
  • 网络Third Party Consultation
  1. 而成功的电子政府实践都非常注重这些关键环节的实施,这些关键环节是电子政府战略、电子分组、合作和组织以及第三方咨询。

    But the successful E-government in the practice pays great attention to the implementation of these links , these key links are the strategies of E-government , electronic grouping , cooperation and organization of E-government and third party consultation .

  2. 引入第三方咨询是电力企业ERP建设的主要形式,但由于实施顾问过程控制不力、缺乏度量等原因,使得ERP实施存在巨大的风险。

    Large-scale ERP projects are mostly built by3 ( superscript rd ) - party consulting company . However , great risk exists in ERP implementation for poor process controlling and lack of measurement .

  3. 面向企业信息化的第三方咨询服务

    Enterprise-oriented Third Party Information Consulting Service

  4. 企业信息化建设项目的发展使得其外包模式逐渐由传统的两方参与演变为企业方与第三方咨询服务商、系统建设商三方参与的新模式。

    With the development of enterprise information construction project , the project outsourcing model has changed from the traditional two sides to the new model which involved of the third-party consulting service provider , the system provider and the enterprise .

  5. 在工艺安全管理的组织架构方面,主要分为内部内部合格人员,内部职能专家,第三方专业咨询、协作单位,组织结构变更管理几个部分。

    In the process of safety management organization structure , mainly divided into internal qualified personnel , internal functions experts , the third party consulting , cooperative unit , organization structure change management several parts .

  6. 通过对中小软件企业在项目过程中存在的问题分析,提出了引入第三方软件项目咨询的解决方案。

    On analyzing the problems in medium and small software companies'project process , this paper put forward the solution of third-party software project consultation .

  7. 它们是第三方监理、管理咨询公司、企业用户和ERP软件商行为的表现,并指出企业质疑ERP能否真正适合企业的信息化建设或者对ERP全面否定的观点是没有依据的。

    Then it points out that the viewpoint that enterprises doubt whether ERP truly suits enterprise informationization construction and even comprehensively deny ERP isn 't based .

  8. 同时,物流系统设计优化也是第三方物流服务或咨询中的一项重要内容。

    Meanwhile , the logistics system design optimization is also a third-party logistics services and consulting is an important content .

  9. 现阶段我国的第三方教育服务内容有第三方教育咨询、教育培训和教育评估三种。

    The third party educational service in our country now consists of the third party educational consultation , the third party educational training and the third party educational evaluation .