
  • 网络unattenuated oscillation
  1. 在噪声为长时关联时,光强关联函数为等幅振荡的,其它络线是水平的。

    In long noise correlated time , the wrap is invariable .

  2. 二阶电路等幅振荡及其角频率测定

    Unattenuated oscillations in the second-order circuits and its angular frequency measurement

  3. 在远壁面处,第一峰值高于该处的等幅振荡幅值;

    As the distance from the plate increases , the peak value becomes higher than the one of the equal amplitude oscillations .

  4. 在近壁面处,第一峰值低于该处达到稳定等幅振荡后的幅值;

    Near the plate , the first peak value is always lower than the one of the equal amplitude oscillations at the same place .

  5. 之间存在一个临界距离,该处的第一峰值与等幅振荡的幅值相等。

    It is interesting that there is a critical distance from the plate , where the first peak is equal to the one of the equal amplitude oscillations .

  6. 研究表明,当拉比振荡频率与光子数成正比时保真度表现出周期性的等幅振荡。

    It is shown that the evolutions of fidelity exhibit oscillations with equi-amplitude and perfect periodicity if the frequency of Rabi oscillation is the linear function of the photon number .

  7. 颤振是指当飞行器在气流中以一定速度运动时,在弹性力、惯性力和空气动力的作用下,刚好使它能够维持等幅振荡的一种自激振动。

    Flutter is the self-excited oscillation of the airfoil under inertia , aerodynamic and elastic forces when the airfoil moves in the airflow at some speed . It is a kind of dynamical instability phenomenon .

  8. 结合闭式液压系统试验平台的具体应用,提出了闭环负反馈控制,仿真结果显示该控制方法在大负载和小负载时能起到较好的控制作用,但在中等负载时会出现等幅振荡。

    The closed loop and negative feedback control is given based on the test platform , and the simulation results show that it works in heavy load and light load , but oscillation appears in medium load .