
  • 网络Notebook processor;LV CPU
  1. 新款CULV处理器产品上市之后,将取代目前现有低电压Corei5/i7笔记本处理器,处理器的频率将有所提升,而且Corei3/奔腾/赛扬等型号的价格也将十分低廉。

    The new CULV line appears to replace Intel 's existing low-voltage Core i5 and i7 CPUs with faster models , while adding lower-cost options in the Core i3 , Pentium , and Celeron families .

  2. 装有英特尔酷睿(IntelCore)i5笔记本电脑处理器的SurfacePro启动速度是最快的。

    The Surface Pro , with its Intel Core i5 laptop-class processor , was the peppiest .

  3. 据他表示,苹果可能发布的新品包括新款MacPro机型&这是一种MacbookPro笔记本升级处理器后的新产品;还包括一款新的iPodshuffle播放器。

    New products , he said , could include typical refreshes of the Mac Pro , a processor upgrade for the MacBook Pro , and a new iPod shuffle .

  4. 长期以来,英特尔一直在台式电脑和笔记本电脑处理器市场上占据着主导地位,但在已经对传统个人电脑需求构成冲击的智能手机和平板电脑芯片市场上,英特尔尚无建树。

    The US company has long dominated the market for processors in desktop and notebook computers , but has yet to make headway supplying chips for smartphones and tablets , which are now having an impact on demand for traditional PCs.

  5. 视网膜显示屏MacBookPro是第一款完全依赖闪存存储的MacBookPro笔记本电脑,处理器和显卡都经过改进。

    The MacBook Pro with Retina Display is the first MacBook Pro to rely solely on flash storage and has an improved processor and graphics .

  6. 他们让英特尔继续提供创纪录的个人电脑,笔记本和服务器处理器的速度。

    They enable Intel to continue to deliver record-breaking PC , laptop and server processor speeds .