
  • 网络Competitive aerobics;sport aerobics;aerobic gymnastics
  1. 它是运动员能否在竞技健美操比赛中取得优异成绩的关键因素。

    Physical ability of sports aerobics is key factor in competition .

  2. 更加尊重与维护竞技健美操项目的特征。

    More respect and safeguard the item character of sports aerobics .

  3. 对竞技健美操C组跳与跃类0.9分值难度动作的运动学分析

    Analysis of the kinematics of difficult movement with 0.9 score in jumping and spring of group C in competitive aerobics

  4. 对FIG竞技健美操新规则的变化及其发展趋势的研究

    A Study of the Changes of FIG New Rules and Tendency of Aerobics Gymnastics

  5. 我国环境痕量污染物污染趋势与防控对策从FIG规则的变化谈竞技健美操发展趋势和对策

    Discussion on the Tendency and Countermeasure of the Competitive Calisthenics from the Point of View of Changes of FIG Rules

  6. 但在C组跳与跃类难度动作的选择上缺乏多样性,存在着较多的空中姿态重复现象,与竞技健美操最新发展趋势有一定的差距。

    The completion quality also has got greatly improved than ever , but in the Group C , the difficulty of jump and leap lacks variety , and still exists overlaps , which is not to be compared with the latest developing trend of athletic aerobics .

  7. 近年来,国际健美操联合会(IAF)几经修改竞技健美操竞赛规则,旨在强调健美操的艺术性和可观赏性。

    In recent years , the International Gymnastics Federation after several changes rules of the game competitive aerobics , aerobics seeks to highlight the artistry and ornamental .

  8. 中国优秀竞技健美操运动员运动损伤特征分析

    The Chinese is Excellent Tournament Aerobics Athlete Sport Hurt Characteristic Analysis

  9. 竞技健美操运动损伤特点及预防

    The Injury Characteristics and Prevention of Competitive Vigorous and Graceful Gymnasts

  10. 我国高水平竞技健美操运动员体能特征

    An Analysis on Chinese High-level Sports Aerobics Athletes ' Stamina Characteristics

  11. 安徽省大学生竞技健美操比赛难度动作分析

    Analysis of the Difficulty in College Students Aerobics Competition in Anhui

  12. 从国际评分规则的变化论竞技健美操的美学特征

    On Competitive Aesthetic Characteristics by the Changes of International Scoring Rules

  13. 转体动作在竞技健美操中的应用与研究

    The Practice and Study of the Rotational Motion in Athletic Callisthenics

  14. 新周期竞技健美操规定动作的特点与针对性训练

    Characteristics and Countermeasures on New Period 's Compulsory Exercise in Athletic Aerobics

  15. 竞技健美操新规则变化的主要特点分析

    Main Characteristics Analysis of New Regulation Change of Competitive Aerobics

  16. 对竞技健美操体能的概念及构成因素的研究

    Research on Conception and Ingredients of Physical Ability in Competitive Aerobic Dancing

  17. 浅析竞技健美操音乐与动作的多元因素

    The Multiple Factors of Music and Movement in Athletic Aerobics

  18. 浅谈三种间歇训练法在竞技健美操训练中的应用

    Application of Three Interval Training Approaches in Athletic Aerobics Training

  19. 竞技健美操运动员意识培养初探

    Primary discussion about fostering the consciousness of competitive calisthenics athlete

  20. 我国竞技健美操专业化发展趋势之研究

    A Study of Developing Trend of Specialization in Competitive Aerobics of China

  21. 从新规则变化谈我国竞技健美操训练对策

    On the Competitive Aerobics Training Countermeasures Under the New Rules

  22. 竞技健美操二级难度动作与身体素质的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship Between the Grade-2 Maneuver and Physique in Aerobics

  23. 高校竞技健美操运动员腕部损伤的原因及康复手段

    Wrist Injury Reasons and Rehabilitation for University Aerobic Exercise Students

  24. 对我国不同水平竞技健美操运动员运动损伤的研究

    Research on Athletic Injury of Our Country Different Level Competitive Aerobics Athlete

  25. 我国高校竞技健美操区域发展态势研究

    Research on Regional Development Trend of Chinese Colleges and Universities Sports Aerobics

  26. 对竞技健美操六人项目难度动作的研究

    A Study on Element Movements of the Group Program in Sport Aerobics

  27. 四川高校竞技健美操现状调查及对策研究

    Survey into the Status Quo of College Athletic Calisthenics and Countermeasure Research

  28. 竞技健美操三人操编排难度动作艺术价值研究

    Artistic Value of Difficult Action in Athletics Aerobics of Three

  29. 大学生竞技健美操竞赛规则的修改及发展方向

    The Revised Rules of Competitive Gymnastics of Undergraduates and its Developing Direction

  30. 男子竞技健美操优秀运动员的踝关节肌力特征研究

    Research on Male Excellent Aerobics Athletes ' Characteristic of Ankle Muscle Strength