
  • Miller;Sienna Miller;Wentworth Miller;Frank Miller
  1. 几位目击证人证明他们看见那几个警官打了米勒的脸。

    Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face

  2. 米勒对这位严肃剧作家在美国的命运颇为忧虑。

    Miller is gloomy about the fate of the serious playwright in America .

  3. 米勒领先蒂埃里·克拉韦罗拉1分35秒完成比赛。

    Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of Thierry Claveyrolat .

  4. 《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。

    The Observer found the play ' a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes '

  5. 米勒和费林盖蒂渐渐成了朋友。

    Miller and Ferlinghetti got to be friends

  6. 米勒画作中印第安妇女的魅力有时会被艺术家的文字描述削弱。

    The appeal in Miller 's pictures of Indian women is undercut at times by what the artist writes about them

  7. 曼彻斯特米勒街的一座办公大楼完全被太阳能电池板覆盖。

    An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels .

  8. 就在9月前,米勒被一辆汽车撞倒,失去了右臂。

    Just before September , Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm .

  9. 那个赛季,我打破了米勒的所有记录,而他却在替补席上观看了主场比赛。

    That season , I broke all of Miller 's records while he watched the home games from the bench .

  10. 我们以10-1领先,我被评为最有价值的球员,但我经常做疯狂的梦,在梦里,米勒出车祸都是我的错。

    We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player , but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller 's accident .

  11. 一天下午,我穿过田野回家时,看见米勒试着翻过一道篱笆——只有两只胳膊,那篱笆是爬不上去的。

    One afternoon , I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller tried going over a fence — which wasn 't fit to climb if you had both arms .

  12. 在中世纪,诸如贝克(Baker)、卡朋特(Carpenter)和米勒(Miller)之类的表示职业的名称很常见。

    In the Middle Ages , occupation names such as Baker , Carpenter , and Miller became common .

  13. 但她的母亲米勒太太的想法完全不同。

    But her mother , Mrs. Miller thinks quite differently .

  14. 米勒太太很小的时候冬天的衣服不够穿。

    When Mrs. Miller was very young , she could not find enough clothes to wear in winter .

  15. 当米勒太太知道爱丽丝的新围巾的价格时就和她争吵起来,整整吵了一天。

    When Mrs. Miller knew the price of Alice 's new scarf , they started to argue with each other and the argument lasted for almost a whole day .

  16. 米勒·海莉诗RêveriedeBergamote高级香水品牌米勒·海莉诗最新推出的这款中性香水是淡淡的草本柑橘调。

    The latest launch from the luxe perfume house is a unisex , lightly herbal citrus .

  17. 他跟我说他同米勒一家已经很熟

    He told me he already been acquainted with the Millers .

  18. 香奈儿·米勒令人惊叹的回忆录被《人物》杂志评为年度最佳书籍。这是一个充满创伤和超越的故事,闪耀着克服苦难、过上充实而美好生活所需的勇气。

    Chanel Miller 's breathtaking memoir and transcendence , shining with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life .

  19. Thankyou,butpleasedon'tbother.谢谢,但请你不要费事了。麻烦你把这个包裹交给米勒先生好吗?

    Could I bother you to give the package to Mr.Miller ?

  20. 几个月后,Code2040为米勒提供了一份全职工作,担任合作伙伴项目的负责人。

    A couple of months later , Code 2040 offered Ms. Miller a full-time job , as the director of partner programs .

  21. 米勒此前在《DataCenterKnowledge》发表文章指出,北卡罗来纳州梅登的这个数据中心规模几乎是苹果在加州纽瓦克数据中心的五倍。

    In a previous Data Center Knowledge article , Mr. Miller noted that the Maiden center will be nearly five times the size of Apple 's Newark , Calif. , facility .

  22. 最近,FBI局长罗伯特。米勒(RobertMueller)来到我的办公室。

    Recently I had FBI director Robert Mueller in my office .

  23. 米勒建议,如果能从日常饮食中获得足够的维生素E,人们就不需要再进行额外补充了。

    " We don 't think that people need to take vitamin E supplements , that they get enough from the diet ," he said .

  24. 迈阿密。米勒大学医学院家庭医学及社区健康教授兼主席Dr。

    Robert Schwartz , professor and chairman of family medicine and community health at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine .

  25. CEO克里斯多夫路米勒在陈述中说,呈然在裁员,航空公司的正常运作一如平常。

    Despite this , the airline 's operations are very much business as usual , CEO Christoph Mueller said in a statement .

  26. 摇摆乐之王格伦•米勒(GlennMiller),他是那个时代的黑眼豆豆乐团。

    King of Swing Glenn Miller , the one-man Black Eyed Peas of his day .

  27. 米勒康胜将提供一段银子弹啤酒(CoorsLight)的视频,视频会在体育新闻片断之前播放。

    The brewer will offer a Coors Light video that plays before clips from sporting events .

  28. 周日,朝鲜国家媒体公布了对这位名为马修•米勒(MatthewMiller)的美国人的判决。

    The conviction of Matthew Miller , one of three US men being held by North Korea , was announced by state media on Sunday .

  29. 总部位于伦敦的啤酒商米勒公司(sabmiller)遇到过类似问题。

    SABMiller , the London-based brewer , has had similar problems .

  30. 而如今,米勒一天的生活从主要的社交网站twitter和facebook开始他在上面浏览朋友和熟人推荐的文章和视频。

    But today Mr Miller begins his day on Twitter and Facebook - primarily social networking sites - where he reads stories and watches videos suggested by his friends and connections .