
  • 网络management school;managerial school
  1. 从管理学派划分的角度看,企业重组源于管理过程学派,是对管理过程学派的创新;

    Analyzing from the attitudes of management school 's dividing , enterprise reengineering originates in Managing process School and bring forth-new ideas for the Managing Process School .

  2. 通过对公共关系定义的学理探讨和实践分析,管理学派围绕管理、传播、关系、公众和组织五个关键词开始构建系统的公共关系理论框架。

    Based on the definition research , management school constructs the theoretical framework of public relations revolving the concepts of management , communication , relationship , orgainzation and publics .

  3. 本文介绍J·弗雷得曼近来从城市管理学派的观点对世界城市的发展未来作的一些评述。

    This paper reviews J.Freidmann 's idea of the future of global city through urban managilism .

  4. 第三部分是企业战略理论与战略管理学派历史性的梳理和评析。

    The third part is a business enterprise strategy the theories and strategy manage the school of thought history comb with the critique .

  5. 最后,介绍了由系统管理学派提出的,经营管理的层次结构体系,并对其进行了展开和讨论。

    At last , a new system of " administrative level structure , " which is proposed by the school of system management is introduced and expounded .

  6. 当前,西方营销学界中关系营销学派与营销管理学派正发生着一场声势浩大的学术论战。人群关系管理的学派

    At present , a heated argument about the relationship between connection marketing and marketing management is taking place in marketing circle of Western countries . human relation school of management thought

  7. 如何具体运用行为管理学派的主要理论&激励理论,来调动高校各方面人员的积极性,这关系着高校的教学、科研等各方面的管理水平。

    So motivation theory , the major theory of behavioral management school , is applied to arouse the enthusiasm of the staffs and promote the management of teaching and scientific research .

  8. 同时,国外初步形成新产业区学派、区域创新网络学派、新经济地理学派及战略管理学派等四大流派和四种分析模型。

    Meanwhile the oversea industrial cluster research has primarily formed into four academic schools which includes new industrial district school , regional innovation network school , new economic geography school and strategic administration school .

  9. 管理学派从公共关系的定义这个最基本的问题入手,大力提倡将管理引入公共关系的定义之中,以提升公共关系的影响力和公共关系的学科地位。

    Management school set out its researches from the definition of PR and intends to include the management concept into public relations definition to improve the impact of public relations and its status in the academic field .

  10. 第一个理论基础是劳动关系理论,主要包括劳动关系策略理论和劳动关系理论的四大流派:新古典学派、新制度学派、人力资源管理学派和组织行为学派。

    The first theoretical basis is labor relations theory , including labor relations strategy theory and the four schools of labor relations : new classical school , the system school , human resource management school and organizational behavior school .

  11. 西方左翼知识界的危机&从美国学术左翼的现状说开去当前,西方营销学界中关系营销学派与营销管理学派正发生着一场声势浩大的学术论战。

    Crisis of the Western Intellectual Left : the Case of American Cultural Criticism ; At present , a heated argument about the relationship between connection marketing and marketing management is taking place in marketing circle of Western countries .

  12. 本文同时还介绍了当代西方劳动关系理论如新保守学派、管理学派、正统多元论学派、激进学派与自由改革主义学派等五大学派的观点。

    At the same time , this article introduced the five theory school : the new conservative school , management school , the orthodox school of pluralism , free reform of socialist school , radical school about contemporary labor relations in western countries .

  13. 首先,借鉴系统管理学派的理论将企业的质量管理作为系统进行研究,认为质量管理体系的良好运行需要管理环境的配合和支持,并提出质量管理的系统论观点。

    According to the theory of system management , take enterprise quality management as a system for research . Assimilate quality management to a sub system of the enterprise management system , a benign environment system is needed for smooth running of the quality management system .

  14. 跨国公司工效学:跨国公司人力资源管理新学派

    Transnational Ergonomics : A New School of Transnational Human Resource Management

  15. 国外信息资源管理理论学派概述

    Sketching on the Theory School of Foreign Information Resources Management

  16. 人群关系管理的学派客户关系管理与知识管理的整合研究

    Human relation school of management thought The Research on the Integration of CRM and KM

  17. 只有借鉴成熟学科形成的历史经验,发展我国的高等教育管理学学派,才能真正促进我国高等教育管理学学科的发展与成熟。

    It needs to use the experience of ripe discipline for reference to advance the development and ripeness of our higher education management .

