
  • 网络second round;secondlife;The Second Life
  1. 第二人生(SecondLife)交互特点研究

    Study on the Interaction Features of Second Life

  2. 其结果是:《第二人生》(SecondLife)等虚拟世界出现,用户在那里可以用虚构人物或化身来代表自己。

    The result : virtual worlds such as Second Life , where users are represented by fictional characters or avatars .

  3. 非常流行的虚拟世界第二人生(SecondLife)现在正在公开测试一个基于Mono的客户端程序(Viewer)。

    The popular virtual world Second Life is now publicly testing a Mono viewer .

  4. 还是再想想吧:商学院已经在第二人生(SecondLife)的网络世界上创建了校园或租用了岛(islands)。

    Think again : business schools have set up campuses or rented islands on the online world of Second Life .

  5. 在“第二人生”,即一个3D网络数字化世界中,一些玩家为他们的虚拟身份购买耀眼的时装。

    In Second Life , a3D online digital world , some players are buying high fashion for their avatars .

  6. 布朗表示,在虚拟世界《第二人生》(secondlife)的开发过程中,insead一直走在最前列。

    And Mr Brown says INSEAD has been at the forefront of developments in the virtual world second life .

  7. 在一项拟在流行的虚拟游戏世界第二人生(SecondLife)中进行的研究中,受试者将观看自己的数字化身打网球,并因为体力消耗而逐渐变得苗条起来。

    In a study using avatars , scheduled to take place at the popular gaming facility Second Life , subjects will watch a digital version of themselves playing tennis and gradually getting thinner from the exertion .

  8. 斯诺登提供的2008年的文件显示,美国国安局和英国政府通讯总部(GCHQ)旗下机构在诸如《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)和《第二人生》(SecondLife)之类的大型多人网络游戏中安插了特工。

    Documents provided by Snowden from 2008 say that the NSA and the UK 's GCHQ agencies planted agents inside MMOs like World of Warcraft and Second Life .

  9. 这意味着Facebook希望其虚拟现实社区能类似于《第二人生》(SecondLife)——十年前一度大为流行的网络世界,或能类似于科幻小说中的Metaverse概念。

    That implies that Facebook 's vision for its VR community could look something like Second Life , the online world that saw a brief surge of popularity 10 years ago , or the science fiction concept of the Metaverse , a vast online community where digital avatars mingled on a virtual-reality high street ,

  10. 在真实世界进行虚拟货品的交易在有意模拟现实的虚拟世界中是允许的,如“第二人生”和“entropia宇宙”。

    Real-world trade in virtual items is allowed in virtual worlds that are intended to simulate reality , such as second life and Entropia Universe .

  11. 但“第二人生”的经历,让许多展会主办商保持谨慎。

    But the second life experience made many events organisers wary .

  12. 在第二人生中,脚本的执行效率至关重要。

    Script performance is an essential consideration for Second Life .

  13. 你们中有多少人有第二人生化身?

    How many of you have a Second Life avatar ?

  14. 我就这样展开了在受到大肆宣传的“第二人生”里的短暂旅程。

    So began my foray into the much-hyped Second Life .

  15. 对于欧洲工商管理学院而言,第二人生提供了一种新的教学方式。

    For Insead , Second Life has provided a new way of teaching .

  16. 与其他大多数在线程序不同的是,第二人生非常依赖于用户创建的脚本。

    Unlike most online worlds , Second Life relies heavily on user-generated scripts .

  17. 不过与他的运动生涯相比,他的第二人生更具有挑战性,而回报却并没有那么丰厚。

    But thus far , his second act is proving more challenging and far less lucrative than his sports career .

  18. 尽管近来媒体大肆炒作,但《第二人生》目前仍然只拥有少量的活跃用户基础,并且经历了成长的痛苦。

    Despite recent media infatuation , Second Life still has only a small active base of users and has suffered growing pains .

  19. 研究者不用鼠标和键盘,而是通过第二人生把他们的一个小分队看作是他制造的一次虚拟的闲逛。

    Researchers watched one of their team as he made a virtual stroll through Second Life , without using a mouse or keyboard .

  20. 计算机解释采集到的数据,使这个年轻的科学家可以灵活地在第二人生的大街上移动他在线的身体。

    The data are interpreted by a computer , allowing the young scientist to move his online persona smoothly around the streets of Second Life .

  21. 第二人生等在线虚拟世界还能使学生进行模拟体验,而这很难在教室做到。

    Online virtual worlds such as Second Life can also provide a means of simulating experiences that would be hard to recreate in a classroom .

  22. 观察家们说,有朝一日第二人生这样的虚拟世界有可能重塑全球贸易,甚至改变人们的交流方式。

    Observers say that some day synthetic worlds such as Second Life could reshape global commerce and perhaps even the way people interact over the Internet .

  23. 本文探讨了如何将“第二人生”这个网络三维多用户虚拟环境融入大学本科汉语语言文化课堂教学。

    This paper discusses the integration of " Second Life ", an online3D multi-user virtual environment , into a formal classroom-based undergraduate Chinese language and culture teaching program .

  24. 虽然两组实验参与者所减掉的体重相当,但是在“第二人生”接受训练的减肥组确实更多地改变了自己的习惯。

    While both participants lost about the same amount of weight , the group that received their training through Second Life actually made more changes to their habits .

  25. “第二人生”虚拟社区名列“十大热门搜索排行”第十位,“第二人生”社区是一个数字化的虚拟世界,社区用户都有一个动漫化身。

    Virtual world Second Life , where people represented by animated proxies interact in digitized fantasy settings , is the final social networking property in the Zeitgeist Top Ten .

  26. 这是圣经提供的第二个人生比喻。

    This is the second biblical metaphor of life .

  27. 他们给了她成为一个合格公民和好母亲的第二次人生机会。

    They gave her a second chance to become a productive citizen and good mother .

  28. 诗人和驴,是古代知识分子的第二种人生选择,第二条人生道路。

    The very image of a poet and a donkey was the second type of life choice of ancient intellectuals and their second-type of life road that they chose .

  29. 第二、现代人生中的没劲;

    Passivity in the modern life ;

  30. 第二章从人生角色的变换、人格、民族文化心理结构三方面进行文化解读。

    A transformation , personality , race for from the life role culture mental state construction three aspects proceed the culture reading .