,表明络合物及共聚物的水溶性随之减少。

    The second Virial coefficient ( A2 ) decreased with a decreasing content of VP in copolymers as well as adding polyatomic phenol in solution .

  4. 用维利方程计算汽相的逸度系数,用Antoine方程计算饱和蒸汽压,用NRTL方程计算液相的活度系数。

    The Virial equation was used to calculate the fugacity coefficients of vapor phase , and Antoine equation was used for the saturated vapor pressure of benzene and toluene .

  5. 用激光小角光散射仪(LALLS)和激光示差折射仪(KMX-16),分别测定了低分子肝素的第二维利系数(A2)和折光指数浓度增量(dn/dc)。

    This paper describes the measurement of Second Virial coefficients ( A2 ) and spe-cific refractive index increment ( dn / dc ) of low molecular weight heparines by low angle laser light scattering photometer ( LALLS ) and laser differential refractometer .

  6. 即便也门因为政治争锋而陷入瘫痪,经济陷入崩溃的境地,斯塔维利仍在寻求撮合也门电信运营公司sabafon的并购交易,她的公司与sabafon签有管理合同。

    Even as Yemen is paralysed by the stand-off , its economy falling into deeper ruin , Staveley is working on deals , looking for acquisitions for sabafon , a telecoms operator with which her company has a management contract .

  7. 迪法太太是爱维利莫特家的死敌。

    Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evremonde family .

  8. 我决不能坐以待毙,马尔维利欧!

    I 'm not gonna take that lying down , Malvolio !

  9. 因此,马克理所当然地是威罗维利镇上最受爱戴的公民了。

    Mark was Willowville 's best-loved citizen , all right .

  10. 环形聚苯乙烯的稀溶液性质&Ⅱ.第二维利系数

    Dilute solution properties of ring-shaped polystyrene ⅱ . the second virial coefficients

  11. 维利和乔是饥肠辘辘、邋里邋遢且极度厌倦。

    Alaways , Willie and Joe were hungry , filthy and fed-up .

  12. 将军的头衔对维利和乔毫无用处。

    Wille and Joe had no use for generals .

  13. 维利式信号枪发射的彩色信号弹。

    A colored flare fired from a Very pistol .

  14. 在丈夫维利的暗中操纵下,她最初的作品以维利的名字出现。

    Manipulated by her husband Willy , her initial works appeared under his name .

  15. 太不公平了,马尔维利欧

    It just isn 't fair , Malvolio .

  16. 血腥维利,看你干了什么好事!

    Willy Blood , look what you did !

  17. 维利的赛车的右边后轮转动得不好。

    The right rear wheel on Willy 's rally racer will not roll well .

  18. 奥丁有两个兄弟:维利和威。

    Odin 's brothers were wilI and we .

  19. 维利:可是,这是全新的。(姚译)

    Willy : But it 's brand new .

  20. 那些携带物品的人,缴纳了8美元(约合人民币50元)多一点,维利说。

    Those carrying goods handed over more than $ 8 , Mr. Verre said .

  21. 甚且在儒家文化氛围内的政治人物,难道就不懂玩弄马基维利式的权术吗?

    Do political figures from Confucian cultures not know how to utilize Machiavellian political tactics ?

  22. “道德及马基维利”是本课程中的第三及第四个自我评量。

    The Ethics and Machiavelli Questionnaires are the third and fourth self-assessments of this class .

  23. 我们没有听阿尔维利怎么说。

    We weren 't listening to alvarez .

  24. 在压缩条件下,分析了渗透压的各项维利贡献。

    Under normal compression , the osmotic pressure is examined in detail by decomposing it into various virial terms .

  25. 或者是只要深思马基维利主义,并想想是否适合你。

    Alternatively , just deal with the image of " Machiavellianism " and whether you think it suits you .

  26. 马基维利问卷是非常细致而有趣的,而且没有所谓的正确答案。

    NB : The Machiavelli Questionnaire is at best quaint and sexist , and there are no right answers .

  27. 但经常处于历史阴暗角落的马基维利主义是否就没有其巨大的实务影响力呢?

    Even though Machiavellianism has often been discarded in history , does it not have its great and substantial influences ?

  28. 本文根据穆斯海里什维利公式、裂纹表面边界条件与界面连续条件得到了含有层间裂纹的双金属层板应力与位移场的本征展开式。

    In this paper , the eigen function expansions of displacements and stress of bi-metal laminates with interface cracks are obtained .

  29. 性药物顾问凯万•维利讽刺地回应称,分清因果很重要。

    Kevan Wylie , a consultant in sexual medicine , responded drily that it 's important to differentiate cause from effect .

  30. 在文艺复兴时期,马基维利的名字跟邪恶的建言者与实行家划上等号,主要是因为《君王论》一书。

    Machiavelli 's name became synonymous in the Renaissance with evil advice and practice , largely on the basis of this document .