  18. 管理过程学派的管理职能理论存在严重的缺陷,主要原因是该学派的研究方法失当。

    The administrative function theory of the administrative process school has serious shortcomings . The main cause lies in the inadequate approach in which the school does the study .

  19. 技术管理的学派主要有R&D管理学派、技术转移学派、创新过程管理学派、技术规划学派、战略学派、科技创业学派等。

    The technical management of the school of the main R & D management school , school of technology transfer , innovation process management school , school of technology planning , strategic school of technology start-ups school .

  20. 作为后资本结构理论的代表性流派之一,资本结构管理控制学派是在新资本结构理论走向式微,公司控制权市场发展到顶峰阶段的背景下崛起的。

    As one of the representative schools of Post-theory of Capital Structure , Managerial Model of Capital Structure grows up while the Neo-theory of Capital Structure is diminishing and the market for corporate control is developing to its zenith .

  21. 沿用战略管理资源学派的观点:给出了竞争优势的定义,并引用了核心能力这一概念,指出了核心能力识别、核心能力培育两方面存在的陷阱。

    This paper gives the definition of competitive advantage following the resource-based view , and quotes the concept of core competence . Points out the traps in core competence discrimination and core competence cultivation , which have the direction significance for the enterprises .

  22. 资本结构管理控制学派认为在公司管理者持有很少股份或没有股份时,面对约束、激励、接管和破产,会通过融资行为固守职位并最大化自身效用。

    According to the managerial model of capital structure , when managers hold few or no share of their corporation , they would strengthen their position and maximize their own utility by financing activities while they were in constraint , incentive , takeover or bankruptcy .

  23. 另外,企业危机管理三个学派中都缺乏对企业危机形成机理的系统研究,只有深刻把握企业危机形成机理才能抓住企业危机发生的根源,这是企业进行危机管理的基础。

    Only after we fully understand their mechanism can we touch the root of the crises , which is the basis for managing POE crises .

  24. 市场经济组织管理同德克萨斯学派《新管理方格》相对,应当是一种事实上的三维管理结构,因为组织是一个同外部环境发生联系的非封闭系统。

    Opposite to " the New Managerial Grid " by the Texas school , organizations in market e-conomy have a three-dimentional ( 3D ) structure in management , because an organization is an open system related to the outside world .

  25. 通过分析中小企业优势和劣势,指出中小企业信息化的总体要求,并应用战略管理中计划学派理论给出了中小企业信息化战略管理的一般模型。

    By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of SME , this paper makes the overall requirements of SME informatization and then , by applying the theories of the planning school on strategic management , constructs a general model of SME information strategic management .

  26. 在战略管理理论中,设计学派、计划学派、定位学派主要关注战略应如何明确地表述,被称为说明性(prescriptive)战略管理学派。

    In the theory of strategic management , the design school , the planning school and the orientation school mainly pay attention to the ways of expressing strategies definitely , which are referred to as the school of prescriptive strategic management .

  27. 战略管理理论范式研究&国外战略管理学派的思想剖析

    A Study of the Strategic Management Theory Paradigm Based on the Thought of Foreign Strategic Management Schools

  28. 关系营销与管理的深入发展和顾客资产管理学派的兴起,为企业更有效地管理顾客忠诚提供了新的思路。

    The rapid development of theories and practices of relationship marketing and management and the rising of customer equity management inevitably provide new insights about how to manage more effectively customer loyalty .

  29. 虽然管理研究领域已经有了林立的管理学派、丰硕繁荣的研究成果和错综复杂的思想纷争,但是,管理研究的科学化进程进展缓慢,管理学还不成其为一门真正的科学。

    Although the area is bristled with various schools of management theory , plentiful and substantial research works , the progress of scientific management study is actually laggard .

  30. 然后运用创业管理研究的过程方法及创业管理思想学派的相关理论分析了土豆先生快餐连锁管理公司创业活动的全过程。

    Then the thesis analyzed the whole entrepreneurship process of Mr. Potato short order catenation company by using the process methods of entrepreneurship and the related theories of entrepreneurship school of thought .