
dì èr chǎn yè
  • second order of enterprises;secondary industry
第二产业 [dì èr chǎn yè]
  • [second industry] 国民经三大产业之一。一般指工业和建筑业

  1. 第二产业在GDP中会继续保持优势地位,但就业比重不会有太大变化;

    The secondary industry will remain its superiority in GDP with slight change in employment proportion ;

  2. 各地区人均GDP小于20000元时,第二产业有更大的就业弹性;

    When personal GDP is smaller than $ 20 000 , the secondary industry contains larger employment elasticity ;

  3. 在就业的产业结构方面,FDI对于增加我国第二产业和第三产业就业人数的贡献是比较突出的,特别是对第三产业就业人数增加的效果更加明显;

    In industrial aspect , FDI has contributed to the aggregate employment in China and it plays a great role in employment growth of tertiary industry .

  4. 黑龙江省作为全国典型的老工业基地,第一、第二产业比重较高,服务业与服务贸易发展缓慢,受我国加入WTO影响不明显。

    Heilongjiang , a typical old industrial base featuring its rather higher proportion of first and secondary industries , developed slowly in its service sector and was not under obvious influence from the entry into WTO .

  5. 中国转型期第二产业产出与就业关系的实证&基于1979~2008年的ECM模型

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Output and Employment of the Second Industry in China Transition Period & Based on ECM Model from 1979 to 2008

  6. 这预示着第二产业中劳动收入份额前期受FDI的技术租借效应影响较长,其工资竞争效应开始占有优势的时间点晚于第一、三产业。

    This indicates that the labor income share of the secondary sector is pre-leased by the Effect of FDI Technical and their wages competitive effects begin later than the first and the third industries .

  7. 对县域经济实证分析表明,第二产业对GDP的拉动效率最高,其次是第三产业,最后是第一产业。

    According to analysis of county economy , the secondary industry has the highest efficiency in promoting the GDP growth , which followed by the tertiary industry , and the last is the primary industry .

  8. 根据对结果的分析可知,FDI对第二产业的结构变动贡献最大并且是正效应,对第三产业和第一产业结构的变动贡献比较小,而且是负效应。

    According to the result of the analysis shows that FDI has the greatest and positive contribution in the second industry , the little and the negative contribution in the third industry and the first industry .

  9. 结果表明,山西省FDI在第一产业投资不足;第二产业的投资占主导地位;第三产业投资增长缓慢。

    The results indicated that there are insufficient investments of FDI in Shanxi to the primary industry , more sufficient investment of FDI to the second industry ; FDI in the third industry is increasing slowly .

  10. 其二,中国汽车业由于其明显的技术溢出效应,对其实施战略性RD补贴将有力促进整个第二产业的发展,提高国民福利。

    Second , the implementation of the strategic RD subsidy policy on China 's automobile industry will effectively accelerate the development of the whole secondary industry , and in turn , stimulate the national welfare .

  11. 综合分析三次产业对GDP的贡献度及其生产特点,可以得出:长株潭第二产业对环境的影响在三次产业中最大,第一产业和第三产业对环境影响偏小。

    Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of three industries on GDP and characteristics of its production , infers a conclusion that secondary industry results in the heaviest impact on environmental in the Chang , Zhu and Tan area . Impact from primary industry and tertiary industry are slightly lower .

  12. 现阶段我国主要产业类型集中在第二产业,且劳动资源密集型产业占较大比重,位于全球价值链(GVC)的低端。

    At present , the main type of industries in our country lies in the second industry , especially labor resource intensive industry which accounts for a large proportion , is located in the low-end of the global value chain ( GVC ) .

  13. 主攻第二产业,发展市场多元主体;

    Developing multi-body market with focus on the second industry ;

  14. 第二产业则介于第一、三产业之间;

    Second industry was between the first and third industry ;

  15. 第二产业主要包括制造业、采矿业和建筑业。

    The secondary industry largely the manufacturing , mining and construction sectors .

  16. 第二产业人才培养的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practicing of Personnel Training of the Secondary Industry

  17. 而第二产业人均产值增长,人均实际工资反而减少;

    The more per second industry output , the less income will increase .

  18. 第二产业科技进步取向与唐山经济结构调整

    Scientific and Technological Development Trend in Second Industry and Tangshan Economic Structural Adjustment

  19. 此第二产业表细的拉簧,适用于照相机各类型电器开关。

    Above precision extension spring suitable for camera and various types of switch .

  20. 并且,第二产业是碳排放的主要来源。

    Moreover , the second industry is the main source of carbon emissions .

  21. 重第二产业,轻一、三产业以及区域研究与产业研究相脱节等现象。

    More seriously , there is an isolation of regional studies from industry studies .

  22. 第二产业在国民经济中比重不断上升,对污染具有抑制作用。

    The rising proportion of second industry in the national economy will reduce pollution .

  23. 提高优化第二产业内部结构;

    Improving internal structure of secondary industry ;

  24. 基于水资源优化配置的北京市第二产业结构调整研究

    Study on Structure Adjustment of Beijing Secondary Industry Based on Water Resource Optimization & Allocation

  25. 首先从定性分析方面确定了主导产业主要是存在于第二产业中。

    First , determine the leading industry exist in secondary industry from a qualitative analysis .

  26. 渔业第二产业发展研究

    Study on developing Secondary Fishery Industry

  27. 市场化、全球化与劳动力工资不平等增长&基于第二产业的实证研究

    Marketization , Globalization and Unequal Growth of Wage : An Empirical Analysis Based on Secondary Industry

  28. 结论表明,改革开放以来,农业比重下降和第二产业、第三产业比重上升是农民收入增长的重要推动力量。

    The conclusions show that the decline in the proportion of agriculture promotes farmers ' income .

  29. 在第二产业调整策略上,则把论述的重点放在传统产业改造与升级和地区主导产业的建立方面。

    Reforming traditional productivity and establishing regional leading industry are all necessary for the second industry .

  30. 对生产诱发系数的分析得出邮电业是消费依赖型产业;邮电业的产值增长,对第二产业的产值波及程度最强,其次是第三产业,第一产业;

    Analysis of the production inducing coefficient shows that the post and telecommunications is a consumption-relying industry ;