
  • 网络Michell;Mitchell;George Mitchell
  1. 本周三是世界地球日。就前美国航空暨太空总署太空人埃德加-米契尔和其他UFO狂热者而言,真实的事件正发生于某些地方。

    Earth Day may fall later this week , but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned , the real story is happening elsewhere .

  2. 是他提供海洛英给米契尔么?

    Is he providing hash and heroin to Mitchell ?

  3. 米契尔说,一位不愿透露姓名、为参谋长联席会议工作的舰队司令答应揭开罗斯维尔事件的真相。

    An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story , Mitchell said .

  4. 米契尔在新墨西哥罗斯维尔长大。罗斯维尔正是一些相信不明飞行物的人认为1947年一不明飞行物坠毁的位置。

    Mitchell grew up in Roswell , New Mexico , which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in1947 .

  5. 1995年,米契尔等人扩展了社会认知方法,提出了认知-情感人格系统理论,做出了整合人格心理学的尝试。

    In1995 he and Shoda extended the social cognitive approach and brought forward cognitive-affective personality system theory in an attempt to integrate personality psychology .