
  • 网络computer configuration
  1. 经济可行性:电厂可用电脑配置、软件开发平台的获取在经济上可行。

    Economic feasibility : power plant available computer configuration , software development platform to gain in economically feasible .

  2. ⑷以电脑配置市场调查和学生饮食情况调查的生活实践为例进行了实践活动设计。

    ⑷ to " Computer Configuration market research " and " Students eating survey " as an example to the living practice of design practice .

  3. 还有些人希望有针对他们电脑配置的更小的优化过的内核。

    Then there are a few people outside who want to have a smaller kernel optimized for their computer environment .

  4. 由于视频文件对电脑配置的要求很高,用来剪辑的电脑过去动辄几万甚至几十万美元一台。

    Video files are so demanding , editing computers used to costt ens of thousands , even hundreds of thousands , of dollars .

  5. 这里介绍的软件都是二分小巧的工具,占用资源也不多,但对电脑配置不高的用户来说却是十分简单实用的。

    Here are two hours , facilitating the introduction of software tools , resources or occupation , However , the distribution of computer users who are not very simple and practical .

  6. 这款平板电脑将配置TouchID、高清FaceTime摄像头、10小时的电池续航时间、800万像素的后置摄像头、LTE选项,以及苹果的A10Fusion芯片。

    The tablet will include Touch ID , an HD FaceTime camera , 10 hours of battery life , an 8-megapixel rear camera , LTE option , and Apple 's A10 Fusion chip .

  7. 例如,就在上星期,我们与包括CompUSA、OfficeDepot、ComputerCity在内的一些主要零售连锁店联合推出了一个称为“CompaqBuiltforYou”的新活动,该活动允许客户在商场内对选定的康柏电脑自行配置。

    Last week , for example , we announced a new program called Compaq Built for You in partnership with leading retail chains like CompUSA Office Depot and Computer City . This program allows customers to self-configure a selected group of Compaq PCs in the store .

  8. 电脑已配置好,可以运行了。

    The computer is set to operate .

  9. 结果研发完成的道路交通受伤人员伤残评定分析系统对运行其的电脑系统配置要求较低,安装过程简单,使用方便,界面美观,运行速度快,结论可靠,具有许多方便用户使用的特点。

    And it was simple to use with the beautiful interface , quick running speed , the reliable conclusion and many user-friendly features .

  10. 除非签下了书面的权利保证书,否则不要改变客人电脑的配置或设置。

    Do not change any configuration or settings on a guest 's computer unless you have their written approval on a liability waiver form .

  11. 你的电脑是什么配置的?

    What 's your configuration of your computer ?

  12. 帕金森氏定律可引申描述电脑及其相关配置:它们不断扩展并占用剩余的空间。

    An extension of parkinson 's law applies to computers and their related equipment : they expand to fill the room available .

  13. 体系结构:指电脑内部的配置,包括它的寄存器和指令系统,或指一个网络的整体配置。

    Architecture : The internal configuration of a computer , including its registers and instruction set , or the overall configuration of a net work .

  14. 介绍了用于笔记本电脑的网络配置参数自动转换程序的设计思想,提出了自动转换程序的实现方法和技术手段。

    In this paper , the thinking of designing a program of switching automatically network configuration parameter for notebook is introduced and the programming method and technique are detailed .

  15. 微软首席执行官SteveBormer周一推出新的Surface平板电脑,该电脑配置Windows8操作系统。

    Microsoft CEO Steve Bomer on Monday unveiled the new Surface powered by the Windows 8 operating system .

  16. 虽然苹果公司甚至还没承认ipadmini的存在,但是关于这个盛传的平板电脑的价格和配置的信息据报道已经出现在消费者电子设备的货舱了。

    Apple has not yet even acknowledged the existence of the ipad Mini , but pricing and configuration information for the much-rumored tablet is allegedly already appearing in the inventory system of a consumer electronics giant .

  17. 被称为“HighSierra”的最新款苹果电脑操作系统(macOS)更新了你电脑上的所有配置:如今浏览器(Safari)的运行速度提升了80%,还安装了内置的自动运行拦截工具和智能追踪预防工具来隐藏跨站点的脚本数据。

    The latest macOS , dubbed High Sierra , brings updates to everything on your computer : Safari now runs 80 percent faster , and comes with built-in autoplay blocking and intelligent tracking prevention to hide cross-site scripting data .