
  • 网络equal inclination;Equal inclination interference;Isoclinal interference
  1. 迈克尔逊干涉仪一般等倾干涉花样的特性分析

    Analysis of Michelson interferometer 's equal inclination interference general pattern feature

  2. 牛顿环与等倾干涉条纹比较

    Comparison of Newton rings and equal inclination interference

  3. 等倾干涉条纹在SPR现象中的规律研究

    Regular Research of Light Interference in SPR Phenomenon

  4. 介绍了利用He-Ne激光器和镀金属玻璃镜演示光的薄膜干涉的一种实验方法,并从光的电磁理论和光度学角度对形成的等倾干涉条纹进行了深入分析。

    This paper develops a method of light interference of thin films with He-Ne laser and a glass plate having a metalized surface . The optical principles analyzed are based on the electromagnetic theory of light and photometry .

  5. 非定域干涉和等倾干涉的实验比较

    The experimental comparison of non-localized , interference and isoclinic interference

  6. 用计算机模拟分析等倾干涉的时间相干性

    Computer simulates and analyzes the temporal coherence of light of equal inclination interference

  7. 等倾干涉实验的设计与制作

    The Planning and Preparation of the Experiment of the Interference of Equal Inclination

  8. 用分光计观察入射角变化时的等倾干涉图样

    Spectrometer method for observing interference pattern of equal inclination

  9. 迈克尔逊等倾干涉法晶体折射率测量方法研究

    Measurement of Crystal Refractive Index Based on Michelson Interferometry

  10. 试论等倾干涉条纹与牛顿环之异同

    About the Similarities and Differences of Fringes of Equal Inclination and Newton 's Ring

  11. 等倾干涉花样的探讨

    Study on Interference Pattern of Equal Inclination

  12. 文章介绍了一种应用数字图像处理技术进行等倾干涉测量的方法。

    A method based on the application of image processing in equal inclination interference testing has been described .

  13. 本文对单频激光等倾干涉测长系统进行了较为系统地研究;

    Systematic study on application of single frequency laser interference system in displacement measurement has been carried out .

  14. 介绍一种基于平面等倾干涉原理的机器视觉高精度平面度测量系统。

    An approach is described on the automated tracking of interference circle fringe to get the flatness accurately based on the Equal Inclination Interference Theory ( EIIT ) .

  15. 实验数据和理论分析证实,大角度照明全息图上的破坏性干涉条纹是扩束参考光在全息干版表面产生的等倾干涉条纹。

    The experimental data and theoretical analysis verify that harmful interference fringes in the holograms with large illumination angles are fringes of equal inclination caused by divergent reference beam .

  16. 设计了一种信号光波面变换系统,使该系统形成的迈克尔逊等倾干涉图的结构变的极简单、信号光能量分布很集中,能有效地提高信噪比、简化光电转换接收系统;

    And the Wavefront-Transforming system of signal light is also designed which make the Interferograms very simple and cause the Energy centralization of the signal light and the promotion of signal-to-noise ratio and simplification of the photoelectricity switch system .

  17. 针对在迈克尔逊实验教学中学生对等倾干涉判断不准确、等倾干涉圆环的调节过程欠当和干涉条纹“冒出”与“陷入”的问题进行分析,提出了解决方案。

    In this paper , aim at students ' inaccurate judgment for isoclinal 's interference in Michelson ' experiment teaching , incorrect operation during isoclinal 's interference ring 's adjustment and the interference striation 's extruding and sinking , such problems are analyzed and the treatment methods are also presented .

  18. 高斯光束照射下的等倾双光束干涉

    Gaussian Double - beam Interference of Equal Inclination

  19. 对牛顿环等厚干涉和薄膜等倾干涉条纹形状、干涉级次以及膜厚改变和复色光照射时的情况作了比较分析。

    The pattern of equal inclination interference of thin films and equal thickness interference of Newton rings were compared and analyed .