
  • New Media;New Medium;Social Media
  1. Legacymedia有时也用来指代那些使用过时技术或展现风格的网站,是与新媒体相对的媒体形式。

    Legacy totally passive . Legacy media is also slang for Web sites that use outdated technology or presentation styles . It 's the opposite of new media .

  2. 本文所讨论的新媒体艺术主要是指狭义的新媒体艺术,即Video艺术。

    The new media art discussed in this paper mainly refers to video art .

  3. 新媒体产业吸引着有创意的年轻人。

    The new-media industry attracts young and creative people .

  4. 市场调查机构Childwise询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。市场调查机构Childwise采访了一千多名五岁以下儿童的家长。

    More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise .

  5. 新媒体支持的第一版支持回放和抓帧,这已经足够去做人们想在Web上做的大多数酷事。

    The first version of new media support should support playback and frame grabbing , which is enough to do most of the cool things people want on the web .

  6. 从《纽约时报》到《体育画报》的主要刊物正在开发应用到ipad的新媒体。

    Major publications from the New York Times to sports illustrated are developing new media applications for the iPad .

  7. 这里谈到的新媒体,是指迅速扩张的有线电视网络。怀特自70年代开始就对有线电视网络极感兴趣,当时这位曾经的律师经营着考克斯有线电视(CoxCableCommunications)。

    The new media in question were the expanding cable networks that had fascinated him since the 1970s , when the former lawyer ran Cox Cable Communications .

  8. 此外,录像、摄影、DV等新媒体艺术大量地涌现,也成为了当代艺术的重要组成部分。

    Plenty of video , photograph and DV works also become the important part of Chinese contemporary art .

  9. 一档由中央广播电视总台5G新媒体平台“央视频”推出的综艺节目,

    A variety show launched by Yang Shipin , China Media Group 's 5G new media platform ,

  10. 作为一个网络时代的新媒体,SNS对于网络社会以及现实社会的影响力是不言而喻的。

    As a new media the in the internet age , SNS has great influence on both of the web and realistic society .

  11. 说明了IPTV业务的演化,指出IPTV业务正在经历一个从转播电视广播到VoD点播再向网络新媒体演化的过程。

    This article firstly explains the evolution of IPTV services and introduces that IPTV services are developing form TV broadcast to VoD and then evolving into a new network media .

  12. 近年来,随着移动数字电视、手机电视和IPTV(InternetProtocolTelevision)等数字新媒体业务的迅速涌现,在带给我们前所未有的视听感受的同时,也对现有的网络提出了严峻的考验。

    With the mobile digital TV , mobile TV , IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television ) new digital media business emergence rapidly , we have obtained an unprecedented audio-visual experience . At the same time , the rapid surge in business posed a severe test of the existing heterogeneous network .

  13. 新媒体以互联网为先遣,从国外悄然潜入,随后又以户外电视、手机电视、移动电视、网络电视、IPTV等多头部队大兵压境,迅速消解了广电媒体的进入壁垒。

    The Internet , as the guide of New media , enters into our country from abroad quietly , and then outdoor TV , mobile TV , mobile TV , Internet TV , IPTV also influx , and they eliminate the barriers to entry into Broadcast TV Media .

  14. 本文针对产品形象系统(PIS)研究的现状,分析了数字化技术研究的热点,提出了PIS数字化构架可行性的理论,进行了新媒体和PIS完美融合的有效尝试。

    Targeting at the current situation of research on Products Identity System ( PIS ), this article analyzed the hot issues of digitalized technological research . It also proposed a feasible theory of PIS digitalized construction so as to realize the effective combination between the new media and PIS .

  15. 英国新媒体市场概况

    General Situation of the New Medium Market in the United Kingdom

  16. 论新媒体艺术研究的特殊内容与方法

    On the Specific Contents and Approaches of New Media Art Research

  17. 数字新媒体能否成为下一个网络金矿

    Will new digital media be the next gold mine of internet

  18. 新媒体与艺术创作的关系浅析

    A Survey on the Relationship between New Media and Art Creation

  19. 新媒体趋势下的互联网发展及网络营销模式

    The Internet Development and Network Marketing Pattern under New Media Trend

  20. 新媒体时代广告运动的四个新观念

    The New 4 Conceptions of AD Movement in New Media Era

  21. 新闻工作者如何适应新媒体发展的需要

    How to Adapt to the New Media Development Needs for Journalists

  22. 可见,病毒营销是新媒体的衍生品。

    Shows that viral marketing is the new media derivatives .

  23. 电子音乐在新媒体艺术中的表现特点与发展

    Electronic Music in the New Media Art Performance Features and the Development

  24. 新媒体设计是相对于传统媒体设计而言的,它具有综合性,实时性,交互性等多种特点。

    New media design is compositive , Real-time and interaction .

  25. 新媒体时代的大众阅读方式研究

    On the Mass Reading Style in the New Media Era

  26. 北广传媒:新媒体携手奥运

    Beijing Broadcasting Media : New Media Cooperates with Olympic Games

  27. 新媒体:重塑产业结构的力量

    New Media : The Power to Change the Structure of Media Industry

  28. 而绘画又会不会在新媒体技术的成长中死亡呢?

    And painting will be killed in the growth of new media ?

  29. 在新媒体时代,音像制品盗版在社会结构中有其生存的空间。

    Film and music piracy has its niche in the societal structure .

  30. 新媒体的产生为其提供了新的平台和机遇。

    The new media provide a new platform and opportunities .