
ɡuǎn lǐ zhì dù
  • management system;regulatory regime;system of administration
  1. 自从实行新的管理制度以来,这个厂的生产有了很大发展。

    Since the new management system was put into effect , the production of this factory has increased tremendously .

  2. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)是企业信息化和建立现代管理制度的重要组成部分,它体现了供应链的管理思想。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) is a substantial part of the informationization and establishment of the modem management system in an enterprise .

  3. 第十八条食品生产经营企业应当健全本单位的食品卫生管理制度,配备专职或者兼职食品卫生管理人员,加强对所生产经营食品的检验工作。

    Article 18 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall improve their own system for food hygiene control , appoint full-time or part-time workers to control food hygiene and strengthen inspection of the foods they produce or market .

  4. 加入WTO,对我国的经济、政治和社会都将产生深远的影响,对我国的行政管理制度的冲击也非常巨大。

    Joining WTO will influence economy , politics and society of China , influence administration of China .

  5. 我国要抓住机遇发展服务贸易,首先必须实现服务贸易管理制度与WTO服务贸易规则接轨。

    Before we grasp this developing opportunity of service trade , our service trade management systems be compatible with WTO service trade rule .

  6. 文章回顾分析了西方主要国家输血后感染HIV事件的因果,及其由此而建立完善的血液安全管理制度及无过错赔偿方案的司法实践。

    This article reviews the causes and effects of HIV infection due to blood transfusion in the western countries . It also covers the perfect system of administration over blood security and judicial practice of non - fault and compensation program .

  7. 结果与结论:只有多方配合,进一步提高各类人员素质,明确各自职责,规范各项管理制度,GSP认证才能顺利实施。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Only through multi-sectional cooperation , further improving personnel quality of different kinds of people , clarifying each one 's duty and regulating different management sys-tem , can GSP be put into practice successfully .

  8. 尊重人才,建立科学的干部人事管理制度;

    Respect the talented persons ; Establish scientific cadre administration system ;

  9. 建立环境管理制度与促进公众参与。

    Establish the environment management system and encourage the public participation .

  10. 政府预算管理制度演进逻辑与未来改革

    Government Budget Management System : Way of Development and Future Reform

  11. 城市土地储备是一种新的城市土地管理制度,是城市土地管理制度的创新。

    Urban land reserve is an innovated system of land management .

  12. 大学教学管理制度的人性化问题研究

    Study on the Humanistic Problems in Teaching administrative System of Colleges

  13. 学分制已成为高等学校教学管理制度发展趋势。

    Credit management system has become a trend in Higher Education .

  14. 发达国家矿山环境管理制度分析

    Study on System of Environmental Management in Mining in Developed Country

  15. 管理制度是护理差错发生的重要影响因素

    The influence of management system on the occurrence of nursing errors

  16. 我国武器装备项目管理制度的历史演进及未来走向

    The historical change and development trend of weaponry item management system

  17. 浅议澳大利亚和新西兰国库管理制度

    About the management of state treasury in Australia and New Zealand

  18. 支持性文件,包括管理制度、产品规范、质量记录等。

    Supportive documents include management rules , product specification , quality records .

  19. 谈建筑工程施工合同及其备案管理制度

    On building project construction contract and its records management system

  20. 新的《普通高等学校学生管理制度规定》确立了学生申诉制度。

    New Rules for Regular College Students establishes the Student Complaint System .

  21. 略谈企业建立健全经济合同管理制度的必要性

    The necessity for enterprise to build and perfect economic contract management system

  22. 我国企业信用管理制度的建设思考

    On Improving the System of Enterprise 's Credit Management in our Country

  23. 我国大学教学管理制度变迁简析

    Analysis on the Changes of Our University Teaching Management System

  24. 小议市舶贸易管理制度的变迁

    On the Change of the Managerial System of the Town Ship Trade

  25. 灵活的学分制及其与之配套的各种教学管理制度;

    Flexible credit system and various supportive teaching administration systems ;

  26. 现代企业制度,是一种具有普遍意义的行之有效的企业管理制度。

    Modern enterprise system is a universal and effective enterprise management system .

  27. 寻求环境管理制度创新的途径&《环境经济探索:机制与政策》一书评介

    Seeking a Way to the Innovation in Environmental Management System

  28. 初析网络作品的著作权集体管理制度

    The research on collective managerial system of copyrights of works on networks

  29. 建立全面稽核管理制度。

    And ( 3 ) establishing a comprehensive auditing system .

  30. 关于实行最严格的国土资源管理制度的思考

    Thoughts about carrying out strict management regulations of land resources