
  • 网络competition oriented;Competition Orientation
  1. 与竞争导向营销相比,顾客导向营销实现了基本逻辑换位;

    Compared with the competition oriented marketing strategy , the customer oriented marketing achieves the basic logic transformation .

  2. 随着当前以顾客为中心的经营理念在银行业逐步深入,金融营销的重点已由产品和竞争导向转向顾客需求导向。

    As the banks gradually change to customers-oriented enterprises nowadays , the highlight of finance marketing has switched from the stage of product oriented and competition oriented to that of customer needs and deep whole sides marketing .

  3. 此外,本研究认为市场导向的三维度中的每一个因素(客户导向customerorientation,竞争导向competitororientation,交互协调inter-functional)与客户满意之间的关系可能存在差异。

    Furthermore , this research hypothesizes that the relationship between each of the three behavioral components ( customer orientation , competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination ) of marketing orientation ( Narver and Slater 1990 ) and customer satisfaction need not be the same .

  4. 盈利和竞争导向的供应链管理

    The Supply Chain Management Of Profit and Competition Guidance

  5. 零售店的竞争导向定价分析

    The Competitive Orientation Price Analysis of Retail Shop

  6. 基于利率市场化的银行贷款竞争导向定价策略研究

    Study on the Bank 's Competitive-Oriented Pricing Strategy of Loan Based on the Interest Marketing

  7. 竞争导向的城市特色内涵

    Characteristics of Competition - oriented Cities

  8. 你认为公司什么时候应运动竞争导向的价格策略?

    When fierce price competition exists in the market or when competing products show little difference .

  9. 而交互协调又在客户导向与绩效之间以及竞争导向与绩效之间起到缓冲作用。客户满意对绩效有显著的影响作用,但是客户忠诚与绩效无关。

    However , inter-functional coordination had a moderating effect on the customer orientation-performance chain and competitor orientation-performance linkage .

  10. 在以客户关系为竞争导向的服务经济时代,有效的收入管理必须深入的结合客户关系管理策略。

    Effective revenue management must be deeply combined with customer relationship management in service economic era taking customer relationship as direction .

  11. 房地产企业有必要重新审视自己的住房营销战略,从竞争导向回归到客户需求导向上来,同时,深入开展客户消费行为的研究,并积极把研究成果应用到实践中去。

    It is necessary for house marketing to reconsider its stratagem and to study and practise the knowledge of house consumer behavior .

  12. 金融业发展路径中的竞争导向及其相关影响&兼谈对我国金融业发展的启示

    Competitive Orientation in the Development of the Financial Industry and the Relevant Influence & Besides the Revelation to the Development of the Financial Industry of China

  13. 浩沙健身俱乐部所采用的定价方法主要有需求导向定价、竞争导向定价、差别定价、高峰和低谷定价、短期定价等。

    Gallant sand fitness club pricing methods used by the main demand-oriented pricing , competition-oriented pricing , differential pricing , peak and trough pricing , short-term pricing .

  14. 网络环境下,以成本进行定价逐渐被淡化,而应以需求导向和竞争导向作为定价的主要方法。

    Under the network circumstance , the price should not be enacted mainly according to cost , and that should be enacted mainly according to the demand and competitive status .

  15. 进一步揭示了以顾客导向为基础、以竞争导向为补充,不断进行关系营销组合创新是企业获得可持续竞争优势的必要条件。

    Meanwhile , it also discovers constant relation marketing mix innovation based on customer direction and supplemented by competition direction is the necessary condition of gaining sustainable competitive advantage for enterprises .

  16. 在应用中创新地提出了竞争导向与顾客导向结合的定价策略和以强化售后服务渠道建设为内容的渠道改革措施,为对这类产品的市场营销策划提供了一个新的思路。

    New price strategy based on competition orientation and customer orientation , after-sales channel management measures , are suggested in the dissertation , providing new thinking for the marketing of similar products .

  17. 基础教育的定价方法有成分研究法、理解价值定价、需求差异定价、竞争导向定价。

    The fixing of the price of basic education includes that according to the studying of components , the understanding of values , the difference between supply and demand and the competition-oriented fixing .

  18. 同时,采取竞争导向定价法和顾客差异定价法,为顾客降低货币成本、时间成本精力成本和体力成本,最终给顾客提供最大化的让渡价值。

    Meanwhile , we try to reduce the customer 's currency cost , time cost , energy cost and physics cost . Ultimately , it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers .

  19. 然而市场经济的发展使得市场的格局产生了巨大变化,竞争导向已逐渐取代了需求导向,而且竞争推动着需求的提升。

    The development of market oriented economy , however , has brought about great changes in the market structures : competition orientation has replaced demand orientation , and competition is stimulating the rising of consumers ' demands .

  20. 波特的五种力量模型是以竞争为导向的。

    Porter 's five-force model is competition-oriented .

  21. 文章认为,品牌导向的本质是一种竞争战略导向。

    This paper maintains that the essence of brand orientation is a kind of competitive strategy orientation .

  22. 长期以来,过分依靠低成本赢得市场的竞争策略导向制约了民营企业的素质提升,为新一轮国际分工地位的确立带来极为不利的负面影响。

    The strategy of relying on excessively low cost to occupy the market has constrained the development of private enterprises .

  23. 在以竞争为导向的虚拟市场中,虚拟的角色可进行虚拟经营管理活动。

    Students can play with one or more roles , which control the virtual logistics business and can do some operation or management .

  24. 通过与以竞争为导向和以资源为导向的企业战略的比较,指出以顾客为导向、以价值为中心的战略模式是企业持续竞争优势的根本来源。

    Compared with the competition-oriented and resource-oriented strategies , customer-oriented and value-focused strategy is the fundamental source of enterprises ' continual competitive advantages .

  25. 研究结果表明:第一,城市营销的概念不论如何来界定,均要体现以需求为基础,竞争为导向。

    The results of the study show that : First , no matter how to define the concept of marketing , it should embody the demand as the foundation , and competition oriented .

  26. 目前,中国企业品牌营销还存在诸多问题:以竞争为导向,占领市场为目标,做销量而非做品牌,缺乏整体的规划,缺少品牌管理组织,缺乏品牌营销专业咨询服务机构良性竞合机制等。

    At present , there are many problems in brand marketing , such as doing sales rather than making brands , lack of overall planning , lack of brand management organization and a bad competing mechanism .

  27. 以竞争为导向的企业经营模式已经被广泛认可。特别是近年来,国际金融危机愈演愈烈,复苏缓慢,我国通货膨胀压力持续加大。

    The competition-oriented enterprise running pattern has been widely recognized , especially in recent years during which the world financial crisis sharpened , the world economy recovered slowly and our country ' inflationary pressure grows continuously .

  28. 其次,论文结合前人的研究成果,指出了企业战略性慈善行为的理论基础:利益相关者论、竞争环境导向型慈善行为理论、善因营销理论、企业公民理论、开明自利论。

    Second , the essay combining the former research achievements , pointed out that the theory bases of corporate strategic philanthropy : stakeholder theory , context-focused philanthropy , cause-related marketing , enterprise citizen theory , self-interest theory .

  29. 本文分析了西部地区各省市第三产业及行业的比较优势,为西部地区积极实施竞争优势导向的发展战略,如何扬长避短奠定一些基础。

    This piece analyses the comparative advantage of the third industry and its sectors in all the western provinces and make a basis for " how to use advantage and disadvantage " in the western region development .

  30. 由于电信信息产品具有低廉的边际成本和复杂的成本结构,使得传统的以成本为基础、竞争为导向的定价策略不再适用于数据业务的定价。

    However , as there are low marginal cost and complex cost structure of telecom information goods , traditional pricing methods which based on cost or oriented by competition will be inapplicable to data business such as wireless broadband network .