
  • 网络LEQ;LAeq
  1. 给出了坡道路面交通噪声等效声级及其在车流量较少条件下的预测方法,并与实测值作了比较。

    The authors propose the method for predicting Leq of traffic noise on the sipping road surface in practice .

  2. 城市功能区夜间噪声等效声级(Ln)预测模型的建立

    Establishment of Prediction Model for Noise Ln at Night in Urban Functional Area

  3. 结果测量发现聚苯乙烯造粒机、聚乙烯造粒机、休息室。控制室的A计权网络的等效声级均未超过有关的标准,而频谱分析则发现其主要的声强级均分布在200Hz以下。

    Results The leq ( A ) did not exceed about criterion in polystyrene machine , rest room , control room , whereas most sound levels were distributed below 200 Hz by frequency analysis .

  4. 榆林市噪声监测昼夜等效声级聚类分析

    The clustering analysis of LDN in noise monitoring in Yulin City

  5. 2001年度国控城市区域环境噪声等效声级比较

    Comparison of Equivalent Regional Environmental Noise Level in State-Controlled Cities in 2001

  6. 环境噪声等效声级的袖珍计算器程序

    Pocket Calculator Program of Equivalent Sound Level of Ambient Noise

  7. 而整治后长度加权等效声级为68.6dB,比整治前降低了2.9dB,属于交通噪声较好水平,说明采用疏水沥青路面整治后明显降低了交通噪声。

    The traffic noise reduced obviously when the hydrophobic asphalt pavement was adopted .

  8. 结果主要阐明:(1)钻井噪声与振动的污染特征,定量描述了污染源距离与钻井噪声或振动等效声级之间的关系;

    The relationship of distance with drilling noise and vibration intensity was analyzed .

  9. 铁路列车流噪声A声级与等效声级预报

    The noise level of railway trains and the prediction of its equivalent A-weighted level

  10. 布机挡车工个体噪声暴露样本含量与等效声级均数变异的关系

    Relationship between sample size and variation of means for personal noise exposure in weaving workers

  11. 结论平均等效声级可以作为评价和比较工业企业的噪声危害程度的综合指标。

    Conclusion The average equivalent sound level maybe as comprehensive index to evaluate the noise hazard in industrial enterprises .

  12. 结果该区域背景噪声值较高,但其等效声级达标。

    Results The equivalent sound levels ( LAeq ) were qualified in spite of higher background value of noise in this areas .

  13. 本文报道了以路面坡度为主要特点的山城道路交通噪声的分析和等效声级预测方法。

    This paper presents a method fpr analysis and prediction of traffic noise in the mountain city , emphasizing the characteristics of sloping roads .

  14. 道路沿线建筑、绿化、坡降、路面宽窄、交通管理等对等效声级也有很大影响。

    All have shown that build and afforestation along traffic main , slope , road width , traffic management and so on have great effect .

  15. 根据夜间噪声的变化规律和等效声级的计算特点,对建立城市功能区夜间噪声等效声级的预测模型进行了初步探讨。

    Based on noise level changing regulation and characteristics , to establish a prediction model for noise Ln at night in urban functional area has been approached preliminarily .

  16. 并运用该模型预测道路交通噪声的等效声级,把预测因子作为样本输入到网络模型,噪声等效声级作为样本输出。

    Then use this model to predict equivalent continual sound level of road traffic noise , The fluence factors as the traffic flowing and the equivalent acoustic levels were output .

  17. 近几年来,泉州中心市区为控制环境噪声做了大量的工作,取得了较为明显的效果,但城市道路交通噪声平均等效声级仍然超过国家限制标准值。

    In recent years , a mass of work was done in order to control the environmental noise in the central zone of Quanzhou city , which brings obvious and effective results .

  18. 本文根据我国道路交通噪声的实际观测方法,通过引入微观交通流理论,建立了一种可用于多车道混合车流等效声级和统计声级预测的动态随机模型。

    According to the practical observation method of road traffic noise and by using the micro traffic flow theory , a dynamic and stochastic model , which can predict equivalent noise level and statistical noise levels from complex vehicle flow on a multi-lanes road , is established in this paper .

  19. 以八小时为基础的等效连续声级

    Equivalent continuous sound level normalized to 8 hours

  20. 等效连续声级的计算与噪声性听力障碍危险性的评价

    Calculation of equivalent continuous sound pressure level and estimation of risk of noise-induced hearing impairment

  21. 目的:探索能否用等效连续A声级(LAeq)来评价不同类型的噪声。

    Objective : To explore whether or not equivalant continuous A sound level ( LAeq ) can be used to evaluate different types of noise .

  22. 结论噪声作业可以用等效连续a声级来进行分级。

    Conclusion the workplace can be classified by equivalent consecutive sound level a.

  23. 用等效连续A声级评价不同类型噪声的探讨

    The research on Evaluation of different noises by equivalent continuous a sound level

  24. 等效连续噪音声级(15分钟/30分钟的量度)

    Leq ( 15 min / 30 min )

  25. 介绍一种智能声级计的设计,它采用80C31作为微处理器,能直接进行等效连续A声级、统计A声级等噪声评价量的计算和显示。

    In this paper , a design of intelligent sound leveler is introduced.With80C31 as microprocessor , it can directly measure LAeq , LAN etc.

  26. 方法选择有噪声作业的3个场所,且噪声是不连续、非稳态噪声,分别用瞬时测定方法和等效连续A声级测定方法对噪声强度进行测定。

    [ Methods ] Instant monitoring and equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level monitoring were applied to monitor the noise intensity in 3 workplaces with incontinuous and unstable noise .

  27. 在修正模式中,计算铁路列车的基础发射声级时采用公式计算,增加发射声级修正,降低烦恼度修正项和进行等效连续A声级修正。

    These are put forward to adopt formula calculation in the foundation blast-off noise , increase the shoot voice correcting , lower the agony correction item , and carry on the equivalent A noise revising .

  28. 方法选择淄博市7个主要工业行业的22个工业企业为调查研究对象,测定生产性噪声强度和噪声作业人员的听力,按照等效连续A声级的大小对噪声作业岗位进行分级。

    Methods We choose 22 factories in seven industries , determined the intensity of industrial noise and hearing of workers who exposed to noise . The workplaces were classified into some grades according to high or low equivalent consecutive sound level A .