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  • 网络Handwriting Characteristics
  1. 本研究结合国内外相关研究,试图探讨笔迹特征与EPQ人格问卷中神经质(N)、精神质(P)、内外向(E)之间的关系。

    Combining with past researches , this research attempts to probe into the relationship between handwriting characteristics and nervousness ( N ), psychosis ( P ), extraversion or introversion ( E ) in EPQ .

  2. 笔迹特征的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of handwriting characteristics

  3. 基于计算机自动识别的笔迹特征动力学分析

    The Handwriting Analysis of the Dynamics of Computer-based Automatic Identification

  4. 也是一种文本无关的笔迹特征,纹理特征反映了笔迹的纹理特性。

    Texture features reflect the texture characteristics of handwriting .

  5. 书写条件变化对笔迹特征变化的影响

    The Law of Writing Condition 's Influence on Handwriting

  6. 汉字笔迹特征之分类

    Classification of the Characteristic of Chinese Characters Handwriting

  7. 基于能量解析的计算机笔迹特征提取

    Computer Handwriting Feature Extraction Based on Energy Resolution

  8. 练习摹仿笔迹特征鉴定价值分析及同一认定条件

    The Value of Characteristics of Imitated Handwriting by Practice and the Requirements for Its Identification

  9. 笔迹特征提取技术作为笔迹鉴别过程中的关键技术,直接影响鉴别效果。

    Features extraction is an important part of handwriting recognition , and has a direct impact on the recognition results .

  10. 中国古代有关于汉字笔迹特征的论述,却没有系统的分类。

    Discussion on characteristic of Chinese characters handwriting can be found in ancient literature , but systematic classification is rare .

  11. 并将其按一定的结构存储在笔迹特征信息数据库内进行集中管理,便于笔迹识别。

    They are saved in the handwriting feature database in order to be managed together . It 's convience for identification .

  12. 本文运用的笔迹特征的分析方法和分类判别方法,经过大量的实验达到了满意的正确识别率。

    The experiment has proven that the techniques of handwriting feather extraction and decision can get the satisfying right identifying rate .

  13. 采用中国人人格问卷测量人格特质,以考察笔迹特征与人格特质的关系。

    This study adopts Chinese Personality Scale to measure personality traits , then , the correlation between handwriting characteristics and personality was researched .

  14. 同时,对性别之间、不同年龄之间、不同体型、不同教育程度之间的汉字笔迹特征进行差异检验。

    At the same time , the differences of handwriting characteristics were tested in gender , age , body type and educational background .

  15. 根据笔迹特征对人格的表达性和笔迹特征的相对稳定的再现性或规律性,剖析笔迹分析理论的原理。

    According to the characteristics of the expression of personality handwriting handwriting characteristics and relatively stable reproducibility or regularity , analyzes the principle of graphoanalysis theory .

  16. 结论包括三部分,分别是笔迹特征的性别差异、男性笔迹特征与人格关系、女性笔迹特征与人格关系。

    The conclusion includes three parts : handwriting characteristics of gender differences , male handwriting features and personality relations , female handwriting characteristics and personality relations .

  17. 文章阐述了汉字笔迹特征的分类情况,提出了力量特征、空间特征、关系特征和神韵特征的汉字笔迹特征的分类方法。

    Based on the introduction to the classification of Chinese characters handwriting , this paper puts forward such classification methods as strength features , position features , relation features , and aroma features .

  18. 应注意具体的习惯类型样式所引起的笔迹特征差异在特征种类上有所侧重,具体案件具体分析。

    And it shall be noted that the difference of handwriting features caused by specific habit styles have its own stress as to the issue of styles , that is why specific analysis is required in particular cases .

  19. 汉字笔迹整体特征结构及评定量表的编制

    Chinese Characters General Handwriting Characteristics Structure and Its Assessment Scale Making

  20. 签名笔迹动态特征的理论研究

    A Theoretical Study on Dynamic Features of Signature Handwriting

  21. 采用因素分析的方法,探讨汉字笔迹书写特征的结构模型。

    Using factor analysis method , the structure model of Chinese character handwriting features was constructed .

  22. 论笔迹个性特征

    On Individual Characteristics of Handwriting

  23. 通过将提取出的签名笔迹形状特征结合伪动态特征进行鉴别,可以有效降低识别错误率,达到较好的综合鉴别效果。

    Through the combination of form and false dynamic characteristics , the rate of false recognition can be reduced effectively , preferable comprehensive identification effect can be achieved .

  24. 然后她将这些数字扫描进电脑,并利用同事埃琳奥尔森编写的软件程序也就是算法来分析这些笔迹的特征,如笔划的高度和宽度等。

    She then scanned the numbers into a computer and used a software program , or algorithm , written by colleague Elin Olsen , to analyze the characteristics of the handwriting , such as height and width of strokes .

  25. 然后她将这些数字扫描进电脑,并利用同事埃琳•奥尔森编写的软件程序也就是算法来分析这些笔迹的特征,如笔划的高度和宽度等。

    She then scanned the numbers into a computer and used a software program , or algorithm , written by colleague Elin Olsen , to analyse the characteristics of the handwriting , such as height and width of strokes .

  26. 生理特征包括虹膜,DNA,掌纹,指纹,人脸等一系列特征,而语音,笔迹步态等特征属于行为特征。

    Physiological characteristics includes a series of features of the iris , DNA , palm prints , fingerprints , face , and so on . Voice , handwriting , gait and other characteristics are behavioral characteristics .

  27. 从笔迹中推断特征的专家。

    A specialist in inferring character from handwriting .

  28. 该算法可记录下每一个通道的书写人笔迹风格的特征向量&均值和方差,它们记录下了每个通道笔迹图像纹理特征的重要信息。

    The arithmetic records the mean and standard deviation of each channel . These are the important information of textural characters .

  29. 研究笔迹样本的一些特征,它既不是代表书写人的书写习惯,也不是书写人笔迹特征的本来面目,对此称之为特征假象。

    Characteristics of known samples that neither reflect the writer 's handwriting habitss nor represent the true patterns of handwriting characteristics , are called misleading appearances .

  30. 基于汉字笔迹鉴定的有效特征主要蕴于手写汉字笔画运笔中的设想,提出以汉字笔画作为笔迹鉴定的主要对象。

    The research was based on an assumption that valid features in handwritten Chinese characters were contained in motion of the handwritten characters ' strokes . Therefore we deal with the basic strokes as main object in writer identification .