
mǐ lǎo shǔ
  • Mickey Mouse
米老鼠 [mǐ lǎo shǔ]
  • [Mickey Mouse]美国迪斯尼公司动画片主角的名字

米老鼠[mǐ lǎo shǔ]
  1. 米老鼠和上太空一样重要吗?

    And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as going to space ?

  2. 你知道我非常喜欢迪斯尼的著名卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。

    You know I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much .

  3. 伊沃克斯于1928年创作出了米老鼠。

    Iwerks came up with the character in 1928 .

  4. 1.迪士尼创造了米老鼠?华特·迪士尼没有创造米老鼠。

    Walt Disney did not create Mickey Mouse .

  5. 事实上,沃尔特·迪斯尼可能是第一个在米老鼠主演的奥普里之家戴上手套的人。

    In fact , Walt Disney might have been the first to put gloves on his characters in The Opry House , starring Mickey Mouse .

  6. Price先生把皮克斯丢进了米老鼠和它的伙伴们的怀里,假想一切都会顺理成章。

    Mr Price leaves Pixar and its animators in the arms of Mickey Mouse and friends , and assumes that all will be well .

  7. 他是JunctionPoint的创意总监,是迪士尼的游戏开发者,也是《传奇米老鼠》的制作人。

    He ` s the creative director of Junction Point , a Disney-owned game developer that came up with Epic Mickey .

  8. 你在米老鼠俱乐部的时候Ryangosaling

    When you were in mickey mouse club , Ryan gosling ...

  9. 就连成年人也喜欢Cutie版的米老鼠,比如在上海念研究生的SarahChen。

    Adults like Sarah Chen , a23-year-old graduate student in Shanghai , like them , too .

  10. MickeyMouse是迪斯尼电影,电视和漫画中的米老鼠。

    Mickey Mouse , of course , is Walt Disney 's famous animal drawn for movies , television and comic picture books .

  11. 我们仍在使用电灯、驾驶汽车,看《米老鼠》(mickeymouse);但它们的创造者留下的的企业怎么样了呢?

    We still use electric light , drive cars and watch Mickey Mouse ; but what of the corporations their creators left behind ?

  12. 这些学校面向1至11岁的儿童,教授课程的老师由米老鼠、小美人鱼(littlemermaid)以及迪士尼其它角色担任。

    The schools are open to children aged one to 11 and use a curriculum featuring Mickey Mouse , the little mermaid and other Disney characters .

  13. 学生还可以得到米老鼠书包和有关迪士尼形象的双语图书、抽认卡和CD,其中大多东西在中国其他地方是没有的。

    Students can also get Mickey Mouse book bags as well as bilingual books , flashcards and CDs that feature Disney characters , much of them otherwise unavailable in China .

  14. 最新的这次拖延可能会使香港的米老鼠(mickeymouse)和唐老鸭(donaldduck)之家更难吸引更多游客。

    The most recent delay is likely to make it even harder for the Hong Kong home of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to attract more visitors .

  15. 那天下午晚些时候我们回到玩具总动员酒店时,发现孩子们聚集在大堂的一个电视机周围,观看老版的《米老鼠》(MickeyMouse)动画片,电视调成了静音。

    When we returned late that afternoon to the Toy Story Hotel , we found children gathered around a lobby television watching old Mickey Mouse cartoons with no volume .

  16. 毋庸置疑,有一天,她在《单身女士》录影带中穿的紧身连衣裤将和米老鼠、福特T型汽车以及路易·阿姆斯特朗(LouisArmstrong)的小号一起出现在史密森尼博物馆的展柜里。

    Someday , surely , her Single Ladies leotard will take its place alongside Mickey Mouse and the Model T Ford and Louis Armstrong 's trumpet in a Smithsonian display case .

  17. 在市场、美容所、网上等,这些假牙套以100美元左右的价格被出售,它们也可以被定制,做成像米老鼠、kitty猫等各种样子。

    Running about $ 100 , these braces are sold in markets , beauty salons , and online , and can be customized in all sorts of styles like Mickey Mouse and Hello Kitty .

  18. 就在迪士尼(Disney)的“神奇王国”(MagicKingdom)准备进军“中央王国”之际,中国首富磨拳擦掌,要与“米老鼠”(MickeyMouse)争夺中国童心——以及儿童父母的钱包。

    As Disney 's Magic Kingdom prepares to enter the Middle Kingdom , China 's richest man has geared up to do battle with Mickey Mouse for the hearts of the country 's children - and their parents " wallets .

  19. 虽然迪士尼让米老鼠Cutie化,但仍然坚持香港迪士尼乐园中灰姑娘和白雪公主角色必须由西方女性扮演。

    Disney tweaked Mickey into'Cutie'form but still insists that only Western women can play Cinderella and Snow White at Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneylands .

  20. 华特-迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.)在中国推出了米老鼠系列卡通人物的“Cutie”版造型,带有与日本Kitty猫造型相似的小眼睛、纽扣鼻和小得几乎见不到的嘴巴。

    Walt Disney Co. has had a hit in China with its ' Cuties ' line of Mickey Mouse and friends featuring tiny eyes , button noses and the almost-not-there mouths of Japan 's Hello Kitty .

  21. 后来我发现,在瑞典语中,米老鼠的意思是Mussie猪。

    Then I learned that " Mickey Mouse " in Swedish is Mussie Pig .

  22. 对于伴着Pixar、DreamWorks及Nickelodeon动画长大的一代人来说,(它们都是迪士尼强有力的竞争者),现实是:他们知道米老鼠,但不一定喜欢他。

    For a generation who grew up on Pixar , DreamWorks and Nickelodeon animations - strong Disney competitors - here ` s what it ` s like : They know Mickey Mouse , but may not love him .

  23. 今年23岁的她第一次在网上发现迪士尼的cutie造型时惊叹道:“这些造型这么可爱,就像小宝宝一样”。最后还买下一件带有Cutie版米老鼠造型的运动衫。

    They are so cute and sweet , just like a little baby , ' says Ms. Chen , who first discovered the Disney cuties online and eventually purchased a sweater with the modified Mickey Mouse on it .

  24. 安明智表示,为帮助中国内地游客了解迪士尼卡通人物(如米老鼠和他忠实的狗布鲁托(Pluto))的背景故事,香港迪士尼乐园正在拍摄一个游览前影片,准备在游客游览时放映。

    To help Chinese tourists to understand the back story of Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and his faithful dog Pluto , Mr Ernest said the park , the first Disneyland in China , is developing a pre-show to screen to its visitors when they visit the attraction .

  25. 广受欢迎的著名米老鼠俱乐部成员去世。

    One of the most popular and famous mouseketeers has died .

  26. 谢谢欢乐米老鼠老师,你的文章很有意思。

    Thank Happy Mickey mouse ! you sent a interesting article .

  27. 米老鼠是最受欢迎的卡通人物之一。

    Mickey Mouse is one of the most popular cartoon characters .

  28. 米老鼠开始是又丑又小的噬齿动物。

    Mickey Mouse starts off as an ugly , little rodent .

  29. 艾米:我太喜欢米老鼠了,妈咪。

    Amy : I love Mickey Mouse so much , Mum .

  30. 生物钟绝对不是一块破旧的普通米老鼠手表。

    The body clock isn 't some rinky-dink Mickey Mouse watch .