
  • 网络miguel;Miguel Angel
  1. “你会下棋吗?”他斜睨着米格尔问道。

    ' Do you play chess ? ' he asked , looking askance at Miguel .

  2. 我的同事米格尔•赫尔夫特和杰西•亨佩尔在该文中深入探讨了Facebook发展壮大的历程,以及该公司未来面对的各种挑战。

    In it , my colleagues Miguel helft and Jessi Hempel dive into how the company has thrived and the dangers it faces ahead .

  3. 我们会提供有关管理学和成功学的推荐书单,其中包括唐?米格尔?鲁伊兹的《心灵自由的实用手册》(TheFourAgreements:APracticalGuidetoPersonalFreedom)、沃尔特?艾萨克森写的《乔布斯传》(SteveJobs)等。

    We maintain a list of recommended books about leadership and inspiration , including The Four Agreements : A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom , by Don Miguel Ruiz , and Steve Jobs , by Walter Isaacson .

  4. 何塞•法德贝内西亚三世还告诉参议院的一个专门小组,阿罗约的丈夫何塞•米格尔•阿罗约(JoseMiguelArroyo)曾试图逼他撤出项目投标。

    He also told a Senate panel the president 's husband , Jose Miguel Arroyo , had tried to bully him into withdrawing his bid for project .

  5. 家族年轻一代的代表是埃米利奥26岁的孙女亚历山德拉(Alexandra),她负责家族酒店经营;亚历山德拉20岁的妹妹阿尔芭(Alba)是农学专业学生,与她们的老爸米格尔(Miguel)一起掌管LaMasíaElOlmo庄园。

    The new generation are his granddaughter Alexandra , 26 , who runs the hotel , and her sister Alba , 20 , a student of agronomy who , together with their father Miguel , looks after La Mas í a El Olmo .

  6. 米格尔立马接过手,他把Mani轻轻推至一旁,然后跪在泡沫垫子上,用匕首样锄头猛铲土壤,以松动土中石头,再交替用手清理掉泥土。

    Miguel takes over . Gently pushing Mani aside he kneels on his foam hassock and jabs the soil with a dagger-like pick to loosen the stones , alternating with brushing movements of the hand .

  7. 作为证据,米格尔指出,meatu地区女巫攻击案的受害者几乎都是老年女性往往都来自最贫穷的家庭。

    As evidence , Miguel points out that victims of witch attacks in meatu district - almost all old women - tend to be from the poorest households .

  8. 论奈保尔《米格尔大街》中的边缘性

    A Tentative Analysis of the Marginality in V.S.Naipaul 's Miguel Street

  9. 《米格尔大街》中的模仿现象解读

    An Analysis of the Mimic Phenomena in The Miguel Street

  10. 米格尔:我们的信用额度已经过度扩张了。

    Miguel : We 're already overextended at the bank .

  11. 他有一个小收音机,放在米格尔的相同的地方当做米格尔的。

    He had a small radio on the same station as Miguel 's.

  12. 我觉得瑞秋和米格尔真的很需要帮手

    I thought Rachel and Miguel could really use the help

  13. 突然间,脚下一滑,米格尔感觉自已坠入到太空之中。

    Then suddenly he seemed to slip off the earth into space .

  14. 生命的激情和悲凉&论《米格尔街》的狂欢化色彩

    The Furor and Sadness of Life & the carnival analysis on Miguel Street

  15. 中兴通讯和何塞•米格尔•阿罗约均否认有过不当行为。

    Both ZTE and Mr Arroyo deny any wrongdoing .

  16. 奈保尔的《米格尔街》描写的是米格尔街上的一些卑微的小人物的喜怒哀乐。

    V.S.Naipaul 's Miguel Street described all the emotions of humbles at Miguel Street .

  17. 《米格尔大街》的后现代、后殖民解读

    A Post-modern and Post-colonial Interpretation of Miguel Street

  18. 米格尔发现,当代坦桑尼亚杀害女巫案例与干旱和洪水有关。

    Miguel found that modern-day witch-killings in Tanzania are correlated with droughts and floods .

  19. 米格尔:你真觉得我们能拖欠那么久吗?

    Miguel : Do you really think we can hold them off for that long ?

  20. 但米格尔只买了一张单程票。

    But Miguel bought a single one .

  21. 米格尔:我们该怎么办?

    Miguel : What can we do ?

  22. 不久,米格尔就睡着了。

    Soon Miguel went to sleep .

  23. 后街的一切让人想起奈保尔《米格尔街》中的人物。

    People in backstreet will remind us of the characters in Naipaul 's novel " Miguel Street " .

  24. 《米格尔街》是奈保尔最早创作的短篇小说集,曾获得萨姆塞特•毛姆短篇小说奖。

    Miguel Street is considered his earliest short stories , and it won him the Somerset Maugham Prize .

  25. 另一个右后卫-米格尔,也在努力获得自由身。

    Another right-back , benfica 's miguel , is also struggling to gain a release from his contract .

  26. 在米格尔街上,形成了类似于巴赫金所说的狂欢化的世界和一种狂欢化的存在状态。

    The street formed a kind of world and existence which is similar to Bakhitin 's conception of Carnival .

  27. 米格尔曾是名海军陆战队员,他为国家服役了10年,曾被派往伊拉克和阿富汗。

    As a former Marine , Miguel has served his country for 10 years with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  28. 正如我的同事米格尔•赫尔福特10月7日发表的那篇关于桑德伯格的封面故事所述,她正在让女权主义再次成为主流。

    As my colleague Miguel helft wrote in his October 7 cover story on Sandberg , she is making feminism mainstream again .

  29. 而透过米格尔街人狂欢化的生存状态的背后,体会到的却是米格尔街人生命中那深沉的悲凉。

    Behind the carnivalesque living situation of the people at Miguel Street , we could experience the deep sadness of their lives .

  30. 奇特是狂欢化的主要表现形式,所反映的实际上是米格尔街人生命中被压抑的激情。

    Oddity is main presentation of the conception , It actually reflects the repressive furor in people 's life at Miguel Street